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[Sorc] Suggestions

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Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#91 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 2:46 pm

was watching sorc solo pvp video ( it was recent so many see it) and sorc dont need buff atleast to that 80rr sorc. sorc are good as they are no need buff or nerf. buffing sorc more would be bad idea.
p.s git gud
"Iron Within, Iron Without!"

Posts: 708

Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#92 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 2:53 pm

normanis wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 2:46 pm was watching sorc solo pvp video ( it was recent so many see it) and sorc dont need buff atleast to that 80rr sorc. sorc are good as they are no need buff or nerf. buffing sorc more would be bad idea.
p.s git gud
I can make a video with my lvl 23 dps runnie soloing some 40th in rvr, ill be doing good no worries, so what would you say? i dont need lvling? or dps runnie does not need buff?
Nicelook | Obey

Posts: 1295

Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#93 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:24 pm

normanis wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 2:46 pm was watching sorc solo pvp video ( it was recent so many see it) and sorc dont need buff atleast to that 80rr sorc. sorc are good as they are no need buff or nerf. buffing sorc more would be bad idea.
p.s git gud
Sure, lets balance the game around youtube vids...

According that, 2H KOTBS are OP and need to be nerfed:

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Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#94 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:08 pm

wonshot wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:17 am
Bozzax wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:27 pm IMHO Sorcs need to be made more enjoyable solo ... simple as that. The lack of util is mindboggling compared to mirror. It is a quite sucky class tbh.
Hmm not sure I quite agree with that, but willing to hear some arguements to back it up to convince me othervice :)
I actually think a solo sorc is more potent than a solo BW. The disarm helps if you catch the white lion before he knocks you on the ass, there is a tiny bit more sustain if you spec for solo.
  • So I provide an side by side compare and highlight takeaways. Kind of nice of me tbh ;)
  • I don't need to convince you or anyone else feel free to have an opinion
  • Disarm arguments is pretty much debunked and don't work effectivly on WH:s either
  • Solo play ...
    1. What would you say was the % of good soloers that specced CW3 (most of their renown to get self clns)?
    2. Does an instant snare, rkd help a squishy kiter?

    OR are we talking about zerg sniping overextenders with 0 risk or need for skill?
Yeah Fireclown gets the first tick of Withering heat for the instant snare, a selfclense and armorshield that doesnt stack with potion but instead overlaps strongest value plus a way wider arsenal of useful proc tactics. But on the utility front I would honestly argue that sorc could bring more utility in teamplay, in form of the Self-pump plus M4 root (m3 version of knight No Escape) for largescale. Along with the Armorplating version 20%damage mitigation for 20seconds for the group. Where as the Fireclown just gets raw damage, on top of damage.
  • Read again "ST" is a clue also you would never drop M2 in 6man or less
  • So insta snare, insta RKD, clns and full self clns vs .... well you got it
The overall career theme for destro group synergies just seem to be more about teamplay and roles, if we look at specs like monstro mara, meatball squig, sorc morales, choppa aoe tree. And compare them to order's "pew pew ill be the carry" ego specs. Then the destro classes are more about mitigating, denying and preventing.
Stuff about maras, choppas and meatball mostly
  • Do you imply Morale coordination is "a thing" today after nerfs?
  • Or are you saying ppl bring a sorc for the gamechanger M4s?
A singletarget sorc with the ability to selfdebuff his own rotation makes for a better solo queueing rdps than BW, and that honestly is the role sorc fits. Pug stomping timestamping order ego-players imho. The career does that well enough and because of the strongly overtuned class mechanic of the two classes the fine balance between having a pugstomping monster and nuking premades is very easy to upset.
  • A BW has the ability to selfdebuff most of his/her rotation (diff 2 abilities)
  • Consider procs and advantage of having more DD abilities with low cast
    ... "red herring"?
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#95 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:25 pm

