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[MSH] Stat-conversion & "dead"stats

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[MSH] Stat-conversion & "dead"stats

Post#1 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:35 am


The issue:
As a MeleeSquigherder there is little to no synergy between specing into the ranged left or right masterytrees, this leaves the Mastery +2 points on most sets feel rather underwhelming and limmits the Endgame gearing options for a MSH build. Further more while the Squigarmor is amazing for the stats it will convert, there are a crusial stat which is not getting converted and this stat is almost impossible to mix set pieces with meaningful competitive (towards other classes and their endgame stats) without having atleast ending up with one piece of endgame armor where you have stats that simply dont grant you any benefit. This is the "less chance to be dodged" strikethrough stat.

As an example if the 3 sove sets are meant and created to be one set for each mastery build of which they grant +2 points. Why does the MSH defensive set have one piece with +2ranged strikethrough when this stat is not getting converted. (defensive SH sove boots)
Also the melee squig build and playstyle is mostly focused around channeling abilities and the core game mechanic is that while channeling an ability you cant auto attack, meanwhile this defensive MSH set is stacked with pieces giving this almost dead stat. 3 pieces in this set have this stat.

Out of the gear mix options I have played around with and spotted to be endgame options, there seem to be no viable mix without having these stats that does nothing for the MSH build. And this is an issue for player enjoyment, as it builds frustration grinding for a gearpiece or setbonus which is not benefitting your spec. On top of that, the SH class have been targeted towards several nerfs on both melee and ranged spec over the last 2 years after the overhaul of the class. And right now I think its safe to say that the class is not over populatated, getting complained about, or even mentioned much at all.

In a standard Endgame MSH gear setup you will find almost garenteed 2 pieces with attackspeed and one piece with Strikethrough not getting converted. This can roughly be compared to losing 4-5%critchance in stat-value which is almost a full setbonus on other classes.

I dont like making noice complaining or raising concerns without atleast giving suggestions,
Limitations speculations:
When Ive raised this topic in the past it was met with a response of Ranged strikethrough cant be fit into the describtion of Squigarmor and Assualt stance. But surely the wording can be changed, or this conversion can be added even without being mentioned like the Zealot Transferance tactic gives 10%strikethrough without mentioning it, suggestions below:
- Squigarmor converts Strikethrough without text mentioning it.
- Squigarmor text is changed to a more general wording like "Ranged specific stats are converted to their melee counterpart" instead of mentioning crit,power,strikethrough.
Different conversion to fit the build and playstyle:
We saw the removal of the baseline singletarget knockdown and getting replaced with an aoe filler spam-able ability in Bounce, this is a clear indicator what you devs seem to want MSH build to be. An aoe build with utility. Okay so how about we convert the Autoattackspeed stat into a:
- Autoattackspeed in Squigarmor is now increasing the radius of abilities for the converted value
This shouldnt be much of a powercreep, but it will fit into the role of MSH while giving the slight statvalue that is currently lost in having "deadstats" not getting used for the build.

Individual armorpiece reshuffle:
This one is naturally not perferable, as there might be someone out there who is running an Autoattack Squig and if there were to be a reshuffle that might mess with that player's current gear and build. As it is always the risk and why we dont see many re-stats on current gear. However, it gets an honorable mention:
- Strikethrough is removed from the MSH related set (def-sove) and replaced with critchance should be a pretty even 1:1 tradeoff
- Autoattack from MSH set is getting replaced with armor pen/ap reg/power
- Strikethrough on the defensive set is replaced with parrystrikethrough
While only changing the one set, doesnt help the core issue but atleast it would help the one sove set supposed to be for MSH, who right now are stucking with having to pick and search for how to mitigate their losses on their endgame gear. Which no class or spec should be facing as this frustation will add to driving players away.

Thanks for reading, Id like to hear if any SH out there think any of these solutions would hurt their build or if they agree with the frustration of stating a MSH.
And naturally if anyone from the Team have any insight in the issue with limmitation of Squigarmor and Assaultstance, if this is still the case?
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