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The game was more fun 2 years ago

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The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#1 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:02 pm

The first thing I want to do is thank the GMs and developers for their work to keep the game alive, because thanks to them I have had many hours of fun over almost 4 years. But I think this post needs to be written.


The quick summary of this post is "Please stop releasing patches to make the game easier, it just makes it boring"

From my point of view, the game has gone from being fun in many aspects, to being a single game focused on getting War Crest, raising new characters to level 80 and raising another character again, and again, and again.

For a couple of years, the game has been deteriorating, and the new Currency system and simplification of the game in general, has only made the game more boring with each patch. I will explain it a little more in depth.

-Before, each part of the game had a unique purpose, and a unique gameplay as well. Each set of the game was obtained in various ways that complemented each other. Off-sets and best weapons were obtained in SCs, and main sets in RVR. Fortresses and city sieges, as end-game content, offered the invader/sov / Warlord set and gave a goal to the campaign, making players strive to achieve these goals. Now, none of this happens. Players are just zerging around and getting the weekly event, or roaming in RVR, leaving all other content in the game ignored.

-RVR. Before, the RVR had one objective, to win the campaign and force the siege of the enemy city. Now the main goal of the RVR is to get the weekly event, get the rewards to equip the character and get as many War Crests as you can by following the zerg. Even the WBs leaders comment on the forums that they don't siege, that they only do RVR for zerging and killing, not wanting to fulfill the objective of RVR, WIN THE CAMPAIGN. Of course we cannot ignore how there are no more sieges unless the attacker has +60% AAO, to avoid that if the enemy defends and then they are the ones who get a bag and you do not.

-Scenarios. Scenarios used to be a fun way to pass the time. Now, thanks to the monthly killboard, and a series of players whose main purpose is to appear in the "top killer", they annihilate pug players or non-hardcore premade players. Just by entering some scenarios and seeing some players (mainly sorcs), they make some players go directly out of the SC, because these players are not even trying to win the SC, they only play it to get on the "Top killer" of the kill board. So, the base players avoid to queue in SCs and new players leave the game.

-PVE. The PVE was a chill and alternative content to the RVR and SCs. Before, you could always see on channel 5 people trying to form groups for Gunbad/C&T/BS, with the ultimate goal of being able to get the best weapons in the game. Now you hardly see any of these groups on the channel, since people no longer have a need to make this game content. Players do only BS to get the weapon with as few runs as possible.

City Sieges: The best content in the game is ruined now. Before, people were motivated to play city because it was the only possible place to get the Royal Crest to equip the sovereign / warlord. Players were aware of the state of the campaign to be able to play them, making it so that even when you were not playing, you were aware of the game. Now, you can see how few people play them, since 95% are unopposed farming. Many of the big guilds/alliances don't even try to play city anymore, even though they know the exact time it will happen. When you had to play city to equip the sovereign, the games were more balanced and the content much more fun.

Ranked: The most hard-core content in the game, where you had to work very hard to get an exceptional gear. Now even casual (and not very good) players like me can equip this gear without much effort. This will finish killing the ranked, since they will lose a percentage of players from this already small community of the game, making the games much more difficult to start.

NB: Ok, this is not game content... but the NB ban kicks a lot of players of the game and doing to the casual players hard to play with different toons. Fewer players = Less fun. Fewer characters to play = Less fun

LOTD The LOTD was not 2 years ago, but it is play to mega zerg. Is like RVR but with greater numbers

With this message I just want to express to the GMs my concern, since the game has LESS content available, and the content that there is is much more boring than 1-2 years ago. I think new players now don't know that there is more content than following the zerg in RVR, and this is partly due to the policy of simplifying the game as if it were a mobile game, and not Warhammer Online
Last edited by Kpi on Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#2 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:17 pm

City was meaby fun for premades vs pug. For pug dont think so. Just bigger sc, and sc/city farming. Big org guilds long time ago have best sets on mains and alts so only reward is pug farming, but how long U can make this and not get bored ?

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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#3 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 2:30 pm

Personal perception can be quite different I guess.
On most of your points I would argue the exact opposite. :)
There was content some people rarely ever see due to time constraints. Now more people can get their fair share of progress.
There are more incentives to do PvE for any player than ever. Previously when you don't need certain gear you had no reason to do pve. Now it helps you with pvp gear progression.

There were wrong decisions in the recent past, which IMO didn't benefit anyone in the game and missed their target entirely. Others were controversial and badly communicated but overall reasonable.
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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#4 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:36 pm

I appreciate your views but let me counter some points.

Cities have never been the best content, before it was almost always pug v premade as premades would wait to que so they wouldn’t have to fight each other and shi like that… at least now people can set time aside to prepare so they are more competitive.
Edit: to add on to this point, before cities would only ever happen anyway with massive one sided Zerg or guilds throwing zones/forts to get a 5 star city. That’s the reality of the “campaign”

I still see pve groups for city dungeons constantly. GB was always a waste of time but now at least u can skip it or save a few crests and do it. Bloodlord isn’t as good as it used to be but the weapon is bis, that’s why people would rather do 20 min mid runs. I don’t think anyone really ENJOYS the pve in this game.

