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Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

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Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#1 » Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:53 pm


We're here with another feedback request; this one is all about those mounts we see you riding around on!

It's no surprise mounts are a fun part of Return of Reckoning and with our Live Event schedule growing we've been playing with some of the unused assets and building some of our very own saddled mounts for you to enjoy for limited periods of time. The past few Live Events have seen reactive durations on these mounts based on your Renown Rank. For example, RR1 - RR60 has a 30 day reward, whereas a RR85+ receive a 120 day mount as the reward.

Do you like this method of distribution? How would you change it if so? Let us know as replies to this thread.

This thread will hopefully gather some information on this system and what your thoughts are on it. We're open with suggestions to how we can better utilise mounts as rewards from Live Events so now is your time to provide us some feedback. At this time we are not considering permanent mounts from Live Events so ask that these don't shape your suggestions.

The information collected within this thread will be used to revise how we utilise mounts as rewards moving forward - so we thank you for your contribution in advance.

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Re: Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#2 » Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:08 pm

Personally, not a fan of extended duration novelty mounts. Twitch drops had some for 60 days and IMO that was too long, let alone 120. I get that you want to give higher-RR players "better" mounts, but personally I would rather that be in the form of fancier mounts (e.g. different colours, accessories, etc) that last 30 days, rather than having one that lasts for much longer. Visually, the low-RR and the high-RR player's rewards look the same, so the only difference is that the high-RR player is still riding around on it 3 months later when we've already gone through another 2-3 events.

As I said in the other thread, I think you should keep the novelty mounts a novelty, and 30 days (maximum) seems more sensible than 3 months.

Also please make don't make the easter Wyvern mounts last longer than 30 days as I can only take so much of those wings blocking everything.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

Posts: 403

Re: Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#3 » Sat Dec 10, 2022 8:26 pm

Kaelang wrote: Sat Dec 10, 2022 4:53 pm Hello!

We're here with another feedback request; this one is all about those mounts we see you riding around on!

It's no surprise mounts are a fun part of Return of Reckoning and with our Live Event schedule growing we've been playing with some of the unused assets and building some of our very own saddled mounts for you to enjoy for limited periods of time. The past few Live Events have seen reactive durations on these mounts based on your Renown Rank. For example, RR1 - RR60 has a 30 day reward, whereas a RR85+ receive a 120 day mount as the reward.

Do you like this method of distribution? How would you change it if so? Let us know as replies to this thread.

This thread will hopefully gather some information on this system and what your thoughts are on it. We're open with suggestions to how we can better utilise mounts as rewards from Live Events so now is your time to provide us some feedback. At this time we are not considering permanent mounts from Live Events so ask that these don't shape your suggestions.

The information collected within this thread will be used to revise how we utilise mounts as rewards moving forward - so we thank you for your contribution in advance.
The system is good.
The problem are the mounts. They are not lore friendly at all, not cool. They are cutie, lame and cringe imo.
They ruin my warhammer feeling everytime when i saw them. I wish i could turn off and see the players regular mounts.
The same mounts on both sides also not so good. I mean dwarfs can ride sheeps and and elf on deers but we borks we need the f amazing skaven 🏍️💨.

We eat the rest not riding them. And we already have enough pig we dont want a lame zoo 🐖 🐏🐑 🦌... Nono not at all. Whats next 🐥 mount?
This is not a loreless korean mmo!!!
We are the cool guy. The warhammer is a cool universe no space here for halflings and cuties, they would die in the first day.

Check these mounts guys:

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Re: Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#4 » Sat Dec 10, 2022 8:39 pm

Maybe you can link the extended duration versions to both lore appropriate classes only and RR:
Wyvern = greenskins
Zombie horse = chaos
Bear = kislev (empire)
Gryphon = empire
Ram = dwarfs
Manticore = dark elves
Stag = high elves

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Re: Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#5 » Sat Dec 10, 2022 10:02 pm

I do like the extended duration mounts based on RR. However it's the quality and theme of the mounts. You can have more funny mounts like pigs and such. Warhammer Fantasy isn't just pure grim dark like 40k is. It does have some comic relief. So I think they're perfectly acceptable. However, no animation for the reverse function? Characters wildly bobbling around on the mounts and few harnesses or graphical features on the mounts such as armour sucks. I think we also need more mounts to be buyable. There are many different designs in the game and we only get a fraction of them.. Why not add more variety so we don't all look like the same person. And special mounts, gryphons, beasts etc. Should be event locked and time limited. Every faction should however have a large pool of race specific type mounts (Empire Horse etc..)
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Re: Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#6 » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:09 am

Yeah i understand why they are limited in time so i wont bother asking to keep them permanently and while for some races its comical, for others its perfectly suiting, elves do ride deer for example.
So unless you could add them permanently to the "correct races" i don't have any other feedback other than uhhh its great as it is.

If however you are speaking about those really awesome high level mounts you get a RR80 - i do have some feedback on that.
Basically everyone i know loves these mounts greatly, currently the only way to access them is via a guild and doing some guild quests, however not everyone wishes to be guilded.

So on that note i would love to suggest that those super awesome mounts be accessible to you at RR90 as a reward for reaching that rank and they cost you a certain amount of crests n gold or some such and you get to keep it permanently!

Think alot of people would love a new 80+ reward / incentive and i'm confident most people love these mounts.

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Re: Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#7 » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:12 am

I think perma mounts will add more colour to the game, but i can understand why devs don't do it.

But add events perma mounts on RR 90+ can be nice, only a few players will have it, or a chance to buy it for a insane gold ammount (10k and +RR80)
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Re: Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#8 » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:58 am

If the mounts are cool and lore-friendly, I have no issue with a fairly long duration based on renown level. However, these comical novelty mounts should really only last the duration of the event and should not exist for every event either imo. Seeing people ride around on pigs in a Warahmmer game gets old really fast. It's fine for a few times a year for a short while but that's about it.

Mounts should be:
1. Lore-friendly (with some exceptions for a few select events)
2. If not unique for each race, then at least unique for each faction

As for the duration, I think the expiration shouldn't span across multiple events so you'll have some incentive to grind for the mounts every event. 120 days feels a bit too long, 30 or 60 days is fine. And again, the comical mounts should just be for the event itself and not after, also in that case it probably shouldn't be the last influence reward but rather a reward from an event quest or perhaps the first influence reward.

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Re: Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#9 » Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:44 am

Make the silly mounts short time like 1 week or so. Proper lore frendly mounts - set a timer so 80+ characters can ride them between events without time off. It depends on frequency of events, do you know what I mean?

Posts: 679

Re: Limited Time Mounts Feedback.

Post#10 » Sun Dec 11, 2022 7:46 am

I agree with those who said that the more silly mounts should have a shorter duration.

For the more lore-friendly mounts I think the new system is great.

Speaking of mounts, does the new manticore look a bit small? Also the sitting animation doesn't seem to fit very good, at least not on sorc. That side-ways sitting animation sorc had on the Kislev bear was amazing. might work well on the manticore too.

Also, when does destro get a limited time magus disk?:D
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