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[Iron Breaker] rotation question

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Posts: 48

[Iron Breaker] rotation question

Post#1 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:46 pm

So I had a question about the Iron Breaker.

I'm currently in the process of choosing my tank, I have both a Blorc and an IB in T2 and I like them both. I'd quite like to have the option to switch between 2h & tank builds, which is why I've chosen these 2 as tanks.

I prefer how the Iron Breaker mechanics work in a lot of ways and I love dwarfs, but the one thing that put me off is the absurd amount of buff/ debuff skills.

If I was to spec 2h I'd have an armour buff, a toughness buff, a strength & crit buff, a strength + WP buff, a WS buff, a resist + attack speed buff, an armour debuff, and a chance to crit debuff.

My question is this - do I actually have to keep all of these buffs up all of the time? It seems like an absurd amount compared to other tanks. Especially as with other tanks keeping some of the defensive buffs up can be skipped sometimes if you aren't being focused as you aren't buffing an ally as well, like with the IB.

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Re: Iron Breaker rotation question

Post#2 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:28 pm

Use nerfedbuttons.

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Re: Iron Breaker rotation question

Post#3 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:44 pm

Earthpac wrote:My question is this - do I actually have to keep all of these buffs up all of the time? It seems like an absurd amount compared to other tanks. Especially as with other tanks keeping some of the defensive buffs up can be skipped sometimes if you aren't being focused as you aren't buffing an ally as well, like with the IB.
Yeah you can keep all these buffs up but that means you will not be snaring, punting, armor debuffing, knocking down, swapping guards and a lot of other things that would be better for your team than your single target buffs.

Overall on my IB i try to keep up with Oathbound and Stubborn as stone up all the time if i dont have a target near since they require no target, same with Ancestors Fury if i am in 2h.

The Ws buff cannot be spammed so gotta find the window for it, strentgth + wp is more about the heal debuff than the buff itself while to use the armor and toughness buffs i really need to have literally nothing else to do to use them.

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Re: Iron Breaker rotation question

Post#4 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:46 pm

Just make sure you keep the offensive buffs up on your dps.
Dalgri - Ftp/Sens - Sadboi - Fanboy


Posts: 48

Re: Iron Breaker rotation question

Post#5 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:30 pm

bloodi wrote:Yeah you can keep all these buffs up but that means you will not be snaring, punting, armor debuffing, knocking down, swapping guards and a lot of other things that would be better for your team than your single target buffs.

Overall on my IB i try to keep up with Oathbound and Stubborn as stone up all the time if i dont have a target near since they require no target, same with Ancestors Fury if i am in 2h.

The Ws buff cannot be spammed so gotta find the window for it, strentgth + wp is more about the heal debuff than the buff itself while to use the armor and toughness buffs i really need to have literally nothing else to do to use them.
Ok this is what I was hoping really. In T2 I feel a bit like I'm just a buff-bot at times as all I really do is slow people, debuff armour and buff an mdps. Wanted to make sure there's a lot more to an IB than the buffs before I commit.

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Re: Iron Breaker rotation question

Post#6 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:07 pm

Earthpac wrote:
bloodi wrote:Yeah you can keep all these buffs up but that means you will not be snaring, punting, armor debuffing, knocking down, swapping guards and a lot of other things that would be better for your team than your single target buffs.

Overall on my IB i try to keep up with Oathbound and Stubborn as stone up all the time if i dont have a target near since they require no target, same with Ancestors Fury if i am in 2h.

The Ws buff cannot be spammed so gotta find the window for it, strentgth + wp is more about the heal debuff than the buff itself while to use the armor and toughness buffs i really need to have literally nothing else to do to use them.
Ok this is what I was hoping really. In T2 I feel a bit like I'm just a buff-bot at times as all I really do is slow people, debuff armour and buff an mdps. Wanted to make sure there's a lot more to an IB than the buffs before I commit.
Trust me by the time you're level 32 with all mastery points and a renown rank around 30, you got a lot of ways to spec for various types of combat, be it CC, DPS assisting, or even heal debuffing healers.

Posts: 246

Re: Iron Breaker rotation question

Post#7 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:12 pm

Depends on your situation.

You are hitting anything? Use armor-debuff. Except u got a WL, he's got a better one.
Also always use snare.
Enemy healer is rezzing? Use taunt to interrupt.
Enemy got a HoT? Use your Sever Blessing.
You are hitting healers? use str-buff + healdebuff + str/crit buff.
Your MDPS needs AP? use AP-Buff.
You're not hitting anything at the moment? Use stubborn as stone.
Your oathfriend gets hit? usw armor/toughness/parry-buff. Also use aoe-detaunt to reduce enemies dps.
Your healers gets hit? switch guard and oathfriend and buff him some willpower and AP.
Some mate is going down and needs some space? Use your kick.
Destru is running after your friend? use aoe-root.
Enemies are running away or you need some high dmg numbers on aoe? usw Earthshatter.

IB is, imho, one of the most difficult chars to play.

Also look forward to stuff like run-dot and crit-debuff.
~~ Guild leader of Elements & Elementz ~~

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