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Ground targeted based AOE n' Forts

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Ground targeted based AOE n' Forts

Post#1 » Tue Jun 08, 2021 3:35 am

Hello Gents,

Thanks for the hard work on the game. It's brought me hundreds of hours of fun for free and I almost feel guilty about it. As a Magus main I feel during forts and sieges my primary job is to clear walls and apply pressure via all those aoe dots we have. I realize some keeps make my job harder than others via restrictions some walls have in regards to AOE placement from a floor below. I don't mind the variety, I like that every keep and fort have a different feel.

My main problem is Empire/Chaos forts. I'm noticing when Reikwald is attacked I cant place AOE anywhere when attempting to attack a wall from below. This is however not mirrored in the Maw which is pretty much a free for all in regards to ground-based AOE placement. Is there anyways you guys would consider mirroring these forts a bit more either by adding or restricting ground-based AOE on both forts? Thanks for reading my post.


Posts: 708

Re: Ground targeted based AOE n' Forts

Post#2 » Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:05 am

Where most fortresses are built to repel invaders with their very image, the stronghold of the Maw is meant to invite invading armies deep into the Chaos Wastes.
Nicelook | Obey

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Re: Ground targeted based AOE n' Forts

Post#3 » Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:32 am

nicely written - can confirm the reikwald restrictions... as a sorc super annoying... and additionally even if u see the head of a target u cannot click on it.

I hope forts getting corrected to match the same restrictions for targeting.
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Re: Ground targeted based AOE n' Forts

Post#4 » Tue Jun 08, 2021 11:55 pm

Reikwald fort also has that weird invisible wall that juts out, outside the 2nd floor main door and it’s super annoying trying to get around. Especially when there’s 70+ people all trying to shelter around it.
Zoggof - Black Orc
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