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RR 80+ Account Bound Rewards

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RR 80+ Account Bound Rewards

Post#1 » Sun May 29, 2022 8:25 pm

This game is taking too much of our time. Like seriously, is one lifetime even enough to experience all the classes in depth? Probably not. So here's some ideas to help beat the system in a manner that rewards players loyal to the game:

At RR80 and every rank afterwards, players are awarded a "Renown Crest" (name pending). With these crests, players can buy special account bound rewards from vendors in their respective capitals. These rewards are:

No Greenhorn
Item - Green - Consumable - Account Bound - costs 1 x Royal Crest
On use, gives the current character 5 ranks.

Well Connected
Item - Purple - Consumable - Account Bound - costs 1 x Royal Crest
On use, gives the current character 5 renown ranks. Only works on characters below renown rank 60.

Explanation: This will mean players loyal to the progression of one character (who are often pillars of a warband community) are rewarded with the option of gaining extra levels or renown rank for other alts so that they may experience other characters without having to invest even more time than already spending in the game (like srsly ppl, sometimes i find myself playing this game 20+ hours a week. Is that even healthy?)

At the same time, the limit on renown rank to 60 is a design decission that solves two issues at once:
1. avoids a possible fallacy in the design where a character could use the consumable on the main toon and thus gaining 5 renown ranks instantly, gaining more rewards. Infinite renown ranks. Meta.
2. Ensures that any alt boosted in this manner is still limited in how much they can grow. Getting an alt to Vanq is acceptable imo since not only is Vanq a starter set these days (when many are sporting invader and warlord/sov), but a theoretical alt boosted only with such crests (20 in total, 8 for levels, 12 for RRs; requires main toon RR 100) is still weak due to the dependency on vendor greens and set BoEs, making them in some cases weaker than regular alts that leveled up and got Conq.

Also, want to state that perhaps a blue item rewarding the current player with war crests (that is NOT account bound) would also be a nice reward; for those rare cases where you hear of someone who somehow got to RR80 but is still laking some particular gear...

In conclusion: The Acount Bound Rewards would not be mind blowing. They would not be game breaking either. They would simply be an extra feature in the game that rewards players loyal to a certain role with benefits that, while initially they might seem grand, are nothing but a small time saver and a way of saying "thank you".
SW, Kotbs, IB, Slayer, WP, WL, SM, Mara, SH, BG


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