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Re: Siegetowers

Post#11 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:04 pm

A great idea to be sure but I have to agree with Zulnam, this sounds extremely ambitious for our Dev team.

This is very similar to my idea of making keep walls breakable and repairable but with the added benefit it would probably require far less new art assets.

How about something as simple as siege ladders? You would buy them and then be able to slowly climb them to "breech" the inner defenses? You could be attacked while climbing and defenders could then push the ladder off the wall with enough effort.

The only problem I see with this is it trivializes the MDPS ability it bypass posterns. Not sure if that matters enough though.

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Re: Siegetowers

Post#12 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:07 pm

PlagueMonk wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:04 pm How about something as simple as siege ladders? You would buy them and then be able to slowly climb them to "breech" the inner defenses? You could be attacked while climbing and defenders could then push the ladder off the wall with enough effort.

The only problem I see with this is it trivializes the MDPS ability it bypass posterns. Not sure if that matters enough though.

It'd probably be a lot easier to re-introduce rat ogres to battlefields since they tossed all kinds of dwarves and other folk over the walls...
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Re: Siegetowers

Post#13 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:40 pm

Yes but Skaven and Dwarfs, it doesn't suit the lore. I had posted a response to Zulnam but it seems to have not uploaded. Ladders would be i think the best possible soft option. I don't think it would trivialize bypass defenses as a combination of both a ladder and Mdps going through the postern would make for a very serious challenge. Also Mdps can always bypass and there would be situations where a ladder would not be possible, I'm thinking engi spam.

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Re: Siegetowers

Post#14 » Thu Feb 11, 2021 3:19 pm

Another option for implementing siege towers would be to have it as a static war machine. Therefore, if someone had a siege tower they could deploy it similar to the ram but it has to be deployed next to the keep walls then in order to build it players need to use supplies to build it.

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Re: Siegetowers

Post#15 » Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:18 pm

It sounds awesome in theory, but honestly it would just be ignored like how players already ignore sieges / posterns already from a order PoV.. so not sure if the Dev team would find the time investment worthwhile.. again from a order PoV.
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Re: Siegetowers

Post#16 » Sat May 15, 2021 7:08 am

Possibly, if tools are put in place at least the option is there. Once people realise they have options to break a stalemate then things can progress. Again the issue is stalement, the only decent siege I was in recently we were defending and we had to rush to the postern, then to the oil room then back to the main gate, it was very much a Helms deep situation. Even then we were pushed back into the keep. We did win but to me even if we hadn't it was still a great siege. We don't have enough sieges like that and that's what this thread is about. Creating variable and epic sieges. Another suggestion I floated was guilds getting access to a monster of some kind to unleash like in the dragon bane scenario except each race would have a unique monster or warmachine.

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Re: Siegetowers

Post#17 » Sat May 15, 2021 7:04 pm

It would be great to have those on

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Re: Siegetowers

Post#18 » Sat May 15, 2021 7:27 pm

I need to dig in the archives. In the Dev Q&A 3 or 4 years ago Aza talked about the siege towers.

Models were moving. Missing turning wheels at that moment.
But back then they were more dug in on changing rvr anti-zerg mechanisms. Like hard aao with diminishing rations and organ cannons that kicked like today's oil if one side was blobbed in one spot.

Ambushing a destro Warband with 4 Dwarven Organ Guns and synchronized fire was mighty fun at that times.

To make it short. The assets are somewhere. But no final mechanic.

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Re: Siegetowers

Post#19 » Sat May 15, 2021 7:52 pm

@Siege Cannons with a 3 men crew:

Yes please. Doing 10k damage to players and give it a real Total War Siege Feeling. :)

Give tanks and mdps something to do.
Load, clean, fire position give it in total 10-20 seconds for each shot to not overpower it.

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