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[Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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[Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#1 » Sat Feb 13, 2016 7:14 am

Really simple idea, minor tweak... Was wondering if it was possible to make AP drain build force (mirror for shammy also). After all, you need a hostile target to cast it.

The idea is it would give a minor bonus to healing AM/sham. Wouldn't be much, but since it is the only/main offensive ability we use, building some force every 10sec would give em a 20% faster cast every now an then.

It's not much, but it would be a little buff that wouldn't break the balance of things, specially if it's easy to implement. I have no clue. Lets hear your thoughts.

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Re: [Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#2 » Sat Feb 13, 2016 7:38 am

How would it consume Tranquility? If I recall correctly, any ability that builds Force or Tranquility also consumes whichever it doesn't build.

As I'm sure you well know, instant-cast abilities that consume Force or Tranquility receive a flat percentage buff to their effectiveness if any such points are used. I'm not sure that buffing the AP drain's AP denial potential is really in the best interest of balance.

Honestly, if we're talking about buffing healing AM's viability, I think a better place to start would be making Wild Healing actually cut the AP cost of ALL healing abilities by 50%, like it says in the tooltip (as in, the tooltip doesn't indicate reduction in the cost of Path of Isha abilities or only direct heals, but rather all healing abilities, which it has never delivered on). Half-cost Lambent Aura and Cleansing Light would be great.

But even then, I'm just speaking from a place of self-interest, since I prefer a fluid, mobile playstyle, and that change would deliver a boon to that. Changing Wild Healing in that manner would do little for AM's group viability in most cases.
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Re: [Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#3 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:25 pm

AP could have a lower cost too. Instead of 50 say around 20-30?

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Re: [Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#4 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:41 pm

Then you have to reduce the drain amount too, how about 90ap drain?
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Re: [Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#5 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:49 pm

OneTonGun wrote:AP could have a lower cost too. Instead of 50 say around 20-30?
Don't like that idea. Good Shamans/AMs use their AP drain before they are out of AP. Changing this would make the usage a lot easier by simply waiting for a tick of AP while being completely empty.

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Re: [Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#6 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:37 pm

At the moment you are out 50AP if it gets cleansed or disrupted/blocked. If it was cheaper or ticked at 0 seconds it would be a lot safer to use.

At the moment the AP costs of abilities cannot be edited though.

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Re: [Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#7 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:05 pm

Give AM also an IWIN button then will be nice.

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Re: [Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#8 » Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:09 pm

Sigimund wrote:At the moment you are out 50AP if it gets cleansed or disrupted/blocked. If it was cheaper or ticked at 0 seconds it would be a lot safer to use.

At the moment the AP costs of abilities cannot be edited though.
That is a different topic though, isn't it?

In my experience there are always pets with low disrupt rate around if you really need it. That being said, making it not disruptable might be an option

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Re: [Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#9 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:55 am

Do you guys want to make a similar thread for every CC skill as well? This is no isolated issue for their ap-drains.
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Re: [Archmage] A minor tweak - AP drain

Post#10 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:51 am

Sigimund wrote:At the moment you are out 50AP if it gets cleansed or disrupted/blocked. If it was cheaper or ticked at 0 seconds it would be a lot safer to use.

At the moment the AP costs of abilities cannot be edited though.
Its a great ability and works fine for me, mine never gets blocked because I'm I don't use it on tanks facing me with HTL up.

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