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Posts: 1

newbie question

Post#1 » Mon Apr 17, 2023 5:52 pm

Hey there guys, I've just downloaded the client yesterday because of a youtube video.

I've played the trial version when it came out back in the day so I have memories of the original gameplay.

Yesterday, started on the human starting zone I've noticed that the scripted (?) fight between the marauder NPC-s and the guards are not working, they are just standing in fron of each other...

So my question is this: Is the whole game like this? Missing scripts and things like that? Because it really ruins the immersion for me, so I just wanted to ask this before I put more time into this game.

Anyway, It's such a nice thing that you're keeping this game alive, I didnt want to nitpick or anything.

Thanks for your answer in advance :)


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