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Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

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Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#1 » Mon May 29, 2023 4:28 pm

The running joke in Warhammer is; "What do most people do when they hit level 16? Stop playing."

There is so much truth to this statement. If you are new to the game or maybe only briefly played WH in its day, it easy to fall in love with the various classes. The class system is one of the best in any MMO. You may think, I will level five or six classes to cap.

Everything changes at level 16. Unless you are tank, which can pretty much run around naked until cap, you are in for a big struggle. Most classes will be absolutely nothing more than roadkill until about level 32/35+. Opposing players need only look in your direction and you will fall down dead. The CC in this game is truly horrid. Be prepared to be laid out on your back with no abilities. If you manage to survive the initial Salvo, your death will follow two seconds later.

If you are in a forgiving guild, the best you can do is to leech some renown while following the Zerg. It is not my idea of fun.

I made the mistake of going with Zealot as my main. A greater healer, but the worse damage in the game by far. My Sorcerer, half its level is already doing more damage. 1,000+ int, 12% Crit, nothing helps at all.

Having realized my mistake, I am working on a Shaman, but the pains of purgatory (16 to 30) is just as intense.

Bottom line in this long winded post. Do your research. Make sure to choose wisely. Unless you are sadist, disavow yourself of this notion of taking half a dozen classes to cap.

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Re: Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#2 » Mon May 29, 2023 4:36 pm

Not to be an arse but no classes are useless from 16-39, whether it's orvr or doing mid tier scenarios, bolster does a fine job of evening out the field enough the outcome is almost always defined by group/player(s) skill

Also CC in RoR is far lighter than literally any other MMO I've played before. The only truly oppressive CC in this game is BG 5 second KD, and even then you're still immune to CC for ages afterwards as opposed to a diminishing return system with multiple spell schools like many other MMOs have. In RoR the longest you can be chain CCd for is 5 seconds followed by being displaced - in WoW, you can literally be CCd for 20+ seconds straight

To be honest I think your problem is more likely to be with the groups you're playing with and/or yourself, as opposed to something inherent in the game. Zealot/RP dps is a joke, but Shaman/AM on the other hand are some of the strongest solo classes in the game and they're immensely strong in mid tier too.

I do agree with your last point though, people should focus on getting a single character to max and geared so they can properly learn the game before trying to level a suite of alts
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Re: Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#3 » Mon May 29, 2023 4:56 pm

I agree with most of what you are saying with a few caveats. In the 16 to 39 bracket, I stated that you will not feel that you are competitive until around level 32, 35 Renown range.

I try not to make comparisons to WOW, but you are correct to say WH's CC is less onerous with the exception that WH lacks counters. There are no racials or stones to counter CC lock. At least none that I am aware of. How much Resistances factor in to resisting stun lock is something that I do not know.

I love the Shaman class. It is the class that I should have gone with from the start. I mostly heal, but occasionally like to DPS a little too.

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Re: Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#4 » Mon May 29, 2023 9:19 pm

Nickalispicalis wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 4:56 pm I agree with most of what you are saying with a few caveats. In the 16 to 39 bracket, I stated that you will not feel that you are competitive until around level 32, 35 Renown range.
That heavily depends on the class/spec you're playing. Some are aleady fine at 16 while others don't come online untill 3x. Due to the way bolstering works, some specs also have their peak in the 20s.


On a general note, a lot of people make it to 40 only to realise that their spec/class isn't needed/doesn't work in whatever content they're interested in.

Level a dps Shaman to 40 that you want to play as dps? You've just locked yourself out of "competetive" endgame.
2h Tanks? Your damage will never be as good as in t2/3 again and most orvr warbands won't give you a 2nd glance.
Engi? Bitterstone Thunderers need you, but (almost)nobody else does.

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Re: Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#5 » Mon May 29, 2023 9:56 pm

paperclipdog wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 9:19 pm
Nickalispicalis wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 4:56 pm I agree with most of what you are saying with a few caveats. In the 16 to 39 bracket, I stated that you will not feel that you are competitive until around level 32, 35 Renown range.
That heavily depends on the class/spec you're playing. Some are aleady fine at 16 while others don't come online untill 3x. Due to the way bolstering works, some specs also have their peak in the 20s.


