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[IB] Gearing Advice 40+

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Posts: 676

Re: [IB] Gearing Advice 40+

Post#11 » Tue Sep 22, 2020 1:16 am

No you don't, the only set that you need to have full to unlock the next one is Invader, since before the invader unlock you will not earn royals from City Siege (or from orvr bags)
If you want to start getting invader currency from normal zone bags you need full vanq.

Posts: 493

Re: [IB] Gearing Advice 40+

Post#12 » Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:05 am

Great post by TreefAM. Very compact guide of a tank starter pack. The only thing i disagree is that you should basically aim for sc shield. Tbf you can run subj all the way, absorb proc is a huge boost.
for 2h rr70+ you need to do a lot of pve. most optimal setup is still 5 bloodlord + 3 warlord, best offensive one is 5 warlord + 3 oppressor/ranked. all those 5 warlord + 3 alt sov are actually worse, they lack a lot of parry and dont provide you with huge offensive boost. i'd like to test out 4 warlord + 4 alt sov, dont have sov ring yet.
with guard dodge/disrupt feature you are kinda obliged with your rr spending so FS III, parry IV and d/d to at least III (thats rr60, and actually the lowest possible rank to go 2h on IB, before that its too gimpy) and after that you can either go for some specific stat (str or ws) or go crit II and spend the leftovers for some minor stat increases. Crit=burst, so i prefer to go that way.

Posts: 676

Re: [IB] Gearing Advice 40+

Post#13 » Tue Sep 22, 2020 8:10 am

Honestly depending what you are doing, dodge/disrupt can be very useful but also useless.
In cities you won't be fighting ranged very often so why even bother, when sieging keeps/pushing forts I can see it being useful but as an IB you still won't be facing that many sorc/magus.
On the dmg well I guess I can agree somewhat, yeah if you want to maximize burst you can mix it up with lower tier sets that actually have good stats on them, because let's face it but both Sov and Warlord have some of the worst stat allocations I've seen in this game for 2tanks.
With a lot of useless ap per sec, morale per sec, hp per sec, random toughness on weird pieces, etc...
5alt sov/3warlord does up your crit, your wounds, gives you a nice amount of ws and str.
If you really want to get into bis you should probably mix whatever of these sets with the ranked sc sets (since they actually have good stats on them)
That being said, since 2h IB is kinda lacking in their overall use in WB play and are only good for smallscale roaming/scs I've been toying around with a build which can basically work with snb better, but can also help your party and give you a BIT of pressure as 2h.
I'll make a note somewhere when I finally get around to it.

Posts: 4

Re: [IB] Gearing Advice 40+

Post#14 » Tue Sep 22, 2020 7:09 pm

Great, thanks. very much for all the tips.

I am mostly interested in SnB anyway, as I will most likely will play him for wb in orvr, maybe a bit in sc‘s for events.

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Re: [IB] Gearing Advice 40+

Post#15 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:29 pm

Great Info! Thank you all!

Posts: 15

Re: [IB] Gearing Advice 40+

Post#16 » Wed Jun 30, 2021 4:07 pm

TreefAM wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:54 am Alright, IMO you can skip conq if you don't already have it and try to go straight into vanq.
Here's what I was when I finally hit 40 (i got my renown rank to 50 before doing that)

-5/5 Ruin (drops from t4 PQ gold bags, can be bought from the currency you get from those PQs also)
Ruin gives you a nice armor bonus, some toughness and most importantly +5% block with the full set which you will desperately need.
-Grim Kladgird for the belt piece (Lower rank rvr bags) you can get it from the AH if you're lucky, 20 wounds + 2% block, crazy value for a fresh IB.
-rank 46 SC axe and shield (The ones you buy with Officer emblems) honestly these two are good enough even with higher end gear
-Rough Gunbad Diamond (Either from minibosses in Gunbad, or from the Auction House, last time I checked it was around 70g) You will use this for all your life as a snb tank so get it, it's useful.
-The Winds Impervious 3/3 set just follow these instructions
( ... g_for_Sacs ... he_Sticker ... Your_Skill)
Good starting point for all tanks, gives you some stats, initiative and armor.
-Ravack's Grudgecloak (You get it from a lair boss in BFP or can buy it in the AH if there's any available) This is the BEST cloak from snb tanks before Sov, it offers you 2% block + 21 wounds, its a must have.
IF you don't need the armor bonus from Winds Impervious, get the ring from (

You will use this set until you have 5 piece Vanq. Your next gearing goal will be.

-5/6 Vanquisher + Conq boots.
The conq Boots give you some wounds, some toughness but they also give you 2% block, and the 5 piece bonus for Vanq is 5% block so you can finally switch out of Ruin without worrying about your block droping.
-61 SC shield 54SC weapon (gives you some nice regen) you can also go for the Fort shield if you have spare invaders, but at this point you won't.
Honestly right now you should be above rr 60 and you safely use the weapons I listed in the previous part with no drawbacks.
-At some point you will want to replace your Winds Impervious rings with Genesis ones
(Just any mixup you feel is needed, either parry/wounds + wounds/toughness for the 2piece wounds bonus OR block/wounds + wounds/toughness for the toughness bonus.)

Next step would be to go full Invader, now is it better than the Vanq setup above, eh kinda, but the difference honestly won't be that noticeable.
You can chose to not get the tome unlock so you can get the Invader jewel first, or not, with forts happening so often you'll have it in no time.
At this point you already should be using the 61 SC shield, the cloak stays the same.

At this point you will be working up towards your Sov gear, if you want to stay defensive, I'd suggest going for the main Sov cloak first, it's a great upgrade to your Ravack's Grudgecloak and it has a talisman slot (Plus it's the cheapest part and is a good start)
Slowly you can start getting Sov pieces and replacing your Invader ones, but keep in mind that the Block bonus is the most important part of the set for you, so don't lose it to a random mixup, you can safely go 4/8 Sov rest Invader and remain pretty tanky.

For 2h I'm not really sure, getting into Sentinel/Bloodlord is my fair guess (as with all 2h tanks) Now there's a lot of different builds, often the obvious mixup is 5/8 Alternative Sov 3/8 Warlord, I've had some ideas about a future 2h build which looks a bit differently but that's all for later.
The weapon you would want to use is either the Elf t4 epic quest weapon Earthshatter (because of the parry proc) Or the same weapon but with better stats from C/T.

2h IS more tricky because IB is useless as a 2h tank until he gets geared up, you don't really offer much outside of some ST dmg and ST buffs for your oathfriend, which is good in smallscale, but for warband play eh, well I'll have to test the future build I have in mind.
Have fun :D
With the release of the Vale Walker set, does that impact your thinking about using Vanquisher? The AF is a little better on Vale (+98), and the block total for the 5 piece is 2% higher on Vale. However, Vale seems to be a bit more offensive oriented with the stat bonuses. I am focusing on being a SnB tank focused ondefense, but also want to be able to provide a bit of offense. Any recommendations or thoughts?

Posts: 676

Re: [IB] Gearing Advice 40+

Post#17 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:38 am

The set you get from HV seems to be a set created with the intention of mixing.
Vanquisher remains king, honestly don't bother with HV unless you really want to see what the dungeon looks like, everything in there is meh.

Posts: 15

Re: [IB] Gearing Advice 40+

Post#18 » Thu Jul 01, 2021 3:39 am

Thanks for the feedback. I have the set, and am working to get last of Vanq, so will adjust once I get it.


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