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Mid/Upper Tier INF suggestion

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Posts: 223

Mid/Upper Tier INF suggestion

Post#1 » Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:35 pm

I do not know if this has been put forth before, if it has I am sorry, just ignore this.

With players ranging through all of t2 to t4 from Rank 16 and up, it get weird (not hard) completing INF in lower tiers. And by the time you do, the rewards are no longer of any use, making them no longer relevant to a career advancement.

What if INF gain was changed?
Currently INF is separated into t2-t3-t4 sections for each of the three zones, Empire/Chaos -- Elf -- Dwarf/Greenskin.
My idea is to pool together INF from three independent tiers into one pool per zone.

Example; If you have 0 INF in elf t2, if you gain any inf in say Averlorn, or DW, Caledor and Eataine, it all goes to t2 INF rewards first.

When that is full, the t3 INF segment gets all the INF gain, from all zones, from Saphery t4 Elf. When t3 INF is full, Then all INF goes into t4 rewards.

Or cut off lower tiers once full. So if you fill up the t2 Elf INF, you no longer gain INF in t2 Elf zones.

Just an idea.

Posts: 182

Re: Mid/Upper Tier INF suggestion

Post#2 » Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:00 pm

That's actually a pretty good idea

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Re: Mid/Upper Tier INF suggestion

Post#3 » Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:32 am

Support! I think that new influence gear, even sets or atleast 1 set that works for all chars, defensive set bonuses, maybe pocket item, wpn, jewelry belt and why not event slot as well? etc. Procs like pilfers and active avoidances on hit and defensive on dodg disrupt parry block. Last piece maybe small 170 absorb like tank rare fortune sets BUT fromPVP<3 and for all chars same set. Maybe defensive offensive and one bit more tailored for every class themselves=)
"To clarify, me asking to developers to go test their own changes is not sign of toxicity or anger, but a sign of hope that the people punching in the numbers remain aware of potential consequences and test their own changes"-Teefz

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Re: Mid/Upper Tier INF suggestion

Post#4 » Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:52 am

Good idea, i support too.
We have 9 areas when i´m right, but as you get inf just by running zones and zerg would be prefered once again it may not be very strong one. Or you need to bind it to some extra questline. Compared to Keeper-Set there could be a set with belt, back, jewelry & pocket you can combine with BL/GB or need to trade off smth.

Maybe simply upgrade t2 & t3 rewards. As i see some still use 4t jewelry up to sov but no other pieces there could be a choise from t2 defensive stats, t3 dwarf/greenskins as it already is kind of crossover and t4 offensive but all with t4 stats.

Cause there will be player that already destroyed or sold some of their rewards it must start new for all ofc. And if it is a too strong idea or also boring after grinding rvr zones once there can also be stronger rewards with a timer on it that decayes after xy week/month. Or you do some rewards as stalwart stone-q that you can do once per week for new talisman and get connection from pve to rvr as well.

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Posts: 223

Re: Mid/Upper Tier INF suggestion

Post#5 » Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:33 pm

Helwer wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:52 am Good idea, i support too.
We have 9 areas when i´m right, but as you get inf just by running zones and zerg would be prefered once again it may not be very strong one. Or you need to bind it to some extra questline. Compared to Keeper-Set there could be a set with belt, back, jewelry & pocket you can combine with BL/GB or need to trade off smth.

Maybe simply upgrade t2 & t3 rewards. As i see some still use 4t jewelry up to sov but no other pieces there could be a choise from t2 defensive stats, t3 dwarf/greenskins as it already is kind of crossover and t4 offensive but all with t4 stats.

Cause there will be player that already destroyed or sold some of their rewards it must start new for all ofc. And if it is a too strong idea or also boring after grinding rvr zones once there can also be stronger rewards with a timer on it that decayes after xy week/month. Or you do some rewards as stalwart stone-q that you can do once per week for new talisman and get connection from pve to rvr as well.
As much as that sounds very interesting, and possibly looked into, I do not see it happening. It would remove any need at all to do the games major dungeons. And reverse as well, it would remove need to do rvr.
RvR gear and PvE gear should never be available on both pvp and pve. Dungeon gear for pve only, and RvR gear through pvp only.

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