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Well hello there!

Post#1 » Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:10 pm

Another long away and recently realized this was a thing and so returning to give it another go. Played for a few years at release and recently playing Vermintide II had me feeling particularly nostalgic. Looked it up online and lo and behold to my astonished wonderment I found that while the game had been closed, a legitimate private server was up and running and had been for some time! Ya'll have done some amazing work here and are obviously keeping it going with no end in sight, hats off to ya and hope to see ya'll around out there on one side or the other. :D

I'll play anything on either side as long as I've got folks to play with.

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Re: Well hello there!

Post#2 » Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:28 pm

Welcome back.

RoR puts your fresh characters into the starter guild around level 5. So that might make for your first social circle. The ingame /Advice chat can also at times provide useful information.
Apart from that the offiial RoR discord have all sorts of conversations and people, both a guild-lfg chanel for each faction. Ingame /5 lfg channel can also be worth keeping an eye out for, to check what activities, groups, and classes people are looking for.

This community have a decent Twitch section and Youtube section with content.
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