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[Roleplay] On the Bloody Sun Boyz

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[Roleplay] On the Bloody Sun Boyz

Post#1 » Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:02 pm


"Da Bloody Sun Boyz is da biggest, meanest, greenest bunch ov ladz around!
Grumlok iz da big boss, and 'e sez dat we's gonna smash dem stunties gud an' propa. We's even gots us sum grotz who use da big 'eadbangin' magiks, an' sum uvver sneaky grotz wiv sum ov dem skwigz wiv da big teef. Dem stunties ain't gonna know wots hit 'em! WAAAGH!


In Warhammer Online: Return of Reckoning, the Bloody Sun Boyz, or Bloody Sun Tribe, are the largest, meanest and most influential Greenskin Tribe, which has risen to the very top of the food chain (no small feat in itself)through the hulking size and sheer strength of Grumlok and the brutally cunning Gazbag. They are the leaders of the Bloody Sun Boyz and have called a WAAAGH! with a clear target in mind: the destruction of their ancient rivals
capital city, Karaz-a-Karak.



Grumlok is a fierce Black Orc who rose to prominence only after having defeated the previous Bloody Sun Boss and taking the lead . The Bloody Sun tribe was just another tribe in the list of uncountable tribes which had taken the Badlands as it's residence, but Grumlok was no typical Black Orc; he had the greater ambition of conquering all the Orc tribes in his homeland and then unleash a massive WAAAGH! upon whoever dared to oppose him. The more foes he could annihilate, the better.

Grumlok was a very powerful and daring Boss in any sense, but still hindered by his own Greenskin nature and scarce intelligence. Fortunately for him, a great Goblin Bloody Sun Shaman named Gazbag quickly rose through Goblin treachery and backstabbing to the highest possible rank: Da Boss' Shaman. Gazbag was no normal Shaman, for his magical power was huge even for a Goblin. It didn't take long for the brutal duo to start assimilating the nearest tribes, only to be kidnapped by Malekith's servants in the middle of the fray, leaving the Bloody Sun Tribe leaderless.


At Malekith's court, Grumlok and Gazbag were given enchanted amulets. The amulets confered the Orc and his Goblin companion great power. Where Grumlok was merely strong before, even for a Black Orc, he grew so big he was simply undefeatable and near invulnerable. While Gazbag was a devastating channel of the power of the WAAAAGH!
But the amulets had a hidden downside: they were tools of control, Grumlok and Gazbag being mentally controlled by Malekith now.

After returning to the Badlands and taking hold once again of the Bloody Sun Tribe, the now magically enhanced Grumlok and Gazbag started a campaign to conquer their neighbors and amass a great horde. It didn't take long, for the duo and it's tribe were simply unstoppable.

The now-big Bloody Sun Tribe marched to Karaz-Eight-Peaks and slaughtered the Dwarf garrison stationed there, capturing the mighty fortress for the Greenskins. Having not satiated it's thirst for blood, Grumlok called a WAAAGH! upon the ancient city of Karaz-a-Karak, home of the Dwarves.

Now, Grumlok and Gazbag have summoned all tribes of the Old World to join his great WAAAGH!.
Join, or perish. The election is clear.


The Bloody Sun Boyz's are the ones at the forefront of the WAAAGH! against the Dwarves. Usually being seen leading the lower tribes, even the most lowly Bloody Sun grunt is seen as a Greenskin to not mess with by their own brethren, for only the strongest and most cunning are allowed to join the Bloody Sun Boyz.
Bloody Sun Orcs help maintain the "discipline" and are the ones tasked with quelling any infighting. As with any Orc, they don't hesitate to charge into the thick of the fray. Coupled with being the "elite" of the Greenskin society, they make excellent shock troops.

The bulk of the WAAAGH! is not comprised of the Bloody Sun Tribe, but of many lesser tribes loosely kept together by the firm grasp of the Bloody Sun Boyz!


As with any Greenskin tribe, the hierarchy is not hard to understand.
At the uppermost of the pyramid reside Gazbag and Grumlok and unlike most other tribes, they won't be removed from it since they are unnaturally strong.
Black Orc lieutenants and powerful Shamans occupy the next spot in the food chain.
Then comes the mobs of Orc Boyz . Bloody Sun Orc Boyz are special in the sense that they are battle-hardened fighters armed to the teeth, due to them being forced to prove themselves before joining Da Tribe.
At the bottom of the food chain lie the Goblins and Snotlings. Snotlings are nothing more than fodder.
Krumlok, Black Orc Boss of da Deathskull Tribe:
"Some day, all Choppas become savaj boyz." - Krumlok 2015

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Re: [Roleplay] On the Bloody Sun Boyz

Post#2 » Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:03 am

I still got the comic about them which came with the limited edition stuff. Even still got the mini.
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
Hulfdan Irongrip, RR 81 Ironbreaker
Rordin Brightrune, RR 70 Runepriest
Proud Founder of the 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers

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Re: [Roleplay] On the Bloody Sun Boyz

Post#3 » Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:07 pm

Kragg wrote:I still got the comic about them which came with the limited edition stuff. Even still got the mini.
Damn...that's very nice man!. Also, is the mini painted? I would like to see it (only if you want, of course) :)
Krumlok, Black Orc Boss of da Deathskull Tribe:
"Some day, all Choppas become savaj boyz." - Krumlok 2015

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Posts: 1771

Re: [Roleplay] On the Bloody Sun Boyz

Post#4 » Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:23 pm

It's even still in the package, never even opened it :P
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
Hulfdan Irongrip, RR 81 Ironbreaker
Rordin Brightrune, RR 70 Runepriest
Proud Founder of the 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers

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