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Posts: 15

Re: Surrender

Post#61 » Thu Nov 03, 2022 5:12 pm

Remove the surrender function and I'll just leave matches when I'm trapped in them, and so would you. "Force players to improve" is a misguided notion. You can't use game design to compel people to have a winning mentality, they either have it or they don't.

If you care then try to surround yourself with people other people who do. Organize ranked matches with other such players if you want opponents that feel the same way. There are avenues for you to enjoy the game as you want to enjoy it. They just require slightly more effort on your part.

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Posts: 192

Re: Surrender

Post#62 » Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:24 pm

I haven't read all 7 pages but i would leave the .surrender untouched and would try to improve the ScenarioQueue, and it is possible to have a system which first trys to match premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs, or as i would say skill level vs skill level.

It may be complex but it would help a lot of players.
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Posts: 46

Re: Surrender

Post#63 » Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:21 pm

Surrender is extremely frustrating. It just ruins scenarios for a lot of people.
I'd suggest to make a "no surrender" queue available, but then that may stretch the playerbase.
Limit the amount of surrenders per player per day? Per hour? If the other side has so much superiority, it's over quite fast anyway.
It's just ridiculous and it gets abused (even had winning sc with someone starting surrender and enough player voting enough in less than half a sec, like it was made on purpose). Also plenty of players don't even try to win the sc by mechanics, they just run to the meat grinder like stupid lemmings. I mean, if you're losing try playing smart, at least.

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Posts: 69

Re: Surrender

Post#64 » Fri Nov 04, 2022 6:39 am

Linux wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 4:57 pm ... Giving bad players an easy way out instead of improving is not good for the community as a whole. Making only players rr80+ able to start a surrender would fix it, thanks....

... getting stomped/spawn farmed isnt really a way of improving or even having a chance to ... this would only result in more frustration for new players. Therefore BIG NO.
The RR80+ idea would not fix anything btw... If it was some sort of trolling, I guess it was funny.

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Posts: 329

Re: Surrender

Post#65 » Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:42 am

b00n wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:24 pm I haven't read all 7 pages but i would leave the .surrender untouched and would try to improve the ScenarioQueue, and it is possible to have a system which first trys to match premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs, or as i would say skill level vs skill level.

It may be complex but it would help a lot of players.
Yes there has been feedback posted on this topic as well with some internal discussions. It is complex as many things have been tried in the past, but there can be room for some tweaks.

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Posts: 329

Re: Surrender

Post#66 » Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:48 am

What if surrender can not be performed unless the other team score is >200.

I’ve had scenarios where it’s just 50 pts apart and a surrender vote started due to someone angry or giving up. Losing side does get better rewards the higher the points you have, so you take that away by surrendering prematurely even though knowing it’s a loss overall.

Surrender is overused lately but don’t agree with removing it or adjusting from 11m timer. A secondary check based on points I can see.

Posts: 73

Re: Surrender

Post#67 » Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:31 am

Spellbound wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:48 am What if surrender can not be performed unless the other team score is >200.
Well coordinated groups are going to tank the score, an example? The sacaellum arena, I've been in two matches like that in the winning side and in the losing side. Now that happens once a time, but players will adapt.

The problem isn't players that surrender, it's the one sided stomping and it's not about the objective score but about the killing count.
I have been in awfull matches, even worse than a complete slaughterhouse, like hugging the flag for 15min pressing 1 button and no surrender option popped up.

Players surrender when they cannot get a kill and the otherside easily do. It's both a balancing thing and/or the unexistent matchmaking.

Edit: here's some footage of the current weekly sc with my experience shared with other players; an example of tanking score at 1:52:06 and 2:07:00; nearly all games finish in a surrender with 0-1 vs 10+ kills; it took me more than 1h to make 50kills of 150 in a total of 3h22m. This isn't the only weekly footage, they share the same: low kill count, high surrender rate but at least the avarage time for the weekly was 2h with 100 kills (some time more, some time less), 150 made it really hard.

Click here to watch on YouTube
Last edited by bradbury111 on Sun Nov 06, 2022 12:12 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Posts: 41

Re: Surrender

Post#68 » Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:37 am

Spellbound wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:48 am What if surrender can not be performed unless the other team score is >200.

I’ve had scenarios where it’s just 50 pts apart and a surrender vote started due to someone angry or giving up. Losing side does get better rewards the higher the points you have, so you take that away by surrendering prematurely even though knowing it’s a loss overall.

Surrender is overused lately but don’t agree with removing it or adjusting from 11m timer. A secondary check based on points I can see.
ppl dun care about obj score just wanna farm the opposite.

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Posts: 48

Re: Surrender

Post#69 » Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:07 am

Maybe ScenarioQueue could have a Gear-lvl. Even with a full grp in Vanq it is often hard to kill a half SOV-Premade. Don´t forget some grps manage to kill full Pug-WB´s.

Got an great T3 SC with zelot on wednesday. We killed only two ordis, they killed none of us but we lost because they managed to tap the flag.

Posts: 198

Re: Surrender

Post#70 » Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:00 pm

If a premade is matched up against pugs the surrender timer should be less than a minute. Especially on the weekend sc.

And let discordant pop the weekend sc.

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