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[IB] Soon 40, what than?

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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[IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#1 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:25 pm

Greetings my fellow dwarfsenjoyer,

I am finally short before it, reaching my first level 40 with my beloved Ironbreaker.
Now the question that irked me is the following, how to gear than? I found some guides and read through the forum and have somewhat a plan in my head, I just wanted to ask the forum if you might have better alternatives, I would like to prevent any regrets.
When I reach 40 I should be atleast 45 with my reputation, I have around 1400 war crest so I could buy immediatley the Conqueror Set and also a lot of genesis crest with which I could buy needed jewelry and weapons and armor.
Is this advisable? Or does it make more sense to try to get PvE sets at this low level?
I am planning on playing SnB IB, as two handed just distracting me from peeling and guarding (and the damage is only okayish), so if I am to squishy I could go Path of Stone for Shield Mastery and just hand out buffs like candy.
And for the jewelry I would just go for all the genesis crest that give out block and try to max out block as much as possible.
Than I guess grinding for higher gear and refining my tank playstyle?
And if I am already on it, if I plan on playing twohanded, when is the gear good enough to do that? And secondly how high should I be to start playing ranked?

I thank everyone for taking his time to read this.
Have a great day and see you guys at the battlefield.

Posts: 226

Re: [IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#2 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:48 pm

personally i have lvled all my characters using warcrests.....Conq then up to Vanq then invader etc etc.

But some people swear blind you're better off doing the PVE dungeons to buy those armour sets with War tokens instead and save your Warcrests for a higher end set.

Ultimately its up to you, personally i do like PVE but i would rather bash greenskins round the head in the RVR lakes rather than do Dungeons.

Posts: 493

Re: [IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#3 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:01 pm

Hello there!

1400 crests is not much :( As its your first level 40 then dont be in a rush, you most likely have much to learn.
For experienced people i would advice to get full conq and be done with it, its very decent set possible to play both 2h and snb in it. In your case im not so sure.
First do some PQs and get Ruin set, can mix with Annihilator if you took it on your way to 40. Slot wounds talismans there. Buy or farm yourself Ravack cloak with block on it (pretty easy boss in BFP zone, you can check on wiki). There are random world drop belts with block, check them on action house from time to time (dont have their names, take your time and try to sort them with class filter, iirc they are in 29-38 level range, blue and purple) but dont focus on it much, green from vendor will do just fine. Buy or farm Gunbad Diamond (jewelry piece with block). Get Impervious Winds rings set (check on wiki) and run it with gunbad diamond for now.

Depending on your love/hate to PvE you could try to run Gunbad and collect Redeye, incredibly decent set for fresh snb (but way worse then conq for example). Slot wounds there as well. Keep in mind that you can collect Sentinel gear thru PvE Weekly at the moment so you will do two wards this way (conq and vanq). From bags there you can get madcap versions of subjegator 1h weapon and shield without procs but you can do T4 epic quests (read up on wiki) and take 1h weapon with AP proc and shield with absorb proc.

In regards to genesis you would need at very minimum need 24 toughness/24 wounds + 3% block rings, and for 2h - 24 str/24 wounds + 3% parry rings + a piece with initiative (you should balance your gear to keep initiative at very least as 250 unbuffed, so in some gear mixes you would need this piece or slap 1-2 ini talis somewhere, up to you). Depends how many genesis you've got. You wont need them for 2h beside rings, you can take subj shield and not worry about madcap/cnt shields/whatever. Subj shield is incredibly solid pick so depending on further crests starvation you could skip SC shield. You also mention pieces with block to take with genesis shards which is also pretty cool thing to take, but, yet again, it depends on exact amounts of genesis shards youve got, if you have like 100 then you can skip Impervious Winds and just take pieces with block, thats an option too.