well what i said previous , read carefully.
conq geared sorc whant toe toe fight with bis geared bw. and than with 55rr and full conq come here and complain about bw. sorc get bw morale2 in ror what get bw from sorc?
good sorc never has problem kill me with 2-3k crit. and i have 4 fs did i come here i cry i get killed by sorc????
why dont listen when i said month ago - change all destro abilities to order abilities for 2weeks. so ppl on order side for example play as kobs byt with chosen abilities and vice vera chosen with kobs.
what realy do not need is buffing more rdps. because somone removed cleanse winds (removing all dots) because exuses is bad gameplay shoudnt be rewarded ( i remember those words). byt cleanse winds was key to atleast not blowed up by rdps. remuwing cleanse winds u see its morelikly slight buff for dot clases =wins
well in video offc sovy geared sorc killed lowbies. its bis gear + 80 points speced into rr. so if sorc get buffed for 1vs1 ( i dont even know why buff clases around it if 6 years ago ppl said something else)
p.s well 23 lvl runnie hardly will kill some good players byt some pug. just make u attack reall players like gurd or aabc or teinhala or its just crap words. not pick targets like semi afk destros who sitting on btale objective and waiting spawn box.
"Iron Within, Iron Without!"

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Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#96 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:31 pm

out of topic kobs was nerfed before we even entered t2. those all 40 pages destro dramas about +20crit byt morale gain on destro was nerfed maby year or 2 back. i still remember i gain on chosen m4 used it and gain it back after 20 sec and i need even wait for that cd on m4
"Iron Within, Iron Without!"

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Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#97 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:01 pm

Nicelook | Obey

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Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#98 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:07 pm

Atropik wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 7:16 am
teiloh wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:15 pm Show me where damage formulas for Sorcs radically changed (other than Sorcs getting a Spirit Debuff tactic, which was a mistake). I'll be waiting.
Sorc was given a spirit debuf tactic the same day BW was given WoP(FoF)+VoN, so i assume you would like to roll it back?

Talking about damage formulas, well, there were 4 nerf stages for aoe sorc during Live:
- PoS/RoF does not stack
- Reduce radius of all aoe abilities
- Reduce damage of aoe abilities for sorc/bw + PoS/RoF rework - so it ticks ever 1.5 sec + new animation for RoF (this is when SK, Gon Became so awful)
- Surging Pain/SE consume Combustion.

And the final stage - here in RoR combat formulas were build from the scratch and they are pretty much different from what it was - abilities do less damage here, thats a fact, Im talking about all abilities, not only sorc, plus disrupt was never such an issue on live.
teiloh wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:23 pm You don't want to rotate in an AOE that ticks 1500ish damage (or more) with multiple proc chances? It's one of the most damaging (over time) spells out there, if I'm not mistaken.
You are deeply mistaken about everything in this sentence.
Even my Magus' Pandemonium can get the occasional 400-600 crit, I'd be surprised if GON hits for much less. Most of those nerfs affect BWs as well and this thread is a comparison.

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Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#99 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:08 pm

emiliorv wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 11:15 am
teiloh wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:15 pm
emiliorv wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:34 am

So you were talking all this time based on how the things was on live servers...LMAO
Show me where damage formulas for Sorcs radically changed (other than Sorcs getting a Spirit Debuff tactic, which was a mistake). I'll be waiting.

Development and Direction

We are not Mythic, this is not Age of Reckoning.

So nothing, thanks. Tooltip damage/contribution are close to what I remember.

Posts: 1295

Re: [Sorc] Suggestions

Post#100 » Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:10 pm

teiloh wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 5:08 pm
emiliorv wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 11:15 am
teiloh wrote: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:15 pm

Show me where damage formulas for Sorcs radically changed (other than Sorcs getting a Spirit Debuff tactic, which was a mistake). I'll be waiting.

Development and Direction

We are not Mythic, this is not Age of Reckoning.

So nothing, thanks. Tooltip damage/contribution are close to what I remember.
What you dont understand from "This is not Age of Reckoning" => need a picture?

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