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Shaman DPS rotation

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Shaman DPS rotation

Post#1 » Tue Feb 14, 2023 12:32 am

Going with this which was a recommended DPS build: What I'm trying to figure out is what is our damage rotation... and sure, in PvP it is situational and there are situational abilities like Gork's Barbs (not worth using unless the target is getting healed), but first ignoring that has anyone figured it out? Are there sims for this MMORPG?

Ignoring one ability, I'm pretty sure it would go:
1) Life Leaka up; ideally on more targets if there is more than one
2) Bunch o' Waaagh on CD (buffed so it is our big damage dealing ability)
3) Big Waaagh! on CD
4) Fill with Brain Bursta

So where does 'Ere We Go! slot into that? It doesn't seem like a huge amount of extra damage... is it worth using on CD, and if so where in the prio list? It gains more power the more people are in your group, so does this variable effect it?

Where does Yer Not So Bad fit in? What about Scuse Me! ? What Morales do you tend to use? Is there anything big I'm missing? What about the core abilities from the path of green? Do those make it onto your hotbar and if so which ones? I can't find anything online that goes over that. Thanks guys.

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Posts: 189

Re: Shaman DPS rotation

Post#2 » Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:37 am

My "DPS" spec is a hybrid one (I don't like pure DPS shammy as the heal output is non existent), but I would imagine your basic dps rotation would be pretty close to mine.
My spec: ... 5,758,1942
'scuse me -> getn smarter-> Bleed fer me-> life leaka -> big waaagh -> bunch o waaagh -> re apply getn smarter and life leaka-> big waaagh -> bunch o waaagh

I don't use ere we go nor brain bursta in this spec. Yer not so bad to all the AP hungry classes, slayers WHs etc. Silence to healers and BWs. Morales are very much up to your own preferance.
Shaman - Gladiolix (rr86)
Black Orc - Oomiestompa (rr85)
Squig Herder - Bluglog (rr85)
Choppa - Poliisi (rr84)

BW rr70+, KoBS rr70+, WP rr60+

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Posts: 230

Re: Shaman DPS rotation

Post#3 » Wed Feb 15, 2023 5:43 am

All of your kill pressure is behind bunch of wagh with tactic and brain bursta spam in FM. Dot up, make sure you cover HD/ele debuff/high dmg dots with lower dmg one
75+ BG
80 Choppa/slyer
80 wl
70 + sm
70 bw/sorc
80 wh, we
60 sham/am

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