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Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Post#11 » Thu Dec 22, 2022 6:45 pm

Dackjanielz wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:36 pm Hello all, i know this is an older post but i figured its better to speak here than create a new one.

Recently i have looked at the comparisons of Wrath priest vs Torture DOK and honestly my jaw dropped at the differences.....

DPS DOK offers the ability to DPS/Heal/Utility AND a controlled debuff in the form of his absence of faith is combined passively into all critical hits including those done with Execute!

Wrath priest offers a single thing only - Damage.


To quote a line from in game, Wow.....Just wow.
Is this a troll post? what the eh:E ? Absence of Faith is WP's Ability and WP has grp Wounds Buff, Ltp and Sigmar's Shield. Imo ss should do same amount of health to your tarrget you used ss on 0,5s ICD taking dmg/doing dmg. Also every dmg proc should give 5 RF back. Guilty Soul Gives Wrath abilities 20% more Dmg which includes WP Wrath prayer buff dmg as well. Dps DoK used tp be great, when aoe cap was 9, GCD was 0,3seconds faster and DoK still had Best aoe HD in game that refreshed itself and was working (COrrect me if im wrong but HD activated on Fell Sacrifice Crit, which is OP for sure, Its not direct dmg.

And Procs for DoK's used to be HUGE amount of Dps dok/Melee heal In holy times when Shield nightmare didnt exist. Also btw remember when some people didnt understand WHY on earth would WP only have 2H 10%Parry strikethru passive was because he was supposed to be MELEE healer, and doks with DW get 10 parry + they have ability to debuff 10% Parry strikethru so this way they are on equal grounds(or somewhat were on equal grounds when melee healing. Wp's got 10% Parry skill buff so its all even out, and RoR has artmour debuff on Truth and some Hammers BUT there aint no dps dok Armour debuff proc on any wpns, only bloodlord. Oh and some shields that also have 8% strikehtru build in them... and ability to Block ofc...
"To clarify, me asking to developers to go test their own changes is not sign of toxicity or anger, but a sign of hope that the people punching in the numbers remain aware of potential consequences and test their own changes"-Teefz


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