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Magus Builds/Renown Points/Talismans ect...

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Posts: 18

Magus Builds/Renown Points/Talismans ect...

Post#1 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:28 am

Hello, I know Magus's are not popular but I am loving mine right now. Not much out there regarding Magus builds, where to put renown points and ect. While leveling should I be using wounds or intelligence talismans? Could some people post single target and aoe builds? Any further information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Posts: 16

Re: Magus Builds/Renown Points/Talismans ect...

Post#2 » Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:47 pm

At lvl 40, this is a pretty straightforward single-target build: ... 2,563,8513

As a fresh 40 you WILL want to use the int tactic or watch all your spells get disrupted. As your gear gets better it becomes more optional (ie you get more int)

For AOE as a fresh 40 this is what I used: ... ,8521,8520

Keep in mind if another Magus has dropped a mist, do not drop yours in the same spot as they do not stack and it only recognizes the first one that was dropped.

For talismans, I would just use wounds until you get to 40 just to have that health buffer. Some people go all wounds, some go all armor, some go all toughness. There's a lot of variety in talisman setup.

For renown, I would recommend points in INT and magic crit chance. Thats just my preference, though. Futile Strikes is always a pretty universally beneficial one too because the less you get crit the less you get killed.

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