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oRvR overhaul

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oRvR overhaul

Post#1 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 4:37 am

the title probably gave it away but I did a write up on some of my ideas for an orvr overhaul. Some might not like it, some might not think the server needs it, and others might even like it. :D

I tried to write it up in a formate where i am critical towards what issues this system suggestion might bring, along with what current issues it might fix.
I wrote it on google docs as with my BW compendium a while back, that didnt seem to be an issue back then so i hope it isnt this time around. ... nde9I/edit

Some of these conversations, issues, new systems, what works in other games and what doesnt is something i have had with some of the devs, but this is my personale twist on how to tie it all together including land of the dead on ror. I dont know what is possible for the team to code, how much they love their fortresses and dont want to deviate from how T4 looked on AoR. This is just my suggestion and if anything of it could be used to improve RoR in the future, then I am more than happy.

Thanks for reading.
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Posts: 124

Re: oRvR overhaul

Post#2 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 10:22 am

Something definetly must be done with keep sieges. There is nothing fun in just waiting 2 star and then concentrating 600 players in the same spot, you cant roam and find decent fights like that, in fact you just gonna lose rr and bag rolls for NOT stacking in single megablob near keep, this is terrible design.

Posts: 676

Re: oRvR overhaul

Post#3 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 10:25 am

Who cares about bag rolls, if you want to roam you can roam.
Tho yeah, after 2 stars is hit, roaming is pretty much dead since everyone zerg rushes the keep for the little afk minigame.

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Re: oRvR overhaul

Post#4 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 10:45 am

Some good suggestions Bombling, and I do actually quite like it. But you were also one of the people who praised the change of raisingthe aoe-cap to 24 and said how great it would be for anti zerging - that aoe cap change has been the worst decision in the game to date and actually favours the zerg. So i'm sceptical when you mention something as a "counter mechanic to zerging"
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Re: oRvR overhaul

Post#5 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:56 am

As a basically small scale player who roams around I like the dmg debuff during siege idea. Gives small scale a purpose after hitting 2 Stars.
I am a bit sceptical about the idea of opening up every tier 4 zone at once while being able to attack the fortresses immediatly. I think it just only favors the more populated faction to a lvl that more people play this faction and zerg from zero to city in 2 fort attacks without even scratching any other keep. I mean in this idea you don't have a max. population in fortresses anymore and the result would be a big lag party which the more populated side wins.

Posts: 1295

Re: oRvR overhaul

Post#6 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:15 am

The state of keep siege and hold the zone BO´s have to be linked in some way to avoid the zergfest and promote other ways to up with anything in this direction.

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Re: oRvR overhaul

Post#7 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:43 am

Granting 25% increase for Keep rank speed for winning City I am not in favour of at all. Destro already have a big population advantage and rank up keeps much faster than Order. They also win far more City so increasing this by 25% is just going to make an existing problem worse.

Posts: 2

Re: oRvR overhaul

Post#8 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:18 am

As a returning player oRvr looks like a dying part of the game, pointless and obsolete. Zerg, no roaming, no rewards, no gear progression (most of that comes from forts/cities).
What about a new personal contribution system? The more time you spend in the zone the higher your level of contribution would be. So every 10-15min or so actively spent in the zone, you fill your contribution bar until in levels up (like 3-5 levels). Then every 20-30min or so you get rewarded based on your contr level and maybe keep rank / BOs held / population...
I'm not sure about rewards... maybe a new global currency is required.
(If i recall correctly GuildWars2 had/has a similar contribution system??)
Imo gear progression should be moved away from forts/cities - they should be bonus and rare content/realm pride only; many players can't even get inside anyway because in que or sleeping when they happen.
(I really believe Orvr should carry the game more... too much of: pve, forts, cities, rankedSC, and all the gear involved is scattering and driving people away.)

Posts: 485

Re: oRvR overhaul

Post#9 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:15 am

I realy like the Idea! that would give more meaning to small scale fights and organized warbands. On the other side the higher population side has a big advantage

Posts: 7

Re: oRvR overhaul

Post#10 » Wed Dec 16, 2020 11:36 am

I like the idea of keeps being tied to objective control.
A balancing system would be nice where the defending realm spawns small Hero groups to retake objectives and try to split the enemy realm.
This can open up map plays and get people to work around timing and zone awareness.
We already have a mechanic like this in cities and I it would be nice to see it in RvR aswell.

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