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Why Destro are the good guys

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Why Destro are the good guys

Post#1 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:32 am

Why Destro are the good guys
by Orklovingit
Volume 1 Edition 46

I made this post to remind myself and anyone else here with real faction loyalty to Destro in regards to the motivation about why we play/purpose of what the characters we play as in, what they are actually fighting for:

Destruction are the good guys if you imagine yourself in their shoes:

1.Greenskins are fighting against the threat of the Dwarfs who want them extinct (Dwarven grudges in the Dammaz Kron book want the genocide of all Greenskins in order for them to fulfill the grudges completely). Also to serve the will of Gork n' Mork to make the Greenskin race stronger by strengthening their WAAAGH's to greater heights with magic from the Great Green (spiritual fungoid realm, where the Greenskins species gods Gork n' Mork reside and it is also where the Greenskins' spirits go after they die), thus increasing their god's power/influence over them. Also taking the lands of the Dwarfs would serve as a fitting form of retribution to help soothe their past pains of their entire race being previously enslaved by a Dwarven faction (Chaos Dwarfs) in the Dark Lands, southeast of the World's Edge Mountains. (1)

Gork n' Mork:
"The Orks/Gobbos believe that Gork and Mork are personal Gods; i.e. they will offer divine aid to those Orks/Gobbos who ask for it, if they are found deserving, but it does not matter which of the two Gods an Ork/Gobbo prays to, since they are essentially interchangeable.The difference between the twin Greenskin Gods is simple: Gork is brutal but cunning, while Mork is cunning but brutal" (2)

2.The Raven Host seeks to control all lands of the Empire because Tzeentch demands it in order to grow ze's power:

"The Chaos Gods are dependent upon the emotions of mortal creatures, especially the hordes of Humanity, for their power and continued existence. As a result, the Chaos Gods strive to convert all mortals to their worship and service so that they may ultimately dominate the universe"

The Raven Host will benefit from not just a big rewarding bounty of increased magical gifts granted from Tzeentch if they win, but also from having permanent access to resources they used to have to nomadically raid the fertile southern lands for in order to avoid starvation due to the extreme scarcity of food in the north, they seek to increase their tribal Norse population and to give admittance to any human who chooses to join the Raven Host to loyally serve only Tzeentch who in return exchanges unholy gifts from the Warp (miracles for health problems, psychological enlightenment into the unknown, and further opportunities from mysterious/secret Chaos magics). Empire wants to suppress such knowledge with a dysfunctional society of wealth inequality and mindless superstitions to various weak gods, especially sigmar who has abandoned them long ago, unlike Tzeentch, who is always watching. (3)

"Tzeentch is especially empowered by the desire for change and ambition for advancement among mortals"

3.Although Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning takes place in an alternate AU where the End Times never happen, it was revealed in the End Times that the High Elves were cheating the ritual of the Phoenix King the entire time by Archmages granting magical wards as secretly ordered by wealthy High Elven aristocrats/nobles/elite for the person they chose to walk in the Flame of Asuryan. Malekith burning in the flame of Asuryan was not rejection, but actually what the Flame was supposed to do: anyone who is burned by the Flame of Asuryan who can live will be Phoenix King. The Dark Elves want to restore Malekith to the throne and control Ulthuan to restore the might of the Elven Kingdom as it was under Aenarion, something the High Elves have failed to do with low/declining reproduction. (4)

After Malekith was burned and recovered, he declared himself as the greatest champion of Khaine because of the following:

A. Malekith would personally benefit most from the best god from the Elven Pantheon that best aligned with his thirst for conquesting Ulthuan by defeating the High Elves:

"Malekith became the Witch King of Naggaroth, forsaking Asuryan as his god and taking up the image of the Bloody-Handed Destroyer, Khaela Mensha Khaine, the Elven god of war and murder" (4)

"Khaine believes that conflict is necessary for peace to reign; only slaughter gives the promise of life any meaning; and love is nothing unless tempered by the blackest of hatreds. He is a god who gives his supplicants license to do as they will, and forbids nothing, save denial of his divine will" (5)

"You know me as your king. Know me now also as the incarnate vessel of your lord and god, Khaine the Ruthless, the Bloody-Handed Messenger, Jaguar of the Night, the Manticore. In me has He invested His power in the mortal realm, so that He might lead you on the crusade of death.
—Malekith, Witch King of Naggaroth"

Khaine passively blessed Malekith by accepting his declaration otherwise he would have killed him already if Khaine viewed his statements as defiance, as shown in the following:

"The Witch King proclaimed himself a mortal incarnation of Khaine, the god's merciless instrument in the realm of the living. Malekith swore undying devotion to the Lord of Murder in the shrine of Naggarond, and poured a goblet of his divine blood into the braziers where the Witch Elves burnt the hearts of their sacrifices" (7)

