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The Ability System Rewrite and Provisional Patch Notes

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#51 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:37 am

DoK changes

- Fell Sacrifice - Mirrors Soulfire and applies spirit damage. Now costs 35 Soul Essence instead of 35 Action Points.


This is the only ability that allowed you to pump "souls" after "flee". DoK doesn't have the ability to catch up.

Posts: 101

Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#52 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:59 am

The WL nerf just took away my motivation to keep playing with this class. It's completely nonsense. The team who made this doesn't understand how the abilities work in a macro view or why they exist.
On destro, makes no sense SH have pounce once they have many cc abilities that makes almost impossible to run away of a destro group. You have Dok snare aura, bg aoe snare, we snare knife and etc.
On order WL has pounce to pursuit goblins that have one tactic that procs and make they run. SH has flee, tactic and ability that allow this class to get away enemy, which makes pounce much more needed for WL than for SH.
Last edited by Belanoite on Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#53 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:03 am

This is not another "thanks...but 'insert nerf complaint here'" post.

As someone who's worked on server-client de-syncs I understand how truly painful it can be to ensure a smooth experience for the user as no matter how much time and effort one spends there are always going to be edge cases that everyone missed.

Ultimately, the user will never value the actual work and rather be more focused on how it changes things for them, mostly come here on the forums and whine (myself included in the past).

So truly, thank you for the grind to make it work for our benefit. You're almost over the finish line, and I hope once its done, moving to other (funner) features development would be a good change of pace :)

Posts: 66

Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#54 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:43 am

So knights buffed and SMs nerfed.

Redirected force was the only recourse to deal with channeling BOs and BGs.

Grats you just made sure w/o doubt that Destro front line will be better.

Snare removal from Judgement on WPs, that will be sure to bring back all those Wrath WP's who now have 0 chance to catch any kiter. /boggle.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#55 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:07 am

ror class balance team:


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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#56 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:22 am

I dont mind the dmg nerf but the changes to engi and magus are really absurd. You litteraly killed middle mastery build removing the ability to cast on the move it was introduced for a reason which was middle mastery was unplayable please rethink that.
Also generaly any changes to pets/turrents went into made these classes viable a dmg nerf is fine but remove class functionality is not please leave all pet turrent range mobility increase as x aza changes. PLEASE...

Also why all the reverts but then why dok/wp aoe detaunt is not back to normal? It was nerfed for ranked purpose...can we have it back so that classes that can't heal while running like other can static cast like they should also other healers have double detaunt or dmg reduction skills or real efficent panic buttons.

50% is the same as guard which mean you can have same result but require to be carry by tank. If it's deem too potent nerf it to 25/30% but bring it back.
Last edited by Tesq on Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:59 am, edited 9 times in total.

Posts: 177

Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#57 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:29 am

Great work!
Cant wait for the final patch!

Posts: 554

Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#58 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:30 am

honestly if the balance team have no clue about whats broken and whats not, please revert everything back to the last live version.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#59 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 5:58 am

Rework seems to be going well, and roadmap looks alright!

Balance patch...not sure if people contributing to this are even playing the game or the classes they're adjusting, but that is horrible. Gutting some classes completely, removing key aspects...I hope the amount of testing done before final launch is thorough....
Evilspinnre - Nightmare/Daydream - Xrealmers Anonymous
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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#60 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:04 am

Classic nerf SW
Next patch all Ability range to 25ft

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