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[Begginer Guide] Order Chapter 22

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[Begginer Guide] Order Chapter 22

Post#1 » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:25 pm

Its not new content on game for sure but days ago I have noticed that pugs still struggling with such quests.
Losing the opportunity to get onslaugh set and plus some tallies etc.

I record Salt Factory run, kudos for dansari and his alliance.
I hope it helps those on order that still struggling with this.

Chapter 22 - Chaos Wastes

Click here to watch on YouTube

Stage 1: Horrors pop Winds of Insanity (channeled aoe punt) that can be interrupted; Screamers cleave aoe. Pull boss halfway up the stairs.

Stage 2: Kill ebonfire constructs first. When they are back on their hind legs they are pbaoe channeling

Stage 3: Tank and spank boss. He has an aggro drop and a winds of insanity.

Stage 4: Heal debuff on boss, tanks bellow/cycle rotation, at 60% hp 4 people will turn into Vile Spawns. You can Focused Mind(rdps, heal)/Juggernaut(tank)/Sigil(WH) out of Vile Spawn. If you can't drop Vile Spawn, run down the stairs to the left and right away from everyone else or you will turn people into Vile Spawns around you. Send one group into portal at top of stairs to kill the Champ and eye object inside, then Vile Spawns will stop. Boss has a nasty aoe cleave you need to keep him detaunted as healer.


Chapter 22 - Caledor

Click here to watch on YouTube

Stage 1: Grab every non-harpy you see and kill.

Stage 2: Kill every hero. In the video we pull the first two together to aoe them down faster.

Stage 3: The boss spawns adds the more people around it, so tanks need to be ready to challenge/bellow on spawn or it will insta nuke a dps or heal who gets aggro.

Stage 4: The workaround while orbs are bugged is to set every melee at the middle orb and every ranged halfway between the middle and right orbs. At 70% hp, all melee except main tank runs to ranged, waits for pull animation, then back in, then again at 35% hp repeat. At 40%, one tank needs to Taunt Spite when he spawns and pull him to the side


Chapter 22 - Black Crag

Click here to watch on YouTube

Stage 1: Grab every Sun Roarer you see as those are more important to satisfying the kill credit

Stage 2: Sometimes the huts in the orc town across the bridge are invisible so you need to aoe them down on top of the campfires.

Stage 3: Pull everyone into the nook in the wall so they don't get aoe punted into the camp. Main tank should turn the boss away from the warband as he has a frontal cleave.

Stage 4: At the beginning of the fight and 1-2 times afterward, Choppas will spawn that will freeze a member of the warband. If you get a deathblow on a Choppa you'll be given a granted ability to unfreeze those people. Ranged dps and healers can Focused Mind out of the freeze also. Tank the main boss next to the hut in the video.

He has a Get To Da Choppa that can be interrupted.

He also has an aggro drop (randomly assigns the top aggro of the main tank to another warband member) so the main tank needs to manage both the interrupt and aggro drops. At 65% hp, pull Gobbla to the side and ignore him the remainder of the fight.

He has a scaling pbaoe channel that deals exponentially more damage based on the players around him; it can be interrupted with hard CC like a knockdown. Focus Skarsnik and his adds down, then back on the main boss for the remainder of the fight.

Thanks Dansari per time to write the stages notes.


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