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Questions about changes

Post#1 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:04 pm

Hi, sry if i am wrong here.

I tried the game on private server sometime ago and found the graphic of the character and so on horrible. So, i went off again. Now, not sure about that, saw some screenshots and thought of trying again. Is it now better? But now, i have, like MANY others (dont understand why that problem has to be there for near a year without smth done) the authentification problem. If i try warpatch, error. If i try different launcher, authentification error. Tried everything i found, except the Password Change (if i try, get SQL or so error atm), and the "read only" cant be changed. Cant YOU change the Folder and the files and reupload those? And look for that big error all have?
Or should i not try more because the graphics are still same? Yes, i know, i am expecting much, but i am curious. Last time i tried, all chars looked same and the Interface was confusing, couldnt change it, and so on.


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