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The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

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The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#1 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:18 pm

"After asking for directions from a nearby fusillier you finally find the captain's tent. Blackbramble Hollow being much larger than what it seems at first. You announce yourself and a grizzled voice asks you to come in, as you enter you notice a tall, blonde man with a stern look and a gifted moustache, he clearly takes great pride in keeping it. The captain asks you you to sit.
You take a seat as captain Johann Altkrieg examines some papers, when he finishes he rises in a swift, mechanical movement and heads over to a small cupboard, from where he retrieves two glasses and a bottle of bretonnian wine. It looks very expensive.- Why do you want to join the Twenty Second? - he asks. You explain your desire to join the Reikland-based militia regiment. knowing full well it is often deployed to aid the most endangered counties. Johann places the two glasses on the table. The wine's rouge appears very palatable, you take a sip and find it to be quite suave. The captain tilts his head back as he takes a proper swig, then looks back at you and picks up his pen, soaking it in ink. - Let's make this quick, your name, occupation, age and former military experience.- He nods and scribbles as you talk. - I see, i think i've just found a proper recruit, not like these peasants i've been getting all day! - You notice a touch of aristocracy in the man's voice, he continues, leaning forward and smiling - Whatever reason brought you here to fight for the Empire is not my business, i don't even care what god you praise, i just need good soldier and by Sigmar we're going to need good soldiers. - He quickly finishes his glass, as if he needed to forget what he just said - Come, i'll show you around our tents. - The captain and the recruit both rise and head outside, towards the Twenty Second's alocated area"

Greetings! The Reikland Militia is a newly-formed RP guild focusing on military style Roleplay. I hope to bring some new life to the RP status of the server and am looking mostly for humans interested in joining ! Events will be held and spontaneous rp will be encouraged, aswell as rp-rvr once we have enough members. currently i am the only officer so i'd appreciate if any interested candidates with former leading experience would take the position of sergeant. Please ask any questions that i may answer them to the best of my ability :)

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Re: The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#2 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:53 pm

long life to the reikland militia !!!!
i m allready officer in a guild but i love rp sessions so if you organise some i ll join you.

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Re: The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#3 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:09 pm

It's always great to see new RP guilds!

I wish you the best of luck.

We will meet on the battlefield hopefully :)
Krumlok, Black Orc Boss of da Deathskull Tribe:
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Re: The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#4 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:44 pm

I'm here to offer my help Genoa465.

I am leading the 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers.
Next week I will host an elven event, and have already made the human cavalry event.

Please see under events.

I have lvl 20 Knight and offer you to lead a human infantry event. If we promote it enough you don't have to field all that guild members. At the Bitterstone Events we have roughly 6 guildies and 12 dwarfs from other guilds.

Having another Roleplay regiment would be great.

Colors would be white and red I assume. ;)


And you should move this thread somehow to the guild folder. ;)

Posts: 4

Re: The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#5 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:49 pm

Thank you for the support!Glorian, i would love some assistant as i still have much to learn about the Warhammer World despite my interest in it for some years now. I would very much like to participate in the event :) please message me In-game!

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Re: The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#6 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:04 pm

I will make some research on Colors. Reikland is usually red and white. I have made some tests on my Kotbs.
Red as second color seems good. But the shop red is by far bright.

Need more research. :)

On a human event: maybe the 23.09 or 30.09. will be a possible Date. Will Plan it soon out.

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Re: The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#7 » Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:09 pm

First round of Research:

According to the army books and the book heraldry of the empire the main color of reikland units is white plus black boots and some other colors sometimes as small bands. Red or blue.

So that is a possibility.

Or you can orientate on the total war warhammer title.

With something like this:

But as I said the current red is to bright for that. And the dyes arent craftable now.

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Re: The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#8 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:48 pm

We spoke on lenth already about this new project. Good luck, Altkrieg!
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
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Re: The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#9 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:17 pm

Very interested in this. I'll check it out when I'm back at my PC in a couple weeks.

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Re: The Reikland Militia ( RP Guild )

Post#10 » Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:13 pm

Keep in mind that it is a militia, not a state troop regiment. Anyone and everyone can join so a uniform/colour-scheme does not matter as much as you'd think it does.

Human militias are very different from Dwarf ones in Warhammer.
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