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The game was more fun 2 years ago

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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#11 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:48 pm

I pretty much agree with the thread starter on all points except NerfedButtons.

• I am what used to be referred as a dirty city/fortress logger and never found oRvR enticing enough to commit more than the bare minimum time to it. Now the only content that matters is mindless zerging and it gets old pretty fast. No way will I wake up at 2 AM for oRvR the same way I did for fortresses or cities just a year ago

• The game is now more accessible to newcomers with the unified currency, but where exactly are those newcomers? I am not really seeing the numbers spike up.

It seems to me the only people that benefited from that system where the ones that played the game inefficiently (much time for little reward in mindless oRvR). They whined and complained that the grind was too hard and now they are finally in BiS gear after 30 days of playtime (which is embarrassing)

• The scenario system is worse now that before. Even before the kill board, I think the community had accepted the fact that scenarios were a place where players with no dignity or self-respect banded together to smash pugs.

Thousands of forum warriors would rise up with bullet-proof arguments such as "l2p", "make a premade" and claim they enjoy premade vs premade play, but in reality what they really want is premade vs pug. Just remember how quickly the experimental scenario system where pug played against pug and premade played against premade was removed from the game after complaints

• PvE - this really hurt, because I got all my PvE gear in 2020 and it was a painful grind back then with the long lockouts. I guess this change is for the best in the long run, but I am still a bit salty how much effort I had to spend in doing that compared to what is needed now :)

• Ranked - fully agree here, I had to get through the grinder and abuse of acquiring three Triumphant pieces, before the accessory came into play as well as the unified currency. I started playing ranked on my WP in Invader gear, tanked a lot of MMR initially and suffered horrible verbal abuse (sometimes merited, admittedly).

I finally geared up and by the time I stopped playing ranked, I was a decent competitor, and overall a much better player. However, the pressure, the abuse, the toxicity in ranked games far outweighs the adrenaline rush and the dopamine from winning.

I am pretty salty I had to go through it just for the gear and now people are getting the same gear with mindless oRvR. Slap in the face for all the people that had to endure the miserable experience of ranked play just to get the gear. Nobody would ever do it, if they can get the same gear being semi-afk in oRvR
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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#12 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:50 pm

Game had best peak before forts :)

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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#13 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:36 pm

wachlarz wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:17 pm City was meaby fun for premades vs pug. For pug dont think so. Just bigger sc, and sc/city farming. Big org guilds long time ago have best sets on mains and alts so only reward is pug farming, but how long U can make this and not get bored ?
Whyumadbro wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:59 pm City was allways a bad game mode, because its a bigger SC where the focus is on RvR. (easy change: make city a rvr zone) many People referering to it as a "coin flip"
My best, funniest and challenging moments of the game was on city, playing as Pug, in premade and as a WB leader. But it was more likely that this will happen when you could only get the Royal in city. It was more likely that this would happen when you could only get the Royals in the city, since they began to give away the royals in the RVR bags, the cities have been getting worse and since the new currency system patch, they are unplayable.

Whyumadbro wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:59 pm NB: No! Learn and know your class. RIP to the army vet who cant play RoR because of the NB ban.
Tanski wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:36 pm NB change has been made reverting it will not bring players back. A few hundred were lost but it was an add on that should have never existed because of conditional checks it not only played the game for you but played it almost perfectly.
ravezaar wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:06 pm nah 2years ago we had NB so I say it was worse
Mruvka wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:48 pm I pretty much agree with the thread starter on all points except NerfedButtons.
I don't want to talk too much about NB, but no one can seriously think that NB is no longer in the game. You just have to meet the right people to have it. Unfortunately, I don't know them. lol

Mruvka wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:48 pm • I am what used to be referred as a dirty city/fortress logger and never found oRvR enticing enough to commit more than the bare minimum time to it. Now the only content that matters is mindless zerging and it gets old pretty fast. No way will I wake up at 2 AM for oRvR the same way I did for fortresses or cities just a year ago
This was the very best moment of the game... when all discord was calling for Everyone, the mobile phones ringing calling to guild mates... and now this is over.
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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#14 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:39 pm

I agree with some of your points. A soft maybe on others. But IMO, the game needs its pop back. At its height there were over 1500 people playing on a weekday during school year. Now we are lucky to break 800 on a weekend.