BiS SnB 1h+shield is kind of debatable, most go with scenario ones. However taking fort shield is an option as well, absorb proc is great. 1h is definitely scenario one but for SnB dont spend your crests for it atm. Its not so important

2h IB is pretty demanding for player skill so i would advice to try it out at 60rr (required for proper build) and in Bloodlord+Sentinel+Vale-Walker gear (out of those only sentinel is available atm). So save yourself from regrets, better collect gear and renown as snb atm, gather info, learn class and try out 2h later.

Ranked level bare minimum entry level is 73rr and full warlord. Toptier players can force things to work since bloodlord+ but that is very awesome awarness, movement, gcd management etc, very few can somewhat properly compete in such gear. So for rankeds you are supposed to be BiS/preBiS and rr80

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Re: [IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#4 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 6:23 pm

Invader set should be your priority with bonus of crit chance reduction for you party and then decide if you want be stone sovereign or 2h mix with sovereign and victorius.

For stone BiS critical chance reduction and Block is priority (at least after last patch) and 2h some go to max stats with invader weapon or more glass cannon for 6 man party with bloodlord weapon.

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Re: [IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#5 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 6:50 pm

Both Ruin and Conq are good lower sets for SnB. Ruin has +armor and %7 block; conq has the nice +wounds proc.
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Posts: 268

Re: [IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#6 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:00 pm

for snb gear doesnt matter that much. youre going to die last anyway in anything conq and above. conq is arguably as good as vanq. on sm i absolutely adored invader for the infinite ap proc (ib invader has same proc). i liked it so much that actually sov felt worse because of possibly being ap starved.

Posts: 66

Re: [IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#7 » Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:51 am

Get Conquer gear and ride that all the way to Sov. Why? Because Vanq and Invader does not have -5 chance to be cirt on which tacks with Futlile Strikes.

Do the Pve to open the wards. Buy the sc weapons and shield with Block/parry and anticrit.

Once in Sov range, make a hard decision which path to start on. s/b or 2H. The best thing about Def Sov is Leading the Charge 8 pce ability. 30% run speed for grp within range for 10s. Good for wb and sc play.

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Re: [IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#8 » Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:21 pm

I gotta be honest, I didnt expect so many answers in such a short amount of time. I want to thank all, who took their time in the day to answer me, especially @nocturnalguest who gave such a detailed answer.
I think at the end I just buy Conquerer and be done with it and than see, might than straight save up for Sov. PvE is probably better, but I for the most part play RoR for the PvP so I am much happier for crumping other players, although I definitely gonna check some Dungeons on my grind.
Ranked level bare minimum entry level is 73rr and full warlord. Toptier players can force things to work since bloodlord+ but that is very awesome awarness, movement, gcd management etc, very few can somewhat properly compete in such gear. So for rankeds you are supposed to be BiS/preBiS and rr80
I kinda expected that, altough Ive read that through ranked you get more RP, so I thought it might be good for leveling, but it seems more for the sweaty hardcore players, which I definitely look into when I come into late-late game.
Often sc weapons came up, what does that mean? Do you mean the 41/45 Shop that also sells weapons, these weapons? Isnt subj. much better if Genesis crest are avaible?
Ah and one last questions, what is more effective to gain war crest, scenarios oder Open RvR? I mean before 40 Scenarios are much quicker in levels, but RvR much better ratio of RP to EXP and also more Wards if the pubs went well a evening.

Anyway thanks a again and cheers!

Posts: 268

Re: [IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#9 » Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:59 pm

