[Largescale] Realm vs Realm suggestions

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[Largescale] Realm vs Realm suggestions

Post#1 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:02 am


After playing on RoR for about 3 years now I've seen changes come and go, some were good, others were not so good.
Below I will list a set of changes that I personally would love to see, I've tried to keep personal BIAS as low as I could. I will formulate my reasoning and I made a system to keep overall realm balance somewhat in check with a basic one for one value system.

The following is taken purely from a Largescale oRvR view and will completly ignore smallscale scenario, and ranked builds. For the same reason will I not touch on builds that are solely made for such content nor playstyle.

Balance suggestions
Absolutely needed:
"Morale 2 tank Distracting Bellow reverted from M2 slot back to M3 and swapping place with Raze!"
- This change is long overdue and has made the TimeToKill too extreme in competitive cityfights, guild vs guild 24man offzone clashes and the old issue aimed to adressed when these two morales were orignally swapped, has since then been resolved by limmiting how much morale dmg a player could take per second (2400) and therefor is Raze no longer needed to be on Morale slot3 instead of 2. Because Tanks back then useing Raze-morale bombing is not an issue now and has been resolved a year ago. Now instead TTK is too high, Bellow is too fast and too much value while stacking on top of Challanges and Rakin Talon and this mitigation is pretty much always up and available in any organized pvp encounter and bracket. Making ironicly Morale bombing "needed" as normal abilities are overly mitigated.
"Broadheadarrow Can no longer proc the tactic Pierce Defence and/or each tick of BHA will have a defence-check"
- BHA as with any ranged aoe ability is isolated seen, not an issue. But because of how this ability can be stacked not only from one SW, but from a group of SWs can this become too much of an issue with how easily applied this ability is. SWs hiding behind battlements out of Line of sight, jumping to apply this ability gives close to no counterplay. And since this ability can be continously attempted untill its applied, it makes PD tactic too good and the defence-checks would atleast mean you can stop some of the damage and control the situation after it has been applied. "just clense" is simply not a fair enough solution. And nerfing the ammount of stacks a player can have on them, is potentially make a SW player in a largescale fight suddenly finding his build is doing nothing, because other players took up all the dot-spots on his targets. Hence why other adjustment avenues must be explored.
"Root abilities & morales have had their duration reduced but dont break on damage-taken any more."
- Aoe roots havnt been in a good spot on RoR for pretty much all the time I've played on here. They simply break too fast and too often to ever be worth the immunity.
Knight's Morale 3 "No Escape" is pretty much just 1200 instant dmg aoe, for a m3 spot. The Root effect is broken faster than you can even use the effect. Reducing the duration from 10sec to 5sec but making the root only breakable with a Jugganaught effect or Focusmind, and same for Sorc's M4 Paralyzing Nightmare. Will make these morales be more than just offensive morale drops with free immunity component attacted. As for the core-ability aoe roots on Tanks, and Mages. Reducing the duration from 5sec to 3sec but making the root unbreakable from damage intake, but breakable from Jugga or FM will help slightly for AoE roots to be used as a kite or set-up crowdcontrol tool as they should be.