B. Khaine was favored by the Dark Elven masses who are virtually all members of the Cult of Khaine in order to gain their support:
"The Cult of Khaine is the paramount religious organisation within the Dark Elf kingdom of Naggaroth. It is dedicated to the worship of Khaine, the god of murder and war in the Elven Pantheon. Ruled by the Hag Queens, the heart of the cult resides in the Naggarothi city of Har Ganeth, with Hag Queen Hellebron of the cult the chief amongst Khaine's disciples" (7)

"While the Temple of Khaine is the most influential sect of the god of murder in Dark Elf society thanks to their alliance with Malekith...Malekith as the worldly incarnation of Khaine and the central authority of a singular temple" (Naggarothi city of Har Ganeth) (7)

The difference between Khaine and Khorne:
"The Dark Elves believe the distinction between Khorne and Khaine is one of degree. Where Khaine is the controlled violence of ritual and religious practice, Khorne is the uncontrolled savagery of the rabid dog, the wild killing sprees undertaken by the Norsemen and other madmen of the Chaos Wastes" (8)

Dark Elves worship Khaine and serve him by either warfare or using captured enemies as sacrifices for altars in exchange for power.

What constitutes as a sacrifice that would be accepted by Khaine?
"I feel like it has to be deliberate with premeditation and probably against a sentient soul that’s worthy to be taken" (9)


"For the worshippers of Khaine, god of murder, the greatest power in existence is the ability to end a life. The act of killing is thought to bring the believer closer to Khaine and eventually allow them to become as the gods themselves, holding the life of all around them in their hand" (7)

By Malekith having united his people with Khaine, the goal to conquer Ulthuan is at hand:

"The Dark Elves know that they cannot claim their glorious inheritance whilst their hated brethren, the High Elves, endure. Until the day dawns when the Isles of Ulthuan are finally theirs, the Dark Elves will continue their bloody quest" (10)

"Stormclouds gather across the High Elf realms, and the Witch King's laughter echoes upon the wind. Naggaroth will rise, Ulthuan will fall, and a vengeance thousands of years in the making will finally see its bloody conclusion" (10)

Destruction simply being dismissed as evil/crazy/stupid is not true because it is actually subjective. I believe if you look at them with empathy/visualize what it is like metaphorically if you were born as one of them, that they believe their causes to why they fight is both right and just from their point of view, a fact which is ignored by those who misunderstand them.

(6) Curse of Khaine (Novel) by Gav Thrope: Chapter Eight: The Witch King Demands
(7) & Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (8th Edition) 3a: pg. 16-25
(8): Malus Darkblade Chronicle: Warpsword (Novel) by Dan Abnett & Mike Lee: Ch. 10: Faith and Murder
(9) ... to_khaine/ Norwalk1215 (2020)
(10) Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves (8th Edition) 1c: pg. 7
Last edited by Orklovingit on Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:21 pm, edited 46 times in total.
I love Destruction!. I like the Dark Elves , Raven Host/Chaos, and especially Greenskins the most, they are my favorite faction and I proudly play only 1 main: a Black Orc named "Orklovesgobboz" as a NA player and I never xrealm. No order character. For Destruction!

Posts: 422

Re: Why Destro are the good guys

Post#2 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:00 am

I know, right! And Sauron with his evil eye is such a nice guy! Such a chad. Can't be mad at him.

Smoke a little bit less of that WAAAGH! stuff ;)

Posts: 333

Re: Why Destro are the good guys

Post#3 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:07 am

Orklovingit wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:32 am Destruction simply being dismissed as evil/crazy/stupid is not true because it is actually subjective. I believe if you look at them with empathy/visualize what it is like metamorphically if you were born as one of them, that they believe their causes to why they fight is both right and just from their point of view, a fact which is ignored by those who misunderstand them.
Yeah, it's not like killing, pillaging,:| and enslaving (sometimes simultaniously) makes you a bad guy. Its just your traditions, you did nothing wrong!

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Re: Why Destro are the good guys

Post#4 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:31 am

Didn't take long for the farmer mob with pikes and torches to appear, haha.

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Re: Why Destro are the good guys

Post#5 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:25 pm


BURN THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Why Destro are the good guys

Post#6 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:05 pm

oi !
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Re: Why Destro are the good guys

Post#7 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:15 pm

Well i didnt presume order was the good guys to begin with. Did you know there's actually a bar-keep in Altdorf inside one of the buildings who is wearing a skinned chicken on his shirt/shoulder area? Now imagine you wore that in real life. I mean you'd probably be arrested and locked away and throw away the key for a very long time, for who knows what charges they would place on your name. Animal cruelty, knowingly spreading disease criminalization laws, disturbing the peace (cause people might freak out) cause theres a rotten chicken pinned to your shirt thats rather large and has flies on it and around you. As you can see we can't do that in real life but, they do it in Aldorf. Pretty sick and evil behavior that is practiced by Order. So i wouldn't assume hey are the good guys.
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Re: Why Destro are the good guys

