Yet another realm balance suggestion.

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Re: Yet another realm balance suggestion.

Post#31 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:30 am

Nice one - you manage to derail the next thread. Same procedure ... this is the only warning. Stick to the topic.
OCRANA with it!


Posts: 12

Re: Yet another realm balance suggestion.

Post#32 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:45 pm

Orklovingit wrote: Fri Jul 14, 2023 8:29 pm
Caduceus wrote: Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:18 am The problem with the war crest system is that it essentially removes all incentive to participate in the tougher game modes, because the same rewards are available by putting in minimal effort somewhere else.

The system functioned better when keep/fortress/city loot bags were the fat rewards everyone was looking forward to.

Now it's all the same.

Open three zones again, also. The two-zone change really gutted small-scale.
No. I completely disagree with you.

The old city system was terrible and it didnt work. The new War Crest system is 100% better and it works, keeps me and plenty other players here incentivized and very happy to play the game.

New RVR currency system is the best thing the ROR dev's have ever done in this server's history because it creates incentive for people to play the game because it actually gives you the freedom/chance to someday reach end-game bis gear by how you play pvp. Not just city, but also by RVR or by Scenarios.
The currency system is also meritocratic: If you play better you get there faster.
If you get more kills, capture more keeps/objectives and win more scenarios and cities, you get more renown and more War Crests based on contribution invested.
If you put in minimal effort you get little renown and little amounts of war crests in comparison.

The previous city system was boring and lame, it was impossible to get end-game gear because of the time cities were scheduled.
Not to mention, elite premades farmed every city endlessly which quickly makes it a rolf-stomp against the undergeared players trying to get gear, creating a gatekeep which prevents many players from getting bis gear, thus continuing the rofl-stomp in cities, rvr and scenarios.

Mods, please lock this thread.
As a a casual Player I have 100% the same opinion. New System is very good and I get the feeling that Veterans are jelous that it is easier now to get Sov than it was in the past which is true but it is also a common catch up mechanic in MMOs.

Old Currency system forced you to certain content and had (at the time I played) a zero benefit for losers. Lose 5 forts? zero invader marks while the zerger got at least 1 items, sounds fair and will surly drive RvR to new hights again.....

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Posts: 84

Re: Yet another realm balance suggestion.

Post#33 » Sun Jul 16, 2023 7:31 am

IMHO the zerg issue happens for three reasons:
a) organised wbs seeking mainly for a fight, so refuse to go to empty zones
b) pug wbs will follow organised ones, as they usually can't face org wb on the opposite side alone but still seek for a fight
c) fairly small rvr area of the lakes, so with a high pop pug has no possibility to avoid org wbs

How to fix it? Hard to tell, as we have to respect players will to fight - that's what this game is about. Maybe expand rvr lakes for a start? And add some BOs in expanded areas, that can be controlled only by guild wbs (have a check, if wb consists of more than 50% players from the same guild). Just a thought.

Posts: 13

Re: Yet another realm balance suggestion.

Post#34 » Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:55 pm

Bozzax wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 4:08 pm Reduce aoe damage and healin 75% watch what happens
What is the expected result?

Posts: 7227

Re: Yet another realm balance suggestion.

Post#35 » Tue Jul 18, 2023 5:18 pm

Jagosa wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:55 pm
Bozzax wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 4:08 pm Reduce aoe damage and healin 75% watch what happens
What is the expected result?
The removal of heal dok/wp I guess. There are more classes than character slots anyway...
Dying is no option.

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