On a general note, a lot of people make it to 40 only to realise that their spec/class isn't needed/doesn't work in whatever content they're interested in.

Level a dps Shaman to 40 that you want to play as dps? You've just locked yourself out of "competetive" endgame.
2h Tanks? Your damage will never be as good as in t2/3 again and most orvr warbands won't give you a 2nd glance.
Engi? Bitterstone Thunderers need you, but (almost)nobody else does.

Healing would always be my main. I just wanted the DPS to be viable for the odd times that I wish to switch. I see lots of complaints about Zealot DPS and Mechanics. Perhaps in a future patch it will be addressed. No one is asking for any healer to be top tier. I would settle for being in the same area code as WB's.

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Re: Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#6 » Mon May 29, 2023 11:59 pm

The thing with Shamans is because they're currently one of the OP classes, especially as their DPS spec. Order will actively hunt Shamans down just to kill them on principle. Same with other annoying classes.

I get what you mean with wanting a class that's fully 'working' though. With the current meta you've def made the right choice. I just hope they get nerfed back to ground level one day.
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Re: Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#7 » Wed May 31, 2023 10:33 pm

Nickalispicalis wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 4:56 pm ...WH lacks counters. There are no racials or stones to counter CC lock. At least none that I am aware of. How much Resistances factor in to resisting stun lock is something that I do not know.
You don't need counters to something that does not exist. As the previous reply educated you, there is no knockdown (aka "stun") that lasts longer than 5 sec in the entire game. It shares a timer with silence, disarm, and stagger. Only one can apply every 30s. Then you are free.

The resistance to them is dependent on your ability to prevent the ability from landing: block, dodge, party, disrupt. There may be some that bypass it (Magus/engine stagger mine thing?), but for most, if the attack is nullified, so is the effect.

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Re: Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#8 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 12:02 am

Dps are the most challenging to level solo as first character, at least in rvr.

Healers are welcome everywhere and always seem to be in short supply. Whichever team that has healers wins.

Tanks are welcome as well, as long as there is damage to back them up.

With the amount of renown that can be gained from the events, PQs are a great way to boost experience and get loot that seems to be overlooked quite a bit.

Classes aren't complete until sovereign. Some builds aren't effective until survivability and damage can be maintained together. Quitting at 16 has less to do with the class and more with the leveling process and satisfaction gained throughout. Its the first decline in power that the player experiences and noone enjoys that feeling. 40 is the next, but then people pay attention to you.

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Re: Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#9 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:52 pm

I think my experience is distorted by buyer's remorse with the Zealot. I got to 40, and my renown level was only 36 or 37. Mistake number 1. Mistake number 2 was playing any scenarios at all. I didn't play solo, but my duo played Magus, so couldn't help much. Mistake #3 and the biggest mistake by far, was not doing my research. The poor class mechanics was the reason that I quit Warhammer. Ten years later, I go out and make the exact mistake!?!?.

It is not a terminal mistake though. If my guild needs a healer, I am there. He is capped at Talismans, so fulfills that function.

I wonder though, knowing you have to heal exclusively, perhaps it is best to go with Willpower, Toughness and Armor? Ignore intelligence completely.

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Re: Use Due diligence in choosing your main.

Post#10 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:33 pm

In general, since it is likely that you will be lvling in pug, as in no guard and occasional heals, make sure to spec defensively (unless lvling a tank). Personal recommendation to go full toughness, renown and talis, works nice with a boost. And to have a general idea of your spec at 40.

Renown lvl 36 at lvl 40 isn't really a problem- usually you can came up with some mix of pve sets with low pvp sets to make a workable enough setup for 40 to be comparable in sov environment. Preferable 42 or so for 2-3 conq/domi parts, but 36 with say 2-3 ann/merc, or just a full pve mix, will work. On last several toons for that matter once getting at rr40 area I rushed to 40, and then farmed pve for a starting 40 setup.

As for CC in RoR, its not the CC itself that is the problem, its the combination of CC and burst- kd only lasting 3 sec doesn't matters when unless in def setup or having guard+heals you won't survive the 3 sec.
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