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Oil 100% block on phyical ranged.

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Oil 100% block on phyical ranged.

Post#1 » Thu Dec 30, 2021 2:16 pm


For the longest time keep oils have been coded to 100% block ranged psyical attacks (engineer, SW, SH) But magic attacks and DoTs do work just fine.
Am simply wondering if this servers any purpose in the game still, and from a logical standpoint does it even make sence?

If we look at the purpose of an oil, those first initial tips are 95% of the use of an oil cauldron after that, very rarely are you getting much defensive use out of it. So having oils being destroyed faster shouldnt make too much of a difference in terms of defenders wincondition.
On the other hand, having a bunch of tanks, mdps, ranged psysical all being unable to do anything but wait while an oil is up is not that much of an engaging gameplay experience.

Canons are an option against these slow oil kills, but after years of experience on RoR and the playerbase people tend to waste the ammonition on canons trying to pvp snipe instead of killing oil, or the canons run out of shots because BOs are not a priority focus during a keep siege.

Inner oil can be reached by tanks and mdps who all walk up and start throwing axes and these oils are not an issue in comparison because more archtypes are involved in being able to hit these oils, yet they still serve their purpose to stop a will timed maingate push.

On top of my head the following careers have almost no option to hit oil:
Engineer: 1 dot in 100ft range to dmg oil
SW: Festering arrow as its turned into corp
SH: Poison arrow as its turned into corp

Out of these 3 careers two of them have to spec for being able to deal dmg. And for what seems to be for no appearent reason.
Maybe its time for psyical ranged attacks and Dots to be able to hit oils to improve the siege gameplay ever so slightly, unless there is a valid reason why it cant right now?
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