Onewa wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:21 pm I gotta be honest, I didnt expect so many answers in such a short amount of time. I want to thank all, who took their time in the day to answer me, especially @nocturnalguest who gave such a detailed answer.
I think at the end I just buy Conquerer and be done with it and than see, might than straight save up for Sov. PvE is probably better, but I for the most part play RoR for the PvP so I am much happier for crumping other players, although I definitely gonna check some Dungeons on my grind.
Ranked level bare minimum entry level is 73rr and full warlord. Toptier players can force things to work since bloodlord+ but that is very awesome awarness, movement, gcd management etc, very few can somewhat properly compete in such gear. So for rankeds you are supposed to be BiS/preBiS and rr80
I kinda expected that, altough Ive read that through ranked you get more RP, so I thought it might be good for leveling, but it seems more for the sweaty hardcore players, which I definitely look into when I come into late-late game.
Often sc weapons came up, what does that mean? Do you mean the 41/45 Shop that also sells weapons, these weapons? Isnt subj. much better if Genesis crest are avaible?
Ah and one last questions, what is more effective to gain war crest, scenarios oder Open RvR? I mean before 40 Scenarios are much quicker in levels, but RvR much better ratio of RP to EXP and also more Wards if the pubs went well a evening.

Anyway thanks a again and cheers!
making groups for gunbad then actually doing the dungeon three times propably takes as much time as it does to get required crests in rvr.. you also get to play the game and not the most **** boring braindead absolute slog of a content that is warhammer online pve. i think you can still buy gloves and boots from AH for gold, and the rest is like 1k crests total

Posts: 493

Re: [IB] Soon 40, what than?

Post#10 » Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:02 am

Onewa wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:21 pm I gotta be honest, I didnt expect so many answers in such a short amount of time. I want to thank all, who took their time in the day to answer me, especially @nocturnalguest who gave such a detailed answer.
I think at the end I just buy Conquerer and be done with it and than see, might than straight save up for Sov. PvE is probably better, but I for the most part play RoR for the PvP so I am much happier for crumping other players, although I definitely gonna check some Dungeons on my grind.
Ranked level bare minimum entry level is 73rr and full warlord. Toptier players can force things to work since bloodlord+ but that is very awesome awarness, movement, gcd management etc, very few can somewhat properly compete in such gear. So for rankeds you are supposed to be BiS/preBiS and rr80
I kinda expected that, altough Ive read that through ranked you get more RP, so I thought it might be good for leveling, but it seems more for the sweaty hardcore players, which I definitely look into when I come into late-late game.
Often sc weapons came up, what does that mean? Do you mean the 41/45 Shop that also sells weapons, these weapons? Isnt subj. much better if Genesis crest are avaible?
Ah and one last questions, what is more effective to gain war crest, scenarios oder Open RvR? I mean before 40 Scenarios are much quicker in levels, but RvR much better ratio of RP to EXP and also more Wards if the pubs went well a evening.

Anyway thanks a again and cheers!
Rankeds do give more RR if you win, but its least reliable way to level up as competetion in comparison to all the other paths are incredibly higher.

SC weapons are the ones you can get in Altdorf Warquarter from a vendor, they are 40/45, but yes, i mean those. Further you can upgrade your 40/45 into 40/61 version trading 40/45 item + crests. Subj isnt better for SnB but they are fine. Subj shield can be further upgraded into fort shield and fort shield is on par with sc 40/61 shield. You can choose the path here yourself and it will be mostly depedant on amount of available genesis shard you have - you can either skip jewelry pieces and take subj 1h + shield or skip weapons, take jewelry and go another route i mention. Its actually not so much important and a choice for resources economy.

Most effective way to gain war crests is to play in highly organised and coordinated premade 24men warband getting 1k+ kills per 2-3 hours oRvR session. For random pugger most effective way to gain war crests is to farm contribution in different open oRvR zone by all possible means (kill something which will be close to impossible on solo snb tank, grab boxes, take BOs, run around in open pug warband), trick is to farm as much contribution in different zones per play session as possible.

Scenarios is very reliable and great way to farm both rr and crests only if you are winning them. To win them you need to be in a group that will be making alot of kills. Pugging scenarios solo as snb tank is pretty bad idea. Forming groups for SC is quite nice and cool experience but you need to be social and active to make likeminded friends. You can try your luck in discordant SC, it resulsts vary and depend on who's online, but winning them as solo is much easier task and also you will contribute a lot being a tank.

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