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Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#81 » Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:08 pm

Also I like to play both factions, typically I run 1-2 hours on one side and then switch. Why should I be punished to play 1 factions 1 day and other on next day?

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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#82 » Sat Jan 23, 2021 8:12 am

I do agree completely

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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#83 » Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:26 am

I like the idea of brands on players. I would like to see mmr hanging over people's heads. Realm pride brand, x-realmer brand, mmr, etc. This could also be a solution to character appearance problem plaguing the game. If someone hides their appearance they should get red flag label too.

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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#84 » Tue May 11, 2021 11:24 am

The Unlikely Plan
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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#85 » Tue May 11, 2021 12:13 pm

Just make RvR lockout, chicken mode as in T1 or something. But let ppl crab their dungeons etc

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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#86 » Tue May 11, 2021 12:59 pm

Remove lockout

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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#87 » Tue May 11, 2021 1:21 pm

I don't think ppl zerging in the T4 zones is due to the lockout. Likewise, city and forts issues don't seem to be tied to ppls ability to switch sides or not. Now that cities and zone lock bags with royals are a thing, I don't see mass x-realming to be all that valuable, at least to most of the ppl who (i.e. pugs) are trying to get contribution for good gear rolls.

Order doesn't have the issue with forts and for the most part the same ppl play both sides in this game. Destro fort losses are likely due to class comp. and pugs. Its the same for Order where RDPS heavy comps hurt them everywhere except for Forts.

Cities are more about getting 24 ppl in Invader or better and then queueing late to avoid similar/better premades. I've been in more than a few Order sieges recently where a /5 grp with ppl in conq/merc/anni queued right away and things went as poorly as you can imagine even though in realm chat ppl were crying about destro logging on for city.
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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#88 » Tue May 11, 2021 3:01 pm

There are clearly two sides in this - the xrealmers and the non-cross realmers and the two will never agree. The poll will just be a % of people who cross realm vs the % that dont.

On live we had server merges that changed the balance from time to time that kept the game interesting but in a single server thats not possible. If there is one side always winning the losing side will eventually get bored especially if they don't get rewards. Allowing some form of cross realming is needed.

I have no problem with people cross realming to look for fights but a huge problem with people cross realming to farm gear which seems to be what most are doing.

The pattern at the moment seems to be a destro push till 10 server time who then log off and NA order push back to take IC apart from the days when one of the big cross realming guilds decides to push a 4 or 5* altdorf.

This leads to cities at really weird times of day. In the time that I have been on in the last 8 weeks only 3 cities have occurred in the time I would want to play.

The real elephant in the room isn't the cross realming. Its locking end game gear behind a mechanic that makes people behave in a way that doesn't fit in with what the masses want to do. (Staying up and running in a zerg to PvDoor till 5am isn't fun for me). This only encourages people to play the winning side until city/fort then log to defend approach that people are complaining about. Its super pug unfriendly and we need them to keep up server numbers.

Whatever the cross realmers say about looking for fights I am a non believer that they are doing it for any other reason than to farm gear apart from a very small number of guilds. Last night in the midst of a destro zerg I saw a TUP wb and several other big xrealming guilds. I get sometimes its hard to know what side to log but after all the 'we only xrealm to look for fights' posts we should call them out in /1 when we see it :) (As a side note: based on current patterns dont log destro between 8 and 11 server time or order from 11 till 5am unless theres a 4 start or above altdorf)

I also cant say i have ever logged on and thought I cant wait for the next fort or city - they are the worst content the game has apart from when you get that super rare matched city battle.

To fix it id increase the crest drops in RVR so that you don't have to do city or forts. Both sides win - fight and kill and get your gear. Leave forts and cities in and if they happen then fine but give people an alternative. People can swap to the low pop side to get more fights, more kills and more RvR and still get gear.
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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#89 » Tue May 11, 2021 4:53 pm

I vote to remove lockouts completely. It keeps cucking the players who want to balance the realm and create even fights.

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Re: Poll for 24h lockout to combat xrealming

Post#90 » Tue May 11, 2021 6:41 pm

I agree. Cross realm is lame and used for selfish reasons . Greedy **** ! 😘

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