[AM] how is it going in city as dps ?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: [AM] how is it going in city as dps ?

Post#11 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:30 pm

Short answer: Don't do it.

It doesn't work. Roll a bright wizard if you want to do magic damage. You'll just be making Order's crippling lack of healers and tanks worse, but you clearly don't care about that.

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Re: [AM] how is it going in city as dps ?

Post#12 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:29 pm

grab dissipating energies, dispel magic and maybe radiant burst and annoy the enemy doks and zealots.
Or energy of vaul, penetrating siphon and dispel magic (+dissipating energies with 6sov). Have a WW SM in your group for this, if possible.

That could maybe work somewhat.
Going as single target dps AM in city is pointless.

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Re: [AM] how is it going in city as dps ?

Post#13 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:27 am

still waiting actual AM players experience. so far... 1 or 2 ?

heal or dps, i epxect same useless in pug. mostly lying on the ground.
it's good healer when left alone. we know that won't happen in city.
AM healers in pug are weak link. they're always first target by destro MA. pounced or pulled, stun, die.
any other experience?

in premade they need a lot of caring. imagine AM tanking. eating too many resources.
though it pays off when succeed.

i guess no premade would take dps am, right?
so dps hoping best random result in pug ( leeching 12 premade etc )
or heal in premade
too hard to choice. maybe change at every odd numbers?
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Re: [AM] how is it going in city as dps ?

Post#14 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 4:49 am

Speaking from personal experience as a healer in cities: Please please please please please don't go DPS AM in a city. Just the fact that you're asking if it's viable is a clear indicator that you arent ready for it. AMs are very hard to play well, but when they are played well they can do a lot of work.

Cities are usually much more coordinated than oRvR, so AMs and RPs are usually the first targets. If you're a healing AM and you know what you're doing you can kite/heal yourself pretty well and stay alive with the help of your warband. If you're a DPS AM, you're just gonna melt. Nevermind the fact that even a desperate warband wouldn't take a dps AM to a city. There are already tons and tons of rDPS on Order.

If you're gonna do a meme build like DPS AM or Grace/Wrath WP or dps RP, you have to either be a god at your class or go in with a team that knows what you're doing, how you play and can support you in your memeness.

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Re: [AM] how is it going in city as dps ?

Post#15 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:22 am

Aoe dps AM can work in city/orvr but I won't talk about the build or playstyle here. If you're interested PM me.

The gear requirements are pretty high and complex and it's not just full warlord or full or 6-7pc this or that. And I would never pug in city as dps AM or compromise group composition to play it.

You need a warband that's fully organised and well built and you'd take max 1 of these AMs in city. They take up a utility/dps slot and would need guard ofc. And you play flexibally for aoe 1st and single target assist when needed etc. They can do around the same damage as a aoe/skirm SW when played right and get medium to high damage scoreboard numbers.
Mekanik/Cqb [engi] 40/86
Zuu [AM] 40/83
[magus] 40/70

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Re: [AM] how is it going in city as dps ?

Post#16 » Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:57 pm

paperclipdog wrote: Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:31 pm Dps AM and Shaman aren't that great in city from what I can tell. But maybe nobody's figured out how to do it yet. Some people on destro still refuse to take Magi even though we are extremely good in city if played properly.
in my guild we aoe bomb and me (sorcerer ) and my irl friend (magus) literally wreack havoc on enemies. Very nice sincergy with sorc and god i love that goddamn rift. +1 magus/sorc wombo combo! :twisted: :D

Posts: 209

Re: [AM] how is it going in city as dps ?

Post#17 » Fri Jan 29, 2021 6:06 pm

In my experience you wont get big numbers in city as dps if you're not in a solid premade.
That goes both for overall dmg and dbs, unless your side has too few and/or bad dps.
If you do have a solid premade you might be able to afford to go full retard glasscannon and get reasonable numbers.
If you're doing city for fun (lol), you better get a good premade.
If you do it for the gear, you will be more useful in healspec 90% of the time.

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Re: [AM] how is it going in city as dps ?

Post#18 » Fri Jan 29, 2021 6:12 pm

Lets be honest here.

There are enough DPS classes that healers should go in the city as healers and tanks tank.

81 WP Sistermary (Pure Healer)
83 AM Snowwhyte (DPS)

AM is so gear dependent when it comes to DPS its better to let your BW's do the DPS and keep them alive. For this reason I do not do city and when I do I am heal spec. I still can not keep up with RP/WP healing out put but I can insta rez and MoM when needed.

City is a means to an end. Everyone needs royals to get gear and AM needs Sov/Warlord to get DPS to its highest point to be viable at all. Once you have that there is really no need to do city any further now is there?


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