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WH or WL?

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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WH or WL?

Post#1 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:33 pm

Hi all.

I played original server long years ago. Now, i would like try on this server :D

In his day, i loved this 2 classes, but i dont know how they both are on this server.

Wich one is more viable for PVP/PVE etc?


Posts: 551

Re: WH or WL?

Post#2 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:47 pm

WL is a mobile, medium armor class with a pet, a brawler style. WH is a subtle assassin, light armor, stealth, hit and run style. Both produce good damage.

Choose what you like.
KingSchultz WH, Valknutt WP, Glendhu ENG, Lochdhu IB, Tamdhu SL

My WH guide: viewtopic.php?t=46354

Posts: 25

Re: WH or WL?

Post#3 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 3:00 pm

Just dont play msw, its cursed spec.

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Re: WH or WL?

Post#4 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:26 pm

InigoMontoya1 wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 2:33 pm Hi all.

I played original server long years ago. Now, i would like try on this server :D

In his day, i loved this 2 classes, but i dont know how they both are on this server.

Wich one is more viable for PVP/PVE etc?

What you roll is less relevant than how you want to play. If you like solo runs both class are good in it, but if you like group up with others better will be WL. There is no fun in not be able to find group for pve or pvp content because your class is least needed.

Posts: 71

Re: WH or WL?

Post#5 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 4:58 pm

WL is broken for bad
WH is broken for good.

Really, WH/WE are cancer in this game, so enjoy it.

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Re: WH or WL?

Post#6 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:48 pm

WH got many tools for any aspects of the game ; solo, roaming small group, warband (thanks to dragon gun and morale 3), and is pretty efficient in all situations.

You can win many duels, saving against some kiters who will just flee away (you lack mobility, sad to say for a stealthy assassin), and can even charge warbands frontline with good self-sustain (HP/AP regen) and defensive abilities, and good escape tools if battle turns bad for you.

WH can also be a good scout, stealthy and killing people inside keep, oil, etc, and is a very good sel-sufficent class.

WL will have more mobility and globally more tools, but is papermade when it comes to defense, and can only count for others support to save his ass if things are going bad.

The class is also crippled by a bugged pet and too much mandatory tactics to make it work, wich greatly reduce his potential by making the pet a liability instead of an asset (wich is pretty bad). Also WL cannot count on armorpen skills and tactics, so you will either lack weapon skill or strenght since its hard to have both, as opposite to the slayer or the SW for instance.

With the WH you can go full strenght and be good with it, while doing pretty much everything better is played accordingly (you saldy cannot fully compete 1v1 with deftard WEs builds and their OP absorb tactic).

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Re: WH or WL?

Post#7 » Thu Sep 02, 2021 11:43 pm

If you want to be turned down from any group content roll WH, noone wants one in their wb.

But it has stealth and it is fun to ambush people so that's that. Also... HATS.. damm.. hats are OP.

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