Controversially needed:
"Blackorc WAAGH Cooldownreduction is reverted and Chopfaster is changed into "shattered limbs""
- I am against mirroring.. But one realm having their Cooldown reduction on a Tank archtype with only 3 careers to compete for the spot, versus the other realm having it on a Damagedealer career with 6 career options, is putting too much of an important tool into a forced compesition for group and warbandplay and limmits versatility.
"MeleeSquigherder Cooldown Increaser removed and changed into a 65frontal puke Directdamage"
- To followup on the Blackorc change, and restore some internal Destro utility reshuffling MSH is then getting a medium range frontal ability with 5-10sec cooldown to give Destro a semi-ranged way of providing Pierce defence, as they are lacking. MSH having the only aoe method of procing PD for the entire realm is an issue especially in Funnel situations and hopefully this would help the realm imballance between Order and destro methods of deploying Pierce defence tactic, while solveing the Cooldown increase/decrease situation on Destro.
"Chosen & Knight frontal staggers are now increased from 3sec duration to 5sec"
- Being a tank archtype one of your duties is to control the battlefield. To me it makes no sence how ranged classes have a longer duration AoE Stagger effect, than tanks who need to risk themselves deploying deep staggers, while maintaining their role of protection and mitigation. Chosen & Knight having the longest duration AoE stagger fit their archtype better, makes these tanks more scarry to have near you as a backline casters/healer, and gives some long needed flow back to RvR tank players of being allowed to control again, instead of asked to take these abilities off their hotbars because the duration is too short and a free immunity.
"Engineer & Magus landmines are reduced from 5sec to 3sec duration"
- First of all the tooltip is outdated, the ingame duration is 5sec atm. Simply as a followup to knight & chosen, engineer and magus already have enough control in their toolbox. Having the longest duration stagger, shouldnt be on a long range controlmage who can extend their range even further making them basicly avoid risk at a chance of staggering a full warband.
"Blackorc & Swordmaster 13pointer Midtree abilities are not changed from 3sec duration to 5sec. And extended from 30feet around the user to 50feet"
- Since the aoe control now lay more with tanks, then movement is more predictable. These reactionary abilities with current 3sec duration are simply not worth picking up as you cant predict and control the incoming Crowdcontrol with only 3sec duration and 30feet range, on a stance-dancing ability at a heavy 13point investment cost.
Increasing the duration and range, will make this an option to pickup and give tank-play some more coordination and play-making room on classes that dont usually get to be playmaker as the other tank careers have superpunts and get to the be star of the show.

Realm tradeoff change:
"Electromagnet has it's 1sec delay after a succesful cast removed to match Chaotic rift from magus"
- This was done in the past. And got reverted because of the annimation not matching. Honestly, it is something that us players dont really care too much about but understandably devs do.
The fact that Electromagnet is on a delay, where as Magus rift is instant makes a world of a difference in terms of play-making role on engineer.
As I will adress further below there are some imballances realm-wide and pulls are one of them. This change would help even out that score a little bit.

Realm advantage point system to keep these suggestions in balance:
Order advantages:
Raw healing modifiers on RP,WP,Knight,SM [1point]
Raw aoe damage advantage over destro on Slayer, BW [1point]
Pounce abilities on the realm, WL, SM, ASW (vs WE, MSH) [1point]
Ammount of pierce defence aoe build careers, SW, Engineer [1point]
Toal points: 4points

Destro advantages:
Better aoe healdebuffs, Chosen 25%aura, Zealot M4 [1 point]
Ammount of pulls on the realm, Mara, Choppa, Magus instant (vs Engineer 1sec delay magnet, Wl pet) [1point]
Displayment, AoE CC and reset tools if swarmed, Kaboom, Mara aoe KD, Outta my way(no immunity), Winds of Insanity(no immunity) [1point]
Faster morales(?) Zealot, Blackorc, Shammy, Chosen (vs AM) [0.5 point)
Better/faster mitigation (?) Chosen + Blackorc Bellows, BO antimagic (vs Rakin Talon) [0.5 points]
Total points: 4points

Most of these advantages are countered by the other side the way I see the game. Order's healadvantage is countered by Destro's healdebuffs. Order's raw dmg is kept in check by Destro mitigation. The ammount of leaps are traded for ammount of pulls etc etc.

Now depending on the player, some will include AP pump and drains. Initiative debuffs, Ranged knockdowns, resist stacking debuffs etc. Since I didnt touch on any of those classes did I not include these into my Bias-check-realm-balance system.
Over the last two years or so, most of the things I personally deemed as Destro-realm advantages have been reduced, nerfed or adjusted hence the questionmarks above. And Order still have most of theirs intact from the original game design on Live.
I tried to keep things basic, without ignoring or including stuff that I didnt think needed to be mentioned or touched on. Each player have their different idea about the game. For me, this would be a healthy patch for the largescale balance of RoR, for both realms.
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

Gombling 85MSH - Chopling 83Chop - Notbombling 83Sorc - Destroling 81Zeal - Goldbag 80Mara


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