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Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

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Posts: 126

Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#1 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:14 am

RvR, primarily during NA, needs more proper Pug Leaders.

This guide is an attempt to encourage players that are seeking new challenges, want to help create content, nourish more balanced oRvR lakes, and also hopefully break the stigma that Pug Leading is hard or annoying.
  • Download Warband Leader Helper: [viewtopic.php?t=39349]
    Use this addon constantly. I've been pug leading for months and in my experience, there are very, very few players that won't follow a communicative leader - and those you can kick. A lot of pug leaders won't talk to their WB and then complain that "its like herding cats". People aren't stupid, they just can't read your mind.

    The addon has its limits tho, so the more - and earlier - you can explain the plan to your WB, the better. Again, talk to your WB. Pretend you know what you're doing, do literally whatever comes to mind, just tell them what it is. No time? Use the addon. Got time to type? Explain what you want to do. Any move that everyone is trying to make together is better than just hoping every single person in your pugband have you marked, or will be constantly watching you, or will be able to comprehend your intentions from how you move your character
  • Make 2/2/2s
    This is 80% of the battle right here. For new players, this means 2 Tanks, 2 DPS and 2 Healers per group - but you can drop a tank for a rDPS that doesn't need Guard. You can impose Rank or Renown restrictions if you want, i personally treat pugbands as a "practice WB" for alts and new players, so all ranks are welcome - just don't take too many Single Target WH/WE/SW/SH/Engi/Magus cuz they literally don't do anything in a WB.
  • Play a Tank or a mDPS
    You need to be the Frontline for your WB, so everybody can know how far they are supposed to go and where they are supposed to do their dmg.

There is A LOT more to leading a WB than this, of course. Some of it requires Discord, some of it don't, but the difference that proper comps and a simple plan of "lets hold bottom floor, and X can drop Oil on their push" - that was called for when Door was at 60%, and not when its about to go down - makes is tremendous. Can't stress this enough, its very, very basic and low effort stuff. A BiS Slayer/Choppa without a Guard and a healer is just a dead DPS. 24 people running whatever each way won't kill anything.

Make 2/2/2s, talk to your WB, and then u can start figuring it out as you go. You're not learning anything if half your DPS don't have Guard or you only have 4 healers in the WB, you'll get farmed unless the enemy is even less organized. But if the comp is stable and people are trying to execute the plan you told them beforehand, then you'll figure out where on the map Order/Destro performs better, how to move around, how to attack or defend a Keep and so on, and you'll pretty quickly become a competent Leader.

Posts: 14

Re: Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#2 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:33 am

Thanks for your contribution, this will help some people and the community

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Posts: 193

Re: Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#3 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 7:30 am

Rotgut wrote: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:14 am just don't take too many Single Target WH/WE/SW/SH/Engi/Magus cuz they literally don't do anything in a WB.[/list]
Im offended.
Pbaoe engi/magus can Be pretty devastating and also brings pretty decent CC If used right and i have had/seen pretty formidable snipe/torpedosquads to delete lesser beings If they manage to attack atleast few Times to some target.
Tinbitz rr8x BO
Daewuur rr8x Magus
Deawuur rr8x engineer
+ lots of rr50-60 toons, including 1 healer!

-"renown pinata for small groups"

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Posts: 23

Re: Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#4 » Wed Oct 25, 2023 7:51 am

Thank you for this guide.
Good PUG leaders are needed.
They are pillars of our RoR comunity.
I can also recommend mark well known leaders of organized warbads on both sides with permanent enemy mark flag.
It will help you to orient yourself on battlefield.
You can support with your PUG wb others organized guild warbands
or you will see which one enemy warbands is better to avoid.
Kaspar - WP RR80+ from Bene Tlailax
order alts: Kazador (IB), Hargin (SL) and 7 more
destro alts: Kash (Mara), Kashnik (Shamy) and 8 more

Posts: 1

Re: Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#5 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:44 am

Been running with this guy in a lot of warbands, he really knows what hes talking about, one of the best to do it. Really great info in here, if people wanna start leading this is a GREAT starting point!

Posts: 1

Re: Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#6 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:04 am

Awsome tips. Thats exactly what I do as well. And it makes it easy. There needs to be more leaders out here. having a plan and good communication works as well. Also being positive goes a long way.

Posts: 76

Re: Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#7 » Mon Oct 30, 2023 4:32 am

Great addon for Pugs leading. But i m still looking how to rezize the window. The addon is made for 1920-1080 resolution. I run the game in 3840x2160 and the size of the window is tiny. Whit the time and some tweaks on colors chat command it s ok, but need someone for to explain how to rezize.

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Posts: 15

Re: Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#8 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:46 pm

I would also add that you shouldn't feel afraid to just open your group if you are a new player. It will take some time to get used to leading, but you will find that people start to join you regularly if you just open a group each night and put in /5 what you are looking for. It's a great way to meet people on the sever too.

My main advice for newer leaders would be to just play to the strengths of your group. If you are mele heavy, look to find choke points and line of sight blocking terain to fight around, if you are ranged heavy, try and kite the enemy team as mush as possible and get your tanks to cc the enemy. Though this can be very difficult as order keeping your groups as 2-2-2 is essential, but also try and have classes that work well together in each group, such as SM-AM-SW in a group, or a choppa and a shimmy.
Knutkrusher - The man, the myth, the dead body on the floor.

Posts: 268

Re: Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#9 » Thu Nov 02, 2023 6:07 pm

Tyrex2017 wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2023 4:32 am Great addon for Pugs leading. But i m still looking how to rezize the window. The addon is made for 1920-1080 resolution. I run the game in 3840x2160 and the size of the window is tiny. Whit the time and some tweaks on colors chat command it s ok, but need someone for to explain how to rezize.
download notepad++ and look into .xml files in the addon folder. shouldnt be hard to find what to change inside

Posts: 126

Re: Guide: BASICS of Pug Leading

Post#10 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 4:11 am

Reviving this thread to talk about NA.

We need more 2/2/2 pugleaders in NA.

Right now, Big Inc logs during the tail end of EU then dominates the lake for 4h because nobody wants to log on Order, cuz there is nothing to join there. No good pugs. Then right as Big Inc is logging off, Jempire - who plays during West Coast hours - logs in and changes the zones from Destro dominating to Order.

It sucks. We need Order pugleader during Big Inc's playtime and on Destro during Jempire.

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