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Scenario Rework

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Posts: 15

Re: Scenario Rework

Post#131 » Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:15 pm

Discordant should favor solos instead of duos.

Posts: 3

Re: Scenario Rework

Post#132 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:11 am

Assuming you have good intentions for this suggestion, couple of things must be addressed correctly. And excuse my English here cause it's not my native language.
And for the people if you are a player from /5 or some newbie who don't know me, please do not respond with such suggestion like "join good premade if you want to win".
And I have more geared char on Order side also if you want to come up with some baseless sentences such as "you are biased cause you are a Destruction guild". So please don't.

Let's state some facts about ROR and player database. Now this might be offensive to so many people but you can't fix a problem if you don't address correctly and offend some people sometimes.

* There is a player database in ROR that knows how the game works, mechanics, knowledge about classes and "common sense" of field awareness. This database can be called Creme de la creme if we want to use fancy word for it.
This player database to my experience(since I play/played with them most time) include about %1 to %18 of the active player database which is ridiculously low percent.

* From %18 to %33 we have some ok players that knows basics of the game and do whatever necessary if needed type of persons but they are not like hardcore dedicated or the players that can do the heavy lifting(which is perfectly fine. Not everybody desire the fights with high amount of pressure)

* From %33 to %67 percent of the player data base has literally shallow knowledge about the basic game mechanics, their class knowledge, lack of field awareness etc.. I'll expand to that later.

So back to your suggestion here, you use some fancy formation numbers 2/2/2 - 1/3/2 etc... Those numbers means nothing to majority of the player database. Sorting/filling a group with 2/2/2 doesn't mean it might come up something good from it.
Or think about 1/3/2 range setup. Do you really think %67 percent of that database has knowledge of playing range with 1 tank? Maybe you haven't played game solo for sometime. And I'm %100 sure most people will know what I am about to tell here:
I know, %75 of the situation I didn't/don't get guard on my Sorcerer(I'll use my sorc as example but this happens to many sorcerers or healers). Even with 6x tank exist in a 12 man SCs. So you think when you arrange groups, suddenly those tanks will come to a enlightenment and start guarding people and act like pro?
Even if you get guard Tank leaves you behind 100 meter(cause they have no clue about what their doing) on your Sorcerer(or any range) and they jump into the blob while enemy Witch Hunters or any DPS killing you. Not even needed to mention they don't know what is sorcerer rotation so they can punt people away.
Most time in SCs there are bunch of W. Hunters. Which they camp in front of WC and by doing that they are in weekly kill board all the time. And you expect from a Sorcerer or any cloth class going out of war camp without having guard vs at least 2x WH and most time 3 to 4 and call it dedication? I want to believe you have that amount of knowledge that Sorcerer(healer, whatever call it) is free kill.
And do you think those people check the scoreboard to see what they are facing with as in classes? Or do they even expect those Witch Hunter will pop up on backline? Oh my...

Do we even need to talk about healers from those big chunk of player database? Most time I am about to die by my own dark magic in front of WC next to the 3 healer. Let alone going into fight with enemy. Please do level a Sorcerer without telling anyone or making a premade and experience it.
And I think you are under impression that a Sorcerer any range that needed support, enjoy this type of playstyle? Who would like to play in front of wc and dying by their own dark magic??? It's like a cancer and feel like you are aged 20 years old after every fight.

So back to topic again. Problem is not the SC composition in the first hand. For sure it should be sorted or could be better if it's that way. But main issues here must be addressed before anything else:

1) One of the DEVS must revamp/fix this chat window first. Need a complete redesign. Compared to most other MMO. game it's so easy to miss messages here or very hard to read in this regard. Most people don't read/ can't read the chat cause it doesn't provide nice readable environment. Yes don't laugh, chat window in ROR is hillarious.

2) Most important part to educate(it may sound cocky but can't find any better sentence in English) new players or existing player about their classes and the game mechanics. What is guard ability, how important for the game, how do they guard people, how to stay in range and what to do if they get punted away etc..Same goes for healers, pre hots, using good layout, pre casting big overlap heals etc.
I don't want to make this part long cause list goes very long. But game requires a literally "video tutorial" about class and game mechanics. Forced ones to watch that you can't skip. without understanding the basics of the game and classes no composition will bring any good or difference.

On the contarary, sadly speaking, it will be worst because your idea will force individual good players to "dedicate into a fight" with players has no clue what they are doing. I can't speculate what level of player you are here but I'm pretty sure
you know if 2 player wrong doing won't bring any good by one player doing the right thing. It's just vague attempt and you know it. Hit someone for ages and if others don't do the right thing won't get a single kill from it. So your suggestion may lead to mixing those players with each other like composition will fix a thing.
You are simply asking from a person with knowledge of swimming, "drown with the others" by adding no guard support or barriers to prevent people run safe spots, which is not dedication. It can be called something else. I leave it to you...

