[Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

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Posts: 9

[Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#1 » Tue May 17, 2022 4:20 am

Make these account bound. Always way more dps wanting to do PVE than healers/tanks. If they where account bound people with extra tanks/healers would probably be more interested in helping PVE dungeon runs. Help a group with what they need (tank/heals almost always) but maybe want the soul-stone on another one of your characters, just mail it to them!

I don't see the harm as you cannot even use them until you have a Sent/Tri/Vict Ring on said character so its not resource feeding. Just helps the community by making more people able/willing to help fill groups for PVE

And before all the "This is a pvp game not PVE" broken record... Plz lets not pretend like Bloodlord isn't BiS for most dps. Personally I already have Bloodlord on my dps character so I could care less. Just thought it could be something that would help motivate the community to help the community by allowing players to decide which of their character gets soulstones, while helping dungeon groups get tanks/healers easier

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Re: [Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#2 » Tue May 17, 2022 6:46 am

You can get a Stalwart Soulstone with PvE, LotD, the RvR week and ranked (if you do some). There is enough way to get one I guess.

Posts: 9

Re: [Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#3 » Tue May 17, 2022 7:02 am

CyunUnderis wrote: Tue May 17, 2022 6:46 am You can get a Stalwart Soulstone with PvE, LotD, the RvR week and ranked (if you do some). There is enough way to get one I guess.
There is plenty of ways to get Soul Stones I agree. The point of the suggestion is to help motivate the community to help community. Tank/Heal slot is harder to fill for PVE this happens in pretty much every single MMO. The suggestion would be a way for people with multiple toon's to have a personal reason/reward for helping people do PVE dungeon runs that they may not need anymore on that class/character and then send it to a character they want the soul-stone on (but could take that character to that dungeon run because the group needed a tank/healer)

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Re: [Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#4 » Tue May 17, 2022 7:05 am

Join a guild with people that want to help each other and your problem is solved

Posts: 9

Re: [Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#5 » Tue May 17, 2022 7:31 am

CyunUnderis wrote: Tue May 17, 2022 7:05 am Join a guild with people that want to help each other and your problem is solved
As I said in my first post- I already have Bloodlord on my DPS (Infact I am completely BiS). I am in a guild that does PVE just fine and I help Pugs as well for extra soulstones/linaments etc. Yet Tank/Healer is a role that is often hard to fill for the community and those that PuG(not my guild). It would not be if players could choose which of their characters get the soulstone as it would no longer matter which character they ran the dungeon on as it would make it much easier as well as reward for veteran players to help newer players when they are also being rewarded with a Soulstone on any character they wish it to be on

While I agree joining a guild in a community based game is important, plenty of players also wish to PUG I see it often, is that a terrible thing? The only drawback to making Soul stones account bound is players could build up soulstone's faster on one character by doing split PVE runs (on multiple characters and sending them to their main). Which could be done by either guild only speed runs, or *gasp* helping the community

It is way harder to get player's to help others with 0 reward for them (doing a PVE run on a character/class you don't want or care about getting more soulstone's on-also tanks healers care less about PVE due to majority of them not caring about Bloodlord weapon/gear). But players could much easier form groups and do PVE runs with veterans helping out enticed by a account bound soulstone's

Helping newer players/pugs with gunbad doesn't matter what character you bring when it comes to linaments, crafting resources etc which is the biggest reason to re-run it. The other dungeons biggest reason to re-run it once done with influence is obviously the Soulstone. Making it account bound would just make re-running it easier for everybody Veterans and new players, Guild runs or Pug's alike

Is it a huge issue? No PVE in this game is easy, and if using proper addon's silly-easy. But I think it would be wise to give veteran players incentive to help others, potentially outside of their guild. More fluid game-play and flexible incentive/rewards is better than a unhelpful community that just tells everyone to join a guild to do PVE and dismisses valid suggestions as a have and have not issue

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Re: [Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#6 » Tue May 17, 2022 7:52 am

Question is.. will there be more people like you (and me) that would join a pug to help vs the people lost becuase they can now run the same premade and fill all the Soulstone needs on 25 mins BBBE runs.

This would also make it harder to get CT and to some degree BS groups as they both take 2-3x longer and no longer draw in stone runners.
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Re: [Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#7 » Tue May 17, 2022 11:59 am

nobody would tank or heal, theyd just do it on their dps and pass them over. dpsing dungeons you can just listen to music or a podcast and press your rotation whereas tanking or healing requires up to an hour of relative focus. im not saying its difficult, just less relaxed

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Re: [Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#8 » Tue May 17, 2022 12:31 pm

Your observation is correct, it is a lot harder to fill heal/tank slots, if using /5 to find players.
Your suggestion sounds nice but IMO the shortcomings outweigh the gains. You can use your BiS char to gather talismans for lower rank twinks. If a group needs a DPS, who do you pick? High or low gear players?

This not supported here as it is similar to other suggestions like making rvr loot bags shareable, where people would bring their A team to gear out new chars.
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Posts: 41

Re: [Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#9 » Tue May 17, 2022 2:19 pm

This is an excellent idea, thumbs up!

I only wonder how the lockout timers would sync on all characters and if there are some other considerations I am not thinking of.
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Re: [Suggestion] Stalwart Soulstone

Post#10 » Tue May 17, 2022 6:23 pm

Mruvka wrote: Tue May 17, 2022 2:19 pm This is an excellent idea, thumbs up!

I only wonder how the lockout timers would sync on all characters and if there are some other considerations I am not thinking of.
Its a good idea yes, and it also would alleviate some issue about crafting, i.e. if another char want to run the dungeon only for loot on corpses or salvaging items (gunbad is better than CT but there are still 40+ mobs in all dungeons), you can run with this char, and send your soulstone to your main chars.

The lockout doesnt have to be synced, since you already can run dungeon in the same day on multiple characters, but anyway with a 18h lockout it really doesnt matter anymore, you could just remove the lockout entirely ; the hassle of spending 90 minutes in CT (at best) is enough to avoid people "farming" soulstones all day.

But when you can get 7 or 8 soulstones a week already doing instances every day + weekly rvr, I dont think it would matters much if you have lockout or not in the end, you will be already full of talismans for a lifetime. :p

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