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Black Guard advice

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Black Guard advice

Post#1 » Sun Mar 19, 2023 5:23 pm

I main an SnB Ib and I fancy dipping my toe into a destro toon. I like the DE look and I figure I may as well go for a BG as it's the IB mirror. I want to go for a damage dealing, offensive build because my IB is pure tank so I'd like a different feel and I can't see a BG as anything other than a Halberd wielder as I'm a bit of a lore purist.

I've seen some interesting guides on this forum for builds but I'm looking for gear and renown advice. I'm a casual that prefers SC's and small scale. Generaly I do just enough RvR to get genesis and sub and then focus mostly on SC's and running rvr with my guild on my IB.

How viable is a damage dealing focused BG in real terms? As an order player it feels often like the Destro MDPS is 2h tanks with some choppers and the odd mara. Is that confirmation bias or is a damage focused BG actualy a thing and effective? If not, how do you gear up and build a 2H BG that's effective?
Alea iacta est

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Posts: 710

Re: Black Guard advice

Post#2 » Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:12 pm

It's fun, embrace it :)

Against single target, it's really in the debuffs (and detaunt ignore), more so than the actual dmg, especially against healers, but full offense ST is around 50-70% of SM.
BG do have great AoE so can definitely out dmg some DPS (often in SC).
You'll also be able to go toe to toe with most classes 1v1, parry and regen specs are great.

I've seen city wbs with BG as a DPS doing decently (though he was the lead so had guard from 3rd tank lol).

SC build:
Debuffer/healer killer

Wb (also great in sc/small) build:
standard BG
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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