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WH Fanatical Cleansing Needs To Be Core Tactic

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WH Fanatical Cleansing Needs To Be Core Tactic

Post#1 » Sat Jul 10, 2021 2:57 am

Coming back from a break and it has never occurred to me how much of a poor condition WHs are in until recently. I have come to the reluctant realization that currently given the current atmosphere of tweaks and changes that has taken place over the course of this games career, WHs are in some serious need of attention. If anybody says otherwise, you are either not paying attention or you choose to not pay attention because it isn't your problem, but to your benefit. I've played this class since the beta testing days of this game, and ONLY ever played WH during all of the game's "live" days, and their current situation is piss poor. I have never made a post like this EVER, that is how bad this class has been neglected.

With that being said, one step that can be taken and should have been taken a long time ago is moving the tactic "fanatical cleansing" from the spec trees and move this tactic to the class core set of tactics. As it stands WHs are pigeon-holed into speccing into this tree purely for this tactic to remain somewhat competitive, and lets be honest WHs aren't exactly lighting up the ranked SCs ratings. After looking at the WHs compared to WEs it is VERY VERY obvious and if you disagree with this statement then please read what I wrote above this one again.

So again, please look into moving Fanatical Cleansing to the core set of tactics. This move alone will allow more freedom within the trees and opening up more possible ways that a player can spec their build.
:twisted: MYRMIDONZ Special: My WH PvP vid in Dragonwake! 10 years and my results are OFF THE CHARTS! :twisted: ...


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