Killboard has changed the way some people play and some guilds funnel time and energy into their bis dps sp they can top it. Overall it’s a net positive cause it is a cool feature.

NB change has been made reverting it will not bring players back. A few hundred were lost but it was an add on that should have never existed because of conditional checks it not only played the game for you but played it almost perfectly.

Ranked ring should not be gatekept behind ranked. Ranked is toxic and clearly unfun for 99% of the playerbase, evidence being the shi is dead. 10k crests is steep and imo another great change, as the ring is op
With 5 sov 4 tri/vic but you have still have to earn it.

I think it’s all perspective, I actually think all of the recent changes and changes you listed are net positives.
Even the gcd, which I still think feels slightly worse to play was made for long term balance reasons . Not kissin a ss here I like the direction of the game.
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Posts: 485

Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#5 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:55 pm

Last edited by Whyumadbro on Mon Jul 25, 2022 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 485

Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#6 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:59 pm

No PvE groups? Since the last change that pve set gives ward unlocks u can just skipp all the crest and just play pve to get the ward. many groups are searching, but not only in /5....Discord is a thing. PvE is kinda meta now.

NB: No! Learn and know your class. RIP to the army vet who cant play RoR because of the NB ban.

City was allways a bad game mode, because its a bigger SC where the focus is on RvR. (easy change: make city a rvr zone) many People referering to it as a "coin flip"

But you are Right on RvR! The game is nice and fun, but the campaing makes little sense now. But the actuall WB fight are very interessting and fun. The game itself is fun.

Adressing the Killboard: Yeah some peope dont like it, but there is a easy and fun solution for this problem: Open the Killboard only on weekends or just show the best 50 players - problem solved.

Zerging: Ya´all love zerging deep down in your heart and you know it!

Posts: 207

Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#7 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 4:46 pm

totally agree on all points, especially in the situation of the scenarios.... you log in to play for a while, you enter a scenario and find an egofarm premade, you face them again and again because the server is small, so you log your rr 8+, it takes you 1 hour putting together a premade rr 7+, when you already have all 6 you que, and face the premade just to realize that they are only good against pugs and you beat them so hard that they don't even come out of spawn, then you realize that these killboard leaders are not much, that the numbers they have are inflated because they abuse new people and low rr characters, basically it is not fun to win or lose against them.

So basically my rr 5+ can't play scenarios because these premades are always farming people because it seems like they do relays and if I do a premade being rr 5+ these premades are going to beat me over and over again.

In conclusion, the sc are being held hostage by the leaders of the killboard.

Posts: 207

Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#8 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 4:52 pm

Whyumadbro wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:59 pm No PvE groups? Since the last change that pve set gives ward unlocks u can just skipp all the crest and just play pve to get the ward. many groups are searching, but not only in /5....Discord is a thing. PvE is kinda meta now.

NB: No! Learn and know your class. RIP to the army vet who cant play RoR because of the NB ban.

City was allways a bad game mode, because its a bigger SC where the focus is on RvR. (easy change: make city a rvr zone) many People referering to it as a "coin flip"

But you are Right on RvR! The game is nice and fun, but the campaing makes little sense now. But the actuall WB fight are very interessting and fun. The game itself is fun.

Adressing the Killboard: Yeah some peope dont like it, but there is a easy and fun solution for this problem: Open the Killboard only on weekends or just show the best 50 players - problem solved.

Zerging: Ya´all love zerging deep down in your heart and you know it!
learn your class?

here I leave you 3 links of 3 addons that are currently allowed and that honestly I do not know why these are allowed and the nb is not.
Not to mention the addon that cuts channeled abilities instantly...

Posts: 485

Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#9 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:45 pm

penagos22 wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 4:52 pm
Whyumadbro wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:59 pm No PvE groups? Since the last change that pve set gives ward unlocks u can just skipp all the crest and just play pve to get the ward. many groups are searching, but not only in /5....Discord is a thing. PvE is kinda meta now.

NB: No! Learn and know your class. RIP to the army vet who cant play RoR because of the NB ban.

City was allways a bad game mode, because its a bigger SC where the focus is on RvR. (easy change: make city a rvr zone) many People referering to it as a "coin flip"

But you are Right on RvR! The game is nice and fun, but the campaing makes little sense now. But the actuall WB fight are very interessting and fun. The game itself is fun.

Adressing the Killboard: Yeah some peope dont like it, but there is a easy and fun solution for this problem: Open the Killboard only on weekends or just show the best 50 players - problem solved.

Zerging: Ya´all love zerging deep down in your heart and you know it!
learn your class?

here I leave you 3 links of 3 addons that are currently allowed and that honestly I do not know why these are allowed and the nb is not.
Not to mention the addon that cuts channeled abilities instantly...
Very nice addons! But Nb was on a other level. What do you say about the rest of my post?

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Re: The game was more fun 2 years ago

Post#10 » Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:06 pm

nah 2years ago we had NB so I say it was worse
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