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Return player all about the greens

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Return player all about the greens

Post#1 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:02 pm

I've made 4 characters, a black orc, a choppa, a squid herder, and a shammy.

Can someone give me a rundown of how each plays?

What kind of tank/dps is borc?
How fragile is a choppa?
Does a squiggy do good dps and how fun is it?
Shammy, IIRC, is one of (if not the) best supports in the game, while also being good DPS. Does this hold up?

Would appreciate it. I'm usually drawn towards tank, but all I know 100% is I'm all about that WAAAGH! on my return to reckoning. Thank you.

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Re: Return player all about the greens

Post#2 » Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:05 am

I'm also a returning player and probably rolling a choppa.

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Re: Return player all about the greens

Post#3 » Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:38 am

black orc is a great WB tank with best balance of defence and offence in the game, good group support, lot of presence and a very good dps assist. black orc babysitting a choppa is very effective as you can buff choppa ws, debuff enemy armour and cc for choppa whilst contributing good dmg. biggest weakness is that you lack a proper st punt so you cannot peel properly, but you do have a cd increase and silence so you can still try to smash through things

choppa is all dmg. with proper support you hit like a freight train, without you die immediately. very group, guild and gear reliant. st dmg is insane, aoe is good. if you're determine to play one solo/casually there is a wb build that relies on stacking defenses and using your aoe pull to net kills for your wb. it's actually somewhat effective

sh is a kiter/skirmisher, best in game. bad class for beginners unless you're experience with that kind of thing. huge skill disparity between good and bad sh - good sh can take anyone if they initiate and can control the fight, but is not the best casual wb bomber compared to other rdps options. phys dmg means you have to pick your targets carefully

shaman is a healer and all healers are good if you plan to heal people. has an odd mechanic that newcomers might not like but youre free to just ignore it, most people do. you are very survivable thanks to goblin racial tactics but you will struggle with AP somewhat unless you build around it or your group pumps you. can also roam for kills solo and basically functions like a more conservative version of sh - less dmg and mobility but can heal self

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Re: Return player all about the greens

Post#4 » Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:15 am

nice break down, not sure about orc tanks but a chop chop, chopped up my wizard on its second axe swing =0 oh and shamans that know what they're doing are a pain inthe backside to kill, can easily kite you to back to their own wb for some gang bang luvin

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Re: Return player all about the greens

Post#5 » Sat Mar 19, 2022 5:12 pm

spitzworth wrote: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:02 pm I've made 4 characters, a black orc, a choppa, a squid herder, and a shammy.

Can someone give me a rundown of how each plays?

What kind of tank/dps is borc?
How fragile is a choppa?
Does a squiggy do good dps and how fun is it?
Shammy, IIRC, is one of (if not the) best supports in the game, while also being good DPS. Does this hold up?

Would appreciate it. I'm usually drawn towards tank, but all I know 100% is I'm all about that WAAAGH! on my return to reckoning. Thank you.
Choppy is kamikaze mode. Not for the faint of heart. You always need guard and heal.
Black orc is rock solid both 2hand and full tank mode.
Shaman? Cannot imagine a best class both offensive and defensive wise when properly played. Squib herder got the nice kill potential of a ranger who can quickly swap melee ape dips mode with 1 button. Very solid overall

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Re: Return player all about the greens

Post#6 » Sat Mar 19, 2022 6:37 pm

spitzworth wrote: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:02 pm I've made 4 characters, a black orc, a choppa, a squid herder, and a shammy.
Where da Freeboota recruiter when you need one :shock:

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Re: Return player all about the greens

Post#7 » Sat May 28, 2022 11:53 pm

Slayer shoots horizontally. Choppa hits intricately. Losta Choppin's ability has a low function..
play slayer.. Or the boring undead tank? a healer? unknown WP
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