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Lifetap dps Shaman

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#1 » Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:20 am

I'm looking to mix things up with my shaman as I already have an 80 zealot for straight heals. I want to run, Waaagh! Frenzy, with high intelligence. Does anyone have a build for lifetap heals?

I was thinking about Gork second tree, but without exploiting the class mechanic; I'll Take That, and, Fury of da Green, will always have a cast time. That's bad.

With Mork second tree I get puddle, and that's about it with a little heal ability scaling. I imagine I'd be using, Ey' Quit Bleedin to maintain the mechanic, and that doesn't scale off of Mork tree. Sidenote: it probably should. Maybe heal tree scaling makes general HoT OP, I don't know. Obviously the heals are bad, but willpower scales so poorly it might not matter that much. Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.

Again this is a full Intelligence high magic crit lifetap build focused on trying to heal. Get at me.
Fley - Zealot Domoarigobbo - Shaman
Squid - Squig Squit - B.O.
Black Toof Clan

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Re: Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#2 » Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:15 am ... ,1949,2105

Is what I sometimes run in Freebootaz Warbands. I prefer Gork tree to Mork tree as the heal debuff I love and Mork's Gaze synergises with Gork's Barbs.
Make sure you have 7/8 warlord set, or at the very least off-sov to assist your buddies with crit-taken debuff.
You can't run this build very well without Chop Fasta, it will be painful.
When you take WAAAGH Frenzy it stops you from moving whilst casting FodG and lets it crit, which it does not say on the tooltip if ya didn't know.

Its very fun when cast into large groups of people, you can sometimes do really high aoe heals with it and gets disrupted a lot less than DA WAAAGH IZ COMIN' ability.

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Re: Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#3 » Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:56 pm

I haven't manged to get a working spec out of 1050 shmy dps healing (AM works tho)

IMHO There is an ability bloat situation for shaman (GCD squeeze) so i find myself dropping the toughness hot 99% of the time as well as RUN AWAY! (it just isn't reliable after all nerfs outside of solo yolo and QE is ok)

Must haves
1. FoG
2. Sticky Feetz (so no mid tree for me)
3. Green and cleaner (possibly aoe with clns tac)
4. Whazat Behind You, (To smart For that/Aint done yet)
5. Extra special Mushrooms (mainly to offset +crits of gear and classify as healer)

Must use
1. Clns, Ey Quit Bleedn, Fog, I'll take that
2. BBAG or AOE heal depending on a lot of things
3 Dont Feel Nutn, Gork'll fix it (that order) (Bleed for me, YNSB, Get'n Smarter)
4. (Ere We Go)
5. There simply are no free GCDs for more

Nice to have
a. High HP:s 10K pref
b. 45pts of crit reduction or avoidance, Deft defender IV (else you'll be chain stunned by RP:s bc you are an easy pick)
c. Scuse me (I really wish I could have it in more specs)
d Morale gain tactic (situational)

I wish I had
1. M4 Feelz no Pain (can't get it and I hate it)
2. Another fast heal instead of M1 (AM 13pts is infinitely better)
3. The 5s setback protection on aoe detaunt with 15s uptime
4. More clns just like AM (more things to clns at the cost of WP clns)
5. A big self absorb to counter burst

Personally I've abandoned 1050 int since it just dont work unlike AM (sit in the 750-850 region most times)
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#4 » Thu Nov 09, 2023 10:44 am

Hybrid AM works great because:
+10f (30-40%) bigger SoC vs Scuse Me
+Higher Dmg per cast on Dissipating Energy vs DWIC
+Heal debuff DoT is not fluff on AM
+10% Disrupt strikethrough tactic
+lifetap tactic (though don't run this on mine very often)
+M1 Absorb

On Sham I'd probably run this with Chop Fasta:
R70+2 - 9-0-17 - Max FodG Shaman

With 7p warlord boosting to 17 points in Green tree, or a varation with 5p war/2/2 pumping magic power and disrupt strikethrough.

Then focus int + heal crit, the damage won't be high, but FodG will be maxed.

Last tactic DF if you want to trade healing for a bit more dmg.

Or this if you want to focus dmg:
R70+2 - 0-11-13 - ST Lifetap Shaman

While your AoE dmg and normal healing will be lower than AM version, your lifetap and single target assist will be greater.
To keep waagh balance focus on shield, cleanse, 15s hot and quick rezzes.
I'd still go 7p warlord + 2p vic for this, pumping int and magic crit.

Not normally a fan of the Waaagh Frenzy tactic, as not only is it less mobile and still only hit max 5 targets but also removes all heal bonus modifiers (heal crit, +heal %) and on AM you have great tactics without downsides, but in this case it works out ignoring the -40% from tactics and benefits from pumping int+crit.

It does look like they are removing Frenzy with the balance ability rework, but would have been a great counter to AOE Heal debuffs from RP/ZL.

And if you know you won't get Chop Fasta:
R70+2 - 0-13-13 - No Choppin' Shaman

I could see this work pretty well, stack Mork pre-fight, then Scuse Me and cycle: FodG > Mork ability > DWIC > Mork Ability > FodG ...

