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Crest deletion & Server rollbacks

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Re: Crest deletion & Server rollbacks

Post#11 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:35 am

wargrimnir wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:22 am
Mistdancer wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:20 am
Lithenir wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:11 am TL;DR
Devs made it clear that there is no compensation for missing or lost or wiped things. You wasted your time making this post.

And before you ask why they don't do it. Simply because it's a private and the devs are making everything in their spare time. If they would give you compensation on these things, then they would open a dam and everyone keep wanting their "things back" or whatever. They don't have the time and made it very clear that there is no compensation.
1) Everyone is contributing in this private server, both player and devs, in their spare time. The server needs both in order to be active.

2) Wanting crests you have earned, is not "wanting things back or whatever". Is wanting things that you have earned.

3) I did not waste my time making this post. I wasted my time waiting on a city for 15 + hours only to get my rewards on that wiped. So did hundreds of other players.

4) Keeping up with a steady reward system and being consistent with your past actions (letting people keep sov gear items from gold bags acquired through a "broken" contribution system), does not require time. It requires exactly that. Consistency.
We don't actually need both. There are more than enough people here who understand that **** happens and can get over it. We don't need you.
You will get both agreeable clap clappers and contrary opinions. That is what constitutes a community. There are things that happen and things people choose to do on things that happen. Not everything is a natural phenomenon.

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Re: Crest deletion & Server rollbacks

Post#12 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:47 am

It seems you missed an important point Mistdancer.

This is FIRST a project, and SECOND a private server, you can connect and discover as a proof of concept. We are not looking for crown and awards, we are not waiting for your applause. We are working.

In few words : We owe you nothing. You are not a customer. You are guest. Take it or leave it.

Posts: 12

Re: Crest deletion & Server rollbacks

Post#13 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:22 pm

Mistdancer wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:28 am
Yaliskah wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:18 am
- C. This project is in its alpha stage.
All this project is a vast WORK IN PROGRESS. This is not an excuse - it means that the server is not feature complete, that bugs exist and that major changes to aspects of the game may occur, including resets and rollbacks as and when necessary if we have no better solutions. We will do our very best to avoid these at all costs.

- All contributors in this project aren't professionals and are working for free. They do what they can, where they can, when they can.They have a limited comprehension of things and they are trying their best to make things better step by step. Often 3 steps forward, 2 steps back.
source : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13607
It does not seem that these are avoided at all costs. It seems, like others have noted in similar posts, that the costs are not considered as very heavy at all.
Going into a war campaign that culminates on a city siege after 15 hours and 2 server resets, and coming out with much less rewards than you came in with, is not 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. It is only steps back.
I ended up doing city siege again today and very luckily ended up with a gold bag so today I ended up with 18 invader medals. But the fact remains that if my 15 from yesterday hadn't been deleted that would have been 33 over the past two days. But it's clear its an unprofessional operation with how things are mismanaged unfortunately, but that's what happens when you play on a private server and the only thing you can do is quit. Unfortunately they won't miss any of the people who quit over things like this.

Posts: 36

Re: Crest deletion & Server rollbacks

Post#14 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:34 pm

Tough luck, hamsters crash and burn. Can't be helped.
I've lost some medal/emblem progress few times, but I play for the battles to do, not because I want to have the bestest stats in the game.

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Re: Crest deletion & Server rollbacks

Post#15 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:37 pm

Demetrios wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:22 pm
Mistdancer wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:28 am It does not seem that these are avoided at all costs. It seems, like others have noted in similar posts, that the costs are not considered as very heavy at all.
Going into a war campaign that culminates on a city siege after 15 hours and 2 server resets, and coming out with much less rewards than you came in with, is not 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. It is only steps back.
I ended up doing city siege again today and very luckily ended up with a gold bag so today I ended up with 18 invader medals. But the fact remains that if my 15 from yesterday hadn't been deleted that would have been 33 over the past two days. But it's clear its an unprofessional operation with how things are mismanaged unfortunately, but that's what happens when you play on a private server and the only thing you can do is quit. Unfortunately they won't miss any of the people who quit over things like this.
It seems to me the fact that we are so incredibly professional the vast majority of the time when it comes to coding the emulation of the server that people tend to conveniently forget during any setback that we are not actually a fully paid company with full time staff that adheres to the desires of customers and requires their patronage to survive. We don't need you here. We will not miss you. You're welcome to stay and play and enjoy, but that's about it. If you can assist us with the project, feel free. If you can provide constructive criticism, that's acceptable. If you want to continue to whine after being told "this is what it is", then get lost. You're only causing stress to people that do this as volunteers, and provide no benefit to the way this server is run. It's not like you specifically were picked out of a crowd, everyone is in the same boat. Most people aren't so brash as to whinge over lost pixels. If you want professional customer support, go somewhere else and pay for it.

We're much MUCH more concerned about preventing issues like this in the future than bowing to player desires to have their shinies back. Both things take time and effort, it is no small task to track down the hundreds of players who MAY have been affected, nor is it a small task to track down the issue that is causing us to force rollbacks. From a development perspective, one of these are FAR more important than the other and time invested is one of few things we do need to be careful about. There are thousands of you people, and only a few of us.
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Re: Crest deletion & Server rollbacks

Post#16 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:11 pm

FWIW, the bug was identified and fixed. And a system put in place so that if a similar bug would happen it won't cause people to get huge amounts of crests.

So hopefully we can avoid similar rollbacks in the future.
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Re: Crest deletion & Server rollbacks

Post#17 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:37 pm

dalen wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:11 pm FWIW, the bug was identified and fixed. And a system put in place so that if a similar bug would happen it won't cause people to get huge amounts of crests.

So hopefully we can avoid similar rollbacks in the future.
That is great, thanks a lot for your effort and giving insight into the problem. This is an actually helpful response.
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Re: Crest deletion & Server rollbacks

Post#18 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:53 pm

Yaliskah wrote: Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:18 am
- C. This project is in its alpha stage.
All this project is a vast WORK IN PROGRESS. This is not an excuse - it means that the server is not feature complete, that bugs exist and that major changes to aspects of the game may occur, including resets and rollbacks as and when necessary if we have no better solutions. We will do our very best to avoid these at all costs.

- All contributors in this project aren't professionals and are working for free. They do what they can, where they can, when they can.They have a limited comprehension of things and they are trying their best to make things better step by step. Often 3 steps forward, 2 steps back.
source : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13607
Op was answered, and its clear (for at least the 99.9% of community). Is needed to keep this thread open?


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