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The Renegade's Roost - Destruction Tavern Role Play

Feel like burning like a bright wizard? Being as green as a gobbo? Robust like an Ironbreaker? Bloodthirsty like a witch elf? Feel free to speak as them here.
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The Renegade's Roost - Destruction Tavern Role Play

Post#1 » Sat May 16, 2015 4:41 am

The Renegade's Roost


On the outskirts of the Inevitable City, a broken down structure is found connected to a wooden dock. The travel takes a bit of time, but many frequently make the trip. It is a place of plotting, scheming, and rest. Guided by a dark purple flame, the building is known as the Renegade's Roost. To call it a tavern would not be far from the truth, though the patrons use it for so much more.

It was constructed by a cult of Tzeentch to carry out their dark schemes. As time went by, many of the cult's allies and enemies found their hide out. Knowing the spot would be compromised, they put up the ruse of a rest stop, welcoming all who dared step upon the wooden bridge to the door. They imported many drinks and hired servants to attend to the visitor's needs before they sent them on their way. The Roost quickly grew in fame, attracting a lot of foul characters. During the alliance of Destruction, it has served as a meeting place and rest house.


As one would step into the Roost, they would find it to be quite cozy. It is lit by dim candle light and offers many open tables and seats. Many mutant servants roam the main room, cleaning and doing other tasks for their masters. The barkeep is a very thin man dressed in rags and raven feathers, typically found fulfilling beverage and food orders for the guests. Two large, armed Chosen guards protect the tavern from unrest, looking quite menacing.

( This forum is to encourage all of Destruction's role players to meet up and enjoy a drink! Come on in, have a blast, and make some friend! Remember to read up on the role playing rules before you post! Have fun! )


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