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Making auras active abilities

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Posts: 17

Making auras active abilities

Post#1 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:28 pm

Not really my proposal, but wargrimnirs. On changing KotBS and Chosen auras. Since client control is here, there is a chance to change this now. (and the old thread got locked, so I had to make a new one...)
wargrimnirs wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:12 am They will likely become active abilities with different uses based on your target and buff/debuff uses. The following are examples, not set in stone, as we need client control to make sure we can build these properly.

Ranges on these will be taking a significant hit, probably 30' range to apply, and 30' radius on the target. Duration of the buff/debuffs might be extended in exchange for being able to cleanse/shatter/sever the effects.

Heal debuff and cast time build-up auras for example are only effective on an offensive target anyway, so they will likely be something you place on an enemy which radiates from them.

TGH/Resist/STR auras would be offensive/defensive AOE's, so you can choose a defensive target and apply the buffs, or an offensive target and apply the debuffs.

Damage and Backlash auras would be PBAOE, and apply the debuff to all players hit. Similar in range/cone to Challenge.

Heal and AP auras would be similar to live, where you apply it on yourself and affect allies/enemies near you.

Well, maybe it's not such a rough draft, but that's the general idea for making them more active and skillful in use.

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Re: Making auras active abilities

Post#2 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:24 pm

I think the community should be asked if they want such a game changing option. This would affect both sides and people maining these classes (or deeply invested in organised warbands) should maybe get a say in the decision.

Especially since I don't exactly see the balance improvements this change would solve/bring.
SW, Kotbs, IB, Slayer, WP, WL, SM, Mara, SH, BG

Posts: 17

Re: Making auras active abilities

Post#3 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:05 pm

I mean, that's why this is a post in the forum, you get a chance to write here, like you did.

The problem this is trying to solve is: KotBS and chosen do not have a meaningful mechanic. It is not a suggestion to balance something.

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Re: Making auras active abilities

Post#4 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:31 pm

kaloel wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:05 pm The problem this is trying to solve is: KotBS and chosen do not have a meaningful mechanic. It is not a suggestion to balance something.
I agree, but this change would not add a meaningful mechanic imo, just more buttons to press. Reason why i always have mixed feelings about the proposal.

It's not like SM/BO where certain abilities lead to stances that unlock the use of other abilities.
Nor like IB/BG where a special guard gives you an extra class resource for certain skills while you can also buff that special guard.

Maybe more buttons is enough? Idk, feels like a tricky one.
SW, Kotbs, IB, Slayer, WP, WL, SM, Mara, SH, BG

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Re: Making auras active abilities

Post#5 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:57 pm

It would make the other tank classes more needed again. Three auras for nothing compared to the other tanks is way to strong.

But I think no one really wants this change because it's so sweeeeeeet having these buffbots.

On live it wasn't that way, aye? I remember it was a big deal managing three auras before nerfed buttons became popular.
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Re: Making auras active abilities

Post#6 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:01 pm

Could try something like when the KOTBS and Chosen take damage or do damage a bar fills, once full or at 50% they can use a skill that empowers 1 aura (or all 3?) for a short duration.

Totally basic example would be: All out Assault normally does 20 points of damage - After using the empowering ability - All out Assault will do 40 points of damage for the duration of the buff. Same would apply to all their auras like toughness, str, etc.

just an idea that doesn't totally change the current play-style of the class
Vanhel - Knight Of the Blazing Sun
"The hammer is not the answer to every military problem, for even the mightiest of hammers will miss its mark if the opponent is wise enough not to wait around to get crushed."

Posts: 47

Re: Making auras active abilities

Post#7 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:20 pm

What issue does this solve? Are these classes underrepresented due to boredom from not having to press buttons? Are they over-represented because they are too easy compared to other tanks? Do they do as much damage and mitigate as much damage as other tanks making this the only balance available for that second option? Are auras providing a benefit that isn't balanced by other tank skills or synergies in classes? If auras are not favored by the dev team due to their passive nature will other buffs be made active as well? All in all I dislike the number of buttons needed to play most classes