From there those persons(with good knowledge of game) will be forced to form 6man premade all the time. Which we know how it ends cause me myself I am and I was in them most time. %18 percent of the creme players will form premade vs %67 percent of player database with 2/2/2 composition like it matters.
This will alienate people more and more. I think correct term in English for that people will be more "elitist" than before.

Without having understanding I'm afraid all attempt to fix anything will be end in same pool. Biggest difference I see compared to FF14 community and players which I'm part of end game savage and ultimate raiding, people there asks if something goes wrong, how can they improve things. And they listen your suggestion in chat also(chat is readable yes)
Here in RoR, you say something nobody reads or can't. No one ask anything about their classes. If someone doesn't die, they keep hitting and hitting like it will change something instead of asking "why aren't they taking any damage" So someone can explain it's because of the guard mechanic and perhaps some morals going on along with their healer is free casting.
I repeat, understanding and education is the keyword here. And a forced video explanations about the mechanics would help a lot to improve community I believe. Yes also easy to say your suggestions are very anti range cause you play melee which is why also very biased.

Now about removing discordant: one of the best thing happened to game and removing it would be simply destroy the very alive mood in SCs. Each faction blame each other for syncing. As I'm on destruction side most time lately I keep hearing people whine about this too in SCs.
And I have to respond them that they are not syncing. Cause I know most of them as we are friend each other. And most time complaining coming from that %67 percent of the player database which they have no clue how things work. Cause it's easy to blame something else. Me myself and my guild was accused in past from someone in forum for syncing with
Koka and Astroice. I have spoken to Astro in my life twice, one it was in Nordenwatch I said why is he kiting too far as it's unnecessary cause I can heal the incoming damage output. Second was in a event SC(6man) while he was in a party with Yyiu and I said in chat "not enough slayer I guess" while he responded to that.
So my point is sorry but those most syncing claims are "imaginary" I know some do but I won't speculate on the names. But again even then if they don't sync, it's low population game and they will end up in same SC at %50 chance at least. And can you blame a person who want to assist someone who know what they are doing? We can't suddenly turn off our brain and randomly pushing our buttons right?
Good players know good players. They recognize each other and if they are in same SC of course they support each other. It's how things work. There is no problem with that, problem and question is why other %67 of the percent player can't step up their game and enter this pool to make it game more playable and fun.
Last edited by Athruna on Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 554

Re: Scenario Rework

Post#133 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:37 am

potwood wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:15 pm Discordant should favor solos instead of duos.
duos fine but GMs really need to do something about duos stacking.

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Re: Scenario Rework

Post#134 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:50 pm

Sofong wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:37 am
potwood wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:15 pm Discordant should favor solos instead of duos.
duos fine but GMs really need to do something about duos stacking.
We do. Report them. Killboard is great for that.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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Re: Scenario Rework

Post#135 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:34 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:50 pm
Sofong wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:37 am
potwood wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:15 pm Discordant should favor solos instead of duos.
duos fine but GMs really need to do something about duos stacking.
We do. Report them. Killboard is great for that.
Kill board can prove that people are in matches regularly together, but matchmaker is the one that first grabs duos and then fills with solo players. How you can definitively state they are coordinating via looking at matchmaker is perplexing to me.

Most likely they would not use in game chat to coordinate queuing cause you could read that. I'm guessing they'd use discord voice to leave no trail. Can you track timestamps of when someone hits queue? The odds of 2-3 duos all hitting queue at the same time for more than 2-3 times in an hour is highly unlikely. Please tell me you can do that, cause duo bias in matchmaker, lowish scenario population, and people getting on a roll and queuing one after another is plausible (to an extent).

And please punish the heck out of them, like permanent ban from discordants or make it so they can only solo queue discordants - we don't need that kind of crap pushing more people to quit the game.
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
Destro - Mostly Harmless
Tangler and alts - 8X IB, other 40s - RP, SM
Order - Most dishonorable

Posts: 260

Re: Scenario Rework

Post#136 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:34 pm

Want to fix discordant, Its simple.

Dont prioritize Duos for the solo SC queue.
At least make it first come first serve.
Best make it prioritize solos first.

That alone would go a long way to fix it.

Currently if one side is winning all of the SC with a bunch of duos. Solos on that realm cant even get a pop due to all of the duos taking the spots. its forcing the side thats already winning for make more duos if they want a pop.

People have been saying this since it launched.

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