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Longbeard Coming Home

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Longbeard Coming Home

Post#1 » Fri Apr 07, 2023 7:18 pm

Used to play Warhammer Online age of Reckoning when I was just a beardling with my dad and brother. It was when the game was dying but it still stuck with me. It was the game that showed me that video games could be just as fun and engaging as old school table top games. Needless to say this game is dear to my heart and I have some great memories even if the game was dying when I played it last.
I am finally coming home to this game and it will likely be one of my main titles that I play when I am not either working on my business or at the job that cuts my paycheck so I can do little things like pay rent.

I am a forces of order player who has a couple of dezzie alts just for fun casual bs. I don't really play them.

Right now my characters real characters are
Skalten: Iron breaker
Svaldric: Engeineer
Ordlin: Engineer
Bjarkee: Warrior Priest
Sifrida: Rune Priest
and one of the dreaded pointy eared bastards... because even I am not immune to the cool factor of the shadow warriors.
Saphrielle: Shadow Warrior
So if you see any of these characters about you know you have found me.

Obviously I am all about that Dawi life, but I have not decided if I should join a dwarf guild or something that is mixed race since I am the only man amongst the friends I am slowly dragging into RoR who has the sense to grow a great beard and take the fight to the enemy the way that its supposed to be done, with a book of grudges and stubborn vitriol.

A little bit about me as a person:
I am an outspoken, crass, and passionate Texas boy. I love playing and creating content for Dungeons and Dragons, be it streaming DnD, making youtube videos, making maps, statblocks, or writing rules.
I love guns and shooter video games. I enjoy camping, fishing, want to get into hunting, and cars.

As far has Warhammer goes I love Fantasy Battle and 40k, not a fan of Age of Sigmar at all.
Dawi and Space Wolves are my babies in that regard, thou the Empire, Salamanders, and Ravenguard are pretty cool as well.

I am a religious man so I suppose you could call my faith, Norse paganism, and by extension Viking culture an interest as well.
Also big on history, namely military history, though I do not know as much as some of my friends do.

I enjoy writing and want to get back into reading thou, my last concussion has made reading quite hard for me and brought dyslexia to the fore. Even still I have been actively perusing my passion of creation in the form of DnD, and writing. Working to start my own business with my map making skills and even working on a third party source book for DnD 5e. It even has it's own world setting heavily influenced by both DnD and Warhammer Lore. I have also been perusing my passion for learning with documentaries and lectures on youtube.
Right now I am really deep into nature documentaries.

Interests make a man, it is what he chooses to chase after that molds his mind along with his code of honor. So this is who I am and who I shall continue to be.

If that's a'ight with you then myself and any of my ax-swinging, gun-toting buddies will happily pull you up a stool, pour you a flagon or glass of your choice of poison, and welcome you with open arms.
If they stand besides you grant them your respect.
If they stand behind you grant them your protection.
If they stand before you... SHOW THEM NO MERCY!


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