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Few things and a question

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Few things and a question

Post#1 » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:22 pm

Tip: please do not lock a fan's post who is very pleased and appreciative with your work, doesn't look good, instead, edit it by saying:"Off topic" or something like that rather than outright lock it, allow him to edit it, repeat offending should result in locking of post.

Onto the next thing:

Question: What knowledge should I learn so I might be of assistance?

Also, Why can't I create a Black Orc?

as for my tip, take it as constructive criticism from someone who knows how to please, but for the work you've done in the game I have one problem but I will report it ingame.

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Re: Few things and a question

Post#2 » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:26 pm

My reason for locking the post: If i wouldn't have locked the post, the follow-up ones could have been irrelevant if you would have edited it afterwards.

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Posts: 20

Re: Few things and a question

Post#3 » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:50 pm

Well that explains that, now I just reported the problem(happy it can be reported ingame unlike SWGEmu)

I apologize, for that I just like to keep things clear.

Also, how do I set up the Torrent to seed from a different drive? I downloaded it to C Drive, but I moved it to D Drive.

And do you need things from the Guide book/Atlas? I own both of them, bought them shortly before WAR went down.

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Re: Few things and a question

Post#4 » Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:33 pm

Might this help?

Moving files to another location after they have been loaded in µTorrent
For sorting reasons you may wish for your newly reloaded files to be saved to a different location. This is easy enough but must be done a single torrent at a time.

Stop the torrent you wish to move in the torrent list in µTorrent.
Move the files to the location of your choice (for multiple files move the containing folder as a whole)
In µTorrent, right click > Advanced > Set Download Location ...
Browse to the location where you have moved the files.
Start the torrent again.
Note: if you wish to move several torrent to the same location you can select multiple torrents and perform the same action.

Guide written by Pelo

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