Or last utility build:
R70+2 - 9-3-13 - Pumpin' Support Shaman
Int + heal crit
Giving up some damage but adding a lot of utility.
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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Re: Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#5 » Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:16 pm

Thanks for the suggestions.
Fley - Zealot Domoarigobbo - Shaman
Squid - Squig Squit - B.O.
Black Toof Clan

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Re: Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#6 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:33 am

Fey wrote: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:16 pm Thanks for the suggestions.
Just tested both DPS focused builds (ST Lifetap and No Choppin) and they are very solid! :)

No Chopping flows really well, cooldowns line up perfectly to spam FoDG/heal/DWIC continuously without Chop Fasta, should be very decent in RVR.

The ST Lifetap build isn't as clean (as you'll want to avoid the -40% weak heals), but with Chop Fasta you'll have more up time on the absorb shield and in RvR will often have targets to rez, before needing to use lower value cleanse or EQB and only 6 sec cooldown on Bunch o Waaagh will make it a lot more smoothe.
That being said, this build is a lot better on Shammy since you also get +120 int from DoT and -240 toughness on channel, that's a lot of stats to put into wounds, etc., and with mechanic and 7p warlord bonus makes BoW very potent.
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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Re: Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#7 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:11 pm

I'm not trying for a pure dps build, I'm still trying to heal, so I'm not going up Gork tree.

After a few weeks it is lackluster. Finding a decent target to tap is a challenge, especially with FotG at 80 feet. I'm often forced to tap a tank or melee train, and without a scuse me on them it's just garbage dps and therefore garbage healing.

The damage in general is ass without divine fury. With divine fury all my Mork stuff is ass which I use constantly to get mechanic points, and actually heal when a good target isn't in range.

I'm playing in a 3 man and we don't have a Choppa. I'm sure it would be better in a proper size man, but thems the breaks. I'll just play my sorc, much easier and more effective. Thanks anyway.
Fley - Zealot Domoarigobbo - Shaman
Squid - Squig Squit - B.O.
Black Toof Clan

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Re: Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#8 » Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:25 am - Shaman

In smallscale (1-3 man party) I find this spec to work wonders for me. Very good single target healer, with plenty of assist damage. I'll take that+Bigger better an greener spam to make use of waaagh mechanic, combined with shrug it of with aint done yet + all hots, lifetap dot, bubble and ap drain etc. makes your heal target very hard to take down. Also compared to pure healer, it is very challenging to play, IMO, which makes it fun for me (trying to balance your heal output with dps output, killing people while keeping your group alive).

I've tried swapping the Do sumfin useful to FoDG, but I found myself missing the toughness hot on almost every fight, more so than FoDG. Besides, I'll take that already works like your pseudo FoDG.
Shaman - Gladiolix (rr86)
Black Orc - Oomiestompa (rr85)
Squig Herder - Bluglog (rr85)
Choppa - Poliisi (rr84)

BW rr70+, KoBS rr70+, WP rr60+

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Re: Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#9 » Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:19 pm

Oh yep, the builds I listed all assumes warband scale, where you have enough targets to max both dmg and heal output on FodG, this more than makes up for your weaker normal heals.
At WB scale you are more safe at close range as you'll draw less attention and be closer to your blob.
And you'll have 6-7 other healers to cover your gap in survivability.

Small scale and especially below 6 man, you'll definitely see the cracks, as your FodG lifesteal becomes less and inconsistent, and obviously much larger impact if you die.

But it should still work as Gladiolix is saying, in certain setups where you are willing to trade def for dmg, like if you already have another healer but don't want two full dps, so you go hybrid.
Or you have a regen tank and a ranged dps, so there's not much to healing to be done.
Or 2 hybrid shammies 1 rdps :)

As Gladiolix mentioned, small scale is harder as on top of having to be much more careful on positioning, kiting, rotation and targetting, is you now need to expand from just using EQB and FodG 80% of the time to incorporating all lifetaps (now rather than just spamming fodg, you'll want to get 2 Bleed Fer Me running and use I'll Take That when others are on cd), cleanses, heals and dots while still using mechanic, so it's a lot more demanding... which can be fun.

I'd run this in small scale: - Shaman

With 6-7p warlord x 3-2p Vic, then you get both DSU and FODG.
You can switch into either 3p vic/sent x 3off x 3war or 4p vic x 5p off for more tankiness, dropping either FodG or DSU for Scuse Me.

Then we end up with a lot of HoTs:
1x15s EQB
1x9s DSU
2x24s BFM
1-3x9s Green Cleanin'

Then you have FodG when there's no good targets (e.g. only 1 snb tank) or need AoE heal.
And I'll Take That to do more dmg and counter heal debuffs.

You should also prepare multiple tactic sets (heal, kite, attack) and switch between them as needed before engaging.

Though regardless, would not really recommend for a solo healer, especially if your party is one of those that wants to end sessions with a 200:1 kd, lifetap is not the build for that.

A lot of players would rather stay alive and get no kills than trade kills 1:1, so the only benefit of going hybrid which is extra dmg for less heals/def, just irritates your teammates... lol...
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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Re: Lifetap dps Shaman

Post#10 » Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:54 am

Do you all have a leveling build for someone new to the game?

Thank you!

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