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Currency and reward tweaks

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Currency and reward tweaks

Post#1 » Mon May 17, 2021 3:02 am

Hi team R,

Thanks for your on going and amazing work!
I'd like to suggest some changes to rewards on the back of some of your recent developments.

1. Fort purple bags increase royals to 3

2. Disable fort gold bag for everyone with invader set unlocked

2.2 fort gold bags to only drop gear you don't have. While this should really also apply to vanq, at least vanq is much quicker to get.
Right now to be efficient you basically have to save up medals not buy any pieces until you can buy the whole set according to the pieces that dropped, these are the two most annoying sets to get.

3. Reduce/remove minimum fort contribution required for tick (now both medal without bag and renown has been reduced 50%)

4. Add renown tick for losing side in city, based kills/contributions or since winning side renown seems static you could give half/some amount to losers if they reach a certain threshold. You get it for all other pvp content not sure why City should be different.

And most importantly..
5. Please merge Triumphant and Victorious emblems.

*** edit ***
So.. I realize now that there's only one currency, but lucky much of this applies to the new insignias to a lesser degree.

The new MMR system you use is described by the creators to NOT be for rewarding performance, as this leads to people trying to game the system rather than just enjoying the most fair games possible.


Ranked as per your own words is firstly for the community competition not rewards
Even with the recent incentives Group queue still remains inaccessible.
You will have the real numbers but at a glance ranked group games is 5-10% of solo queue games, and solo queue is probably 10% of normal sc, even with ranked changes.
If tomorrow you announced that warlord crest would only drop from solo city,
Sov off crests would only drop off 6/12 man
And sov main would only drop from 24v24 city

If you announced tomorrow pug PvE and guild group PvE would have separate influence and one would give the set and the other would give the weapons/jewel
I don't think many would think those are good ideas.

Please discuss any point and I'd like to hear specifically from any of the group ranked players, would this emblem merge change anything for you?
Last edited by BluIzLucky on Sun Jul 11, 2021 8:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Currency and reward tweaks

Post#2 » Mon May 17, 2021 3:52 am

"2. Disable fort gold bag for everyone with invader set unlocked"

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Re: Currency and reward tweaks

Post#3 » Mon May 17, 2021 6:27 am

space44 wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 3:52 am "2. Disable fort gold bag for everyone with invader set unlocked"

It's not really a poll thread..
I will assume by saying "no" you mean that "even with 3 royals in purple and just losing 1 invader vs gold, as someone with full invader in sov gear, getting more contributions through better gear, I still want my chance to screw a low geared out for 15-45 invaders worth of gear"
I don't have any chars that I need invader on and still cant agree on your position but alright..
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
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Re: Currency and reward tweaks

Post#4 » Mon May 17, 2021 10:59 am


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Re: Currency and reward tweaks

Post#5 » Mon May 17, 2021 11:32 am

thefarthestland2 wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 10:59 amno
Thanks, good point, space44 could learn something from your conciseness :D
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
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Re: Currency and reward tweaks

Post#6 » Mon May 17, 2021 11:36 am

Isnt part of the fun with goldbags the knowledge that someone who needed it didnt get it?
Enjoyment of salvage invader :D
Maybe just me being evil
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Re: Currency and reward tweaks

Post#7 » Mon May 17, 2021 11:43 am

isnt supose the xrealmer heroes to be the saviours of the server, since when they turn evil ! :O

Posts: 302

Re: Currency and reward tweaks

Post#8 » Mon May 17, 2021 11:59 am

Forts are so heavily in favour of order wins it’s not even funny.

Any tweaks to the rewards need to be given to the losers. It’s a damn joke right now how much more resources order farms from Fort after Fort after Fort win. If you let people pass on gold bags it’s just stacking more gear for order.

Honestly it’s silly how much farming order does winning forts. Stack more Broadheads guys.

Posts: 59

Re: Currency and reward tweaks

Post#9 » Mon May 17, 2021 7:00 pm

Fort contribution is a bit crazy, if you DC or show up after stage 2 you can't even get contribution for losing as a defender for one medal.

As someone who is trying to grind through getting invader gear to compete effectively in city and ranked SCs it wouldn't hurt to discourage giving gold bags to those who don't even need invader gear...

Right now it feels like the best way to even get invader gear is to join a premade city WB and que for that, the RvR lakes are too RNG for bag rolls (comin from a destro PoV if you are on order its probably the opposite since they push and win zone flips all day) and then fort defenses are rare/nonexistant these days as we've seen multiple 1* city sieges lately, so there is definitely something wrong.

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Re: Currency and reward tweaks

Post#10 » Mon May 17, 2021 7:48 pm

Panodil wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 11:36 am Isnt part of the fun with goldbags the knowledge that someone who needed it didnt get it?
Enjoyment of salvage invader :D
Maybe just me being evil
Nah, you are alright, take what you can get I suppose ;)
It is however a game design that favours players already ahead and then rewards them with, as it seems in your case, unnoticeable rewards at the cost of new players for whom a gold bag could represent weeks' worth of game play..
SM - Arhalien +80 | AM - Shaheena +80
ZL - Wildera +70 | BG - Blackcrow +70

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