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[WH/WE] AoE pressure

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[WH/WE] AoE pressure

Post#1 » Sat Apr 02, 2022 8:32 pm


1 - WH and WE, both classes are lacking of AoE pressure for warband play.
2 - WH and WE, both have tactic for single target ability to turn it 3-target TBAoE
wh: ability - Razor Strike, tactic - Sweeping Razor
we: ability - Slice, tactic - Broad Severing


1. Make Razor Strike / Slice AoE attacks, that requires no target, but build career resource on-hit only
2. Rework tactic to Slayer / Choppa analog, base damage reduced by n-% hits additional m-targets (ex: 20% -> 24 targets)
3. Rework tactic forcing it to make Razor Strike / Slice AoE attack, requiring no target, hitting all(3+?) enemies in radius x-ft., WL / Marauder analog
Ayaya > Not Ayaya


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