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Why pug.

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Re: Why pug.

Post#21 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 1:47 pm

Nekkma wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 1:21 pm I would guess alot of players are a bit past their gaming prime. Kids, wife, house, work etc makes it difficult to commit to a game like many of us did 10 years ago when AoR still was a thing.

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Re: Why pug.

Post#22 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:34 pm

Cause people like pain and frustration.Pugged like twice in my life and no more thanks.I rather go solo and have fun (plus keep what i kill to myself like a proper greenskin) than waste time with people with 0 brain and 0 knowledge of the class they play. But ye people pug cause pug require 0 skill and 0 commitment and still rewards with some renown (if u like pain and frustration ofc) and maybe who pugs have no time for serious commitment like playing in an organized guild (and missing the real fun part of the game).

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Re: Why pug.

Post#23 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:52 pm

Amorphium wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:48 pm i think most people want to relax and slay some order/destro with their friends, not tryhard 24/7
I join organised wb whenever I can, but i`m happy to chill with a pug wb too.

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Re: Why pug.

Post#24 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:55 pm

adzcriz wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:59 am I pug lower levels, I work in healthcare so stressful days, nice just to RoR and chill, to unwind, mess around, do SC's etc. on my 40 Zealot healer i tend to run more organised or sometimes open warbands, but lower levels im mostly pug, too few warbands and tbh after 15 hours on my feet, not really wanting to listen to some hardcore guy yell down discord, actually by that point im distinctly anti social.

Just RoR and chill, enjoy the nostalgia and my love of Warhammer. I suspect this is true for a lot of us, the hardcore side of most games has usually always been niche interest groups, vast majority just wanna mess about and have fun, plus its a free game so theres that aspect of the player base.
I agree with this also, playing casual is easier

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Re: Why pug.

Post#25 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:21 pm

I PUG when I want to embrace the pain, or when actualy fort happens.

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Re: Why pug.

Post#26 » Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:23 pm

Pugging to me, is when you want a gaming fix but you cant be arshed to put in the efforts of getting coordinated and organized, to an extend that a "team" such as a premade 6man group or a guild-warband roster would.

Why it is so dominant on this server has riddled and frustrated me over the years.
In the begininning I thourght it was the content promoting this culture, back when you got your 20rp for standing afk on a BO. I assumed this were leading to a lazy culture of players who strive to get a progression fix and feeling like they achive something.

Maybe that was the case, or maybe its the average agegroup playing this private server of a "lost game" where most of us naturally are pass the prime, obligations, relations and priorities have changed. We can nolonger do all-nighters, push & grind it out in a session and we just use the game as a reality escape for how little time we can spend on it.

I've tried to attempt competitive drive on this server, and its just a cooonstant uphill battle of effort. The playerbase is narrow and barely support two warband guilds, the 6v6scene is pretty small aswel and digging out the diamonds among the coal is rough. You find plenty of nice people, but fitting them into a roster and facing someone who had more strict and succesful recruitment will just get you ran over imo.

The mentality back in our younger days of Warhammer Online live servers, there was a hunger and strive to improve. If you got against a premade in a scenario, the general attitude was to "be like them" and improve yourself. Get into a guild, find the knowledge, build synergy with players and become the premade.
On this server this approach seems long gone and forgotten, almost never did i encounter players with this attitude while being in a competitive guild and recruiting (Deep And Dry, VII on Order, TC and lastly Line by Line.)

The victory points system made the first "generation" of warhammer online pvpers understand the value of kills, how to push to win to get results and put in the effort to improve.
Unfortuneatly I understand how a private free to play server, cant follow persuit of anything competitive for a game with this many years behind it. It is what it is, and pugging on RoR will always be the majority of the playerbase hence why Ranked 6v6 and Citysiege release faced such a boom in the begining but slowly faded back into pugging or dieing out, as the playerbase just dont have the drive to put in effort and become sweatlords.
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Posts: 37

Re: Why pug.

Post#27 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:49 am

Like you said most people have jobs. I don't want RoR to become my second job after I get off from my first job.

I mean why play video games?

Personally I like the organized portion and love doing it, but I can see where people are coming from getting off work and just wanting to game and not have to strap into their "second shift"

Alot of us are "adults" like you said.... with families and mortgages and real life commitments.....

Posts: 26

Re: Why pug.

Post#28 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:28 am

And as a PUGer, I think balance is way out of whack in this game, and tossing all T2+ together is frankly quite **** stupid. We have two groups of people here, those that can twink and those that cannot. Unfortunately, people that say its fine, are those that have been here for a long long time and can afford to roll alts and twink them. I can't even afford a mount until I hit lvl 20, and people telling me to get full talis at 16? WUT?! Bro I Can't afford armor. We playing the same game?

As a new player, I follow the zerg, not learning a god damn thing. No idea how to play my class. Not gonna commit to a small group, because I'm mediocre at best and don't want to earn a bad rep because I never had to play my class properly, my gear suck because I can't afford better. I'd love to learn and skill up, but as a lvl 16-20 non twinked character going up against lvl 40 in sov? Yeah ok I'll just die now. Where is the fun? Where is the challenge or the excitement of learning how to play?

I haven't logged in in weeks, I hang out to see if there is any significant balance changes. I keep checking the forum less and less. JoIn a GuiLD they say.... guilds want 40+ in good gear. That leaves us new players out.

^^This^^ 100%

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Re: Why pug.

Post#29 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 4:42 am

One does not simply pug it to IC.
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Re: Why pug.

Post#30 » Sun Nov 01, 2020 7:34 am

I can't stand the "organised" forces hide at corner because enemy wiped u few times.
i rather face 24 vs 1 rekt than hiding with 6~24 manpower.
that's less frustrating.
and this server is full of "don't feed" quitter mentality.
yet they fond to say "competitive" blah blah.

it's just cowards who afraid dying and getting emotes from enemy.
when leader choose that path, whole forces turn into cowards.
or half the wb quit there's not much for leader to do.
i've seen it too many times.

it's so rare team keep fighting finally found enemy weakness and overcome.
despite high chance of failure you learn how to see it time after time.
but no, their immense experience tells them it's hopeless no way to win so quit, don't feed.
i choose not to be one of them, grp of cowards. if i quit i do as solo.

pug can be used as cannon fodders. leeching and ditching whenever i want.
sometimes there are ppl like me in pug.
briefly perform team play then back to solo after accomplished goal.

i'm not against organised though.
haven't found right ppl to organize yet.
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