Post#8 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:53 pm

empire is definetly not good boys, to not mix with wh40k. i say empire is medieval europa dark time mentality. burning heretics, fanatical cults, dark mind, criminals. also many grafs /citizens joining chaos cults if u read gortek and phoenix. (just replace sigmar hammer with chaos mark on head and u have chaosits. u will not see much mental diference . outside chaosits has horns and demonic stuff on body. only diference)
always grumbling dwarfs, who bear grudges to all world. when u read gortek and phoenix, have feeling that dwarfs think they are higher race than humans.
elfs are inteligent trolls ;-) and tree hugers
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Re: Why Destro are the good guys

Post#9 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 1:00 pm

Orklovingit wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:32 am I made this post to remind myself and anyone else here with real faction loyalty to Destro in regards to the motivation about why we play/purpose of what the characters we play as in, what they are actually fighting for:

Destruction are the good guys if you imagine yourself in their shoes:

1.Greenskins are fighting against the threat of the Dwarfs who want them extinct (Dwarven grudges in the Dammaz Kron book want the genocide of all Greenskins in order for them to fulfill the grudges completely). Also to serve the will of Gork n' Mork to make the Greenskin race stronger by strengthening their WAAAGH's to greater heights with magic from the Great Green (spiritual fungoid realm, where the Greenskins species gods Gork n' Mork reside and it is also where the Greenskins' spirits go after they die), thus increasing their god's power/influence over them. Also taking the lands of the Dwarfs would serve as a fitting form of retribution to help soothe their past pains of their entire race being previously enslaved by a Dwarven faction (Chaos Dwarfs) in the Dark Lands, southeast of the World's Edge Mountains.

Gork n' Mork:
The Orks/Gobbos believe that Gork and Mork are personal Gods; i.e. they will offer divine aid to those Orks/Gobbos who ask for it, if they are found deserving, but it does not matter which of the two Gods an Ork/Gobbo prays to, since they are essentially interchangeable.The difference between the twin Greenskin Gods is simple: Gork is brutal but cunning, while Mork is cunning but brutal.

2.The Raven Host seeks to control all lands of the Empire because Tzeentch demands it in order to grow ze's power:

The Chaos Gods are dependent upon the emotions of mortal creatures, especially the hordes of Humanity, for their power and continued existence. As a result, the Chaos Gods strive to convert all mortals to their worship and service so that they may ultimately dominate the universe.

The Raven Host will benefit from not just a big rewarding bounty of increased magical gifts granted from Tzeentch if they win, but also from having permanent access to resources they used to have to nomadically raid the fertile southern lands for in order to avoid starvation due to the extreme scarcity of food in the north, they seek to increase their tribal Norse population and to give admittance to any human who chooses to join the Raven Host to loyally serve only Tzeentch who in return exchanges unholy gifts from the Warp (miracles for health problems, psychological enlightenment into the unknown, and further opportunities from mysterious/secret Chaos magics). Empire wants to suppress such knowledge with a dysfunctional society of wealth inequality and mindless superstitions to various weak gods, especially sigmar who has abandoned them long ago, unlike Tzeentch, who is always watching.

Tzeentch is especially empowered by the desire for change and ambition for advancement among mortals.

3.Although Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning takes place in an alternate AU where the End Times never happen, it was revealed in the End Times that the High Elves were cheating the ritual of the Phoenix King the entire time by Archmages granting magical wards as secretly ordered by wealthy High Elven aristocrats/nobles/elite for the person they chose to walk in the Flame of Asuryan. Malekith burning in the flame of Asuryan was not rejection, but actually what the Flame was supposed to do: anyone who is burned by the Flame of Asuryan who can live will be Phoenix King. The Dark Elves want to restore Malekith to the throne and control Ulthuan to restore the might of the Elven Kingdom as it was under Aenarion, something the High Elves have failed to do with low/declining reproduction. Also to serve the will of Khaine to make the Dark Elven race stronger by granting them more dark powers, thus increasing their god's power/influence over them.

Khaine believes that conflict is necessary for peace to reign; only slaughter gives the promise of life any meaning; and love is nothing unless tempered by the blackest of hatreds. He is a god who gives his supplicants license to do as they will, and forbids nothing, save denial of his divine will.

Destruction simply being dismissed as evil/crazy/stupid is not true because it is actually subjective. I believe if you look at them with empathy/visualize what it is like metaphorically if you were born as one of them, that they believe their causes to why they fight is both right and just from their point of view, a fact which is ignored by those who misunderstand them.
dark elfs anyway bear grudges to all elfs because malekith didnt receive throne. h-elfs doubt he is elf king son because his mother morathi (wife of aenarion) was kidnapped by chaos. so malekith father is unknown (atleast i dont know) so basicly in drukhari thinking all now high elf kings are usurpators byt rightfull king is malekith because they think his father was elf king (aenarion).
orcs like fight no matter with with who and live under rule - u are stronger u are leader
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Re: Why Destro are the good guys

Post#10 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 1:06 pm

I like the post, tho I have to say the clue is in the word "destruction" ;)
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