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[Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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[Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#1 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 7:54 pm

On the one hand I wanted to hold back with making suggestions until we at least have all the masterypoints and an endgame meta.

On the other hand the change I am going to suggest now seems by far not gamebreaking to me.
It is supposed to enable another option in dps choice for melee setups.

I suggest to change Absence of Faith, the WPs healdebuff, to a 50% (atm 25%) incoming healdebuff and reduce its cooldown to 10s (atm 20s).

Making WP hd equal to the hd of other mdps like witchelf, choppa, slayer and witchhunter in terms of length and cd but superior, to the ones in its own faction, because of his debuff type, curse.
Which is not cleansable by dok.

Why is this hd not op?
The hd alone seems very op since you can only get rid of it with a shaman/zealot singletarget cleanse. BUT, keep in mind that the WP is not equal in terms of dmg dealing to either slayer or witchhunter. The dps he has to be compared to in a 6 man. With less pressure the removal of an hd may become unnecessary in certain situations and in general less impactful.

With this suggestion I intend to increase the versatility on order side to build a melee setup, at the current lvl. Which is the setup melee WP belongs in, in my opinion. Hopefully it will drive people away from the idea that a slayer is really necessary to get a good melee setup.
Just think about the possibilities, at lvl 32. Additionally to a WP with hd you can now have a wh with crit dmg tactic and kd, a slayer with sl and id or a WL.

If the hd of WP stays as it is you can only have a slayer/wh with hd or play without hd, which sucks.

- make it require a 2h weapon to avoid possible issues in combination of salvation spec
Last edited by Bretin on Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 411

Re: [Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#2 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 7:58 pm

I agree. Wrath damage already isn't anything to be proud of, their heal-debuff being so pathetic is simply insulting.

At least with a proper heal-debuff the spec could provide combat support. Right now, there is no reason whatsoever to take a Warrior priest over the other melee DPS, who not only have better damage and debuffs, but have vastly superior mobility to boot.

Posts: 226

Re: [Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#3 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:00 pm

50% 10 for 20 would be fine.

Its a joke right now, but 50% at 10 for 10 is way to powerful

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Re: [Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#4 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:02 pm

I would like to see this change happen. This would be a good fix for a broken ability. It would also give melee WPs some much needed group utility.

If it needs some additional "tax" to make it balanced, add a curse requirement like Weight of Guilt.

Posts: 411

Re: [Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#5 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:02 pm

Landaren wrote:50% 10 for 20 would be fine.

Its a joke right now, but 50% at 10 for 10 is way to powerful
Wrath needs an advantage of its own. Right now, it's a largely immobile subpar DPS. If it can't be as mobile as the other DPSs, then it needs something else to compensate for that.

I'd be happy to keep the cool down at 20 seconds if it meant having something like Juggernaut on Wrath, but the spec was originally meant to be a front-line bruiser that focused on crippling enemies, and I'd rather stick with that theme than making the Warrior priest into a carbon copy of Slayers.

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Re: [Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#6 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:10 pm

Trying a DPS WP in your new set-up? :P

Agree 100% with OT. Make it 50% already!

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Re: [Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#7 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:12 pm

Well, I must admit this thread is a surprise.

This is 7 days' notice of intent to trial. Get your arguments both for and against in.

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Re: [Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#8 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:23 pm

- Will put DPS WP closer to the DPS DOK's pedestal
- Will give the class something to offer
- The lack of DPS won't be AS noticeable if the WP can effectively negate 50% of heals on someone.

- Nothing really.

Come on Aza! You know it be true! -vader voice-

Posts: 411

Re: [Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#9 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:27 pm

peterthepan3 wrote:For:
- Will put DPS WP closer to the DPS DOK's pedestal
- Will give the class something to offer
- The lack of DPS won't be AS noticeable if the WP can effectively negate 50% of heals on someone.

- Nothing really.

Come on Aza! You know it be true! -vader voice-
For - Agree.

Against - Grace, I see plenty of whining about being 'overpowered' in small scale fights, such as 1v1s or 2v2s. Wrath, I have heard nothing of the sort. The vast difference in survivability likely is the answer for this. Wrath just doesn't have the damage or utility to destroy people, even 1v1, and lacks the support Grace has to properly hold their own ground.

Edit - To clarify, the second portion is not me being against the buff, but clarifying that Wrath is shite even in 1v1. Like a Slayer, their only chance is to blow people up before they themselves melt, but they haven't the damage to do that, and too little self-sustain to outlast people.

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Re: [Warrior Priest]Absence of Faith

Post#10 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:38 pm

But it's a given that Grace WPs/Sacrifice DOKs have always been powerful/OP in 1v1/2v1 situations. That, however, has no bearing on the fact that in a group-orientated game, the DPS WP offers nothing.

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