And at this point, I think the game is changed so much, that even undoing the NB ban would not raise the numbers by maybe more than a 100 average. Though at some point a 100 new/returning players will seem as a great thing.

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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#15 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:49 pm

Well it's a big post and it will be tricky to fix all of that. Of course nice/unique rewards for doing something gives people an incentive. Or if you want people to participate in something, a small reward for participation.

But it's pretty clear that ever since keeps got removed from the weekly lives, destro has been leaving virtually any losing keep defense. It's kind of a joke really, that you need to change weekly objectives just for people to play the game in a fun way. Zerging btw, gets you almost nothing, maybe the influence for your weekly but thats about it - so it's hilarious that zerging is considered a viable mechanic to do anything at all - well except killing the game.

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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#16 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:59 pm

Whyumadbro wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:45 pm
penagos22 wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 4:52 pm
Whyumadbro wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:59 pm No PvE groups? Since the last change that pve set gives ward unlocks u can just skipp all the crest and just play pve to get the ward. many groups are searching, but not only in /5....Discord is a thing. PvE is kinda meta now.

NB: No! Learn and know your class. RIP to the army vet who cant play RoR because of the NB ban.

City was allways a bad game mode, because its a bigger SC where the focus is on RvR. (easy change: make city a rvr zone) many People referering to it as a "coin flip"

But you are Right on RvR! The game is nice and fun, but the campaing makes little sense now. But the actuall WB fight are very interessting and fun. The game itself is fun.

Adressing the Killboard: Yeah some peope dont like it, but there is a easy and fun solution for this problem: Open the Killboard only on weekends or just show the best 50 players - problem solved.

Zerging: Ya´all love zerging deep down in your heart and you know it!
learn your class?

here I leave you 3 links of 3 addons that are currently allowed and that honestly I do not know why these are allowed and the nb is not.
Not to mention the addon that cuts channeled abilities instantly...
Very nice addons! But Nb was on a other level. What do you say about the rest of my post?
if you think that the nb is worse than an addon that tells you who to heal then I can't take you seriously...

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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#17 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:25 pm

I stopped playing simply because….. for me …..the reason to fight became more about mindless gear quest rather than strategy and or a desire to have fun fighting for your side. The lore of warhammer is rich and interesting and it involves far more than simply getting a piece of gear. When the reason to fight against destruction or order ceases to mean anything other than gearing toons ….then it’s pointless to me. I agree with the majority of the original post. I enjoyed the campaign progress toward city rather than a scheduled city. A scheduled battle for city makes no sense to me. Convienient perhaps but ….it killed the motivation to fight and defend your realm…or attack the opposing realm. What good are keeps and forts and when all you need do is mindlessly kill each other for a piece of gear? Where is the excitement of a defense well executed against overwhelming odds? I miss those incredible keep and fort battles that seems to actually mean something. Teamwork meant something. It was fun :-). Gear always came in time … was the reward for good play….but not the reason you played.

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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#18 » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:23 am

Kpi wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:36 pm
wachlarz wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:17 pm City was meaby fun for premades vs pug. For pug dont think so. Just bigger sc, and sc/city farming. Big org guilds long time ago have best sets on mains and alts so only reward is pug farming, but how long U can make this and not get bored ?
Whyumadbro wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:59 pm City was allways a bad game mode, because its a bigger SC where the focus is on RvR. (easy change: make city a rvr zone) many People referering to it as a "coin flip"
My best, funniest and challenging moments of the game was on city, playing as Pug, in premade and as a WB leader. But it was more likely that this will happen when you could only get the Royal in city. It was more likely that this would happen when you could only get the Royals in the city, since they began to give away the royals in the RVR bags, the cities have been getting worse and since the new currency system patch, they are unplayable.
So ppl now dont go City because "I need a item" and be farmed by premade. Who like City go City who dont, dont go, all now can get items playing rvr or City. U go City and win U got faster items. If somthing is fun ppl will go if not, dont go. Dont wanna see again on chat: only aoe choppa or aoe mostro mara or aoe mshy for City and rest classes or builds wait eternity for pug wb vs premade.

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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#19 » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:43 am

People got what they wanted. They said, you don't like what we did, than leave. And here we are, living the 200 vs 100 dream.
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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#20 » Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:24 am

ravezaar wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:06 pm nah 2years ago we had NB so I say it was worse
2 years ago were your logging on everyday dreading that someone is using a advantage over you. doubt

i took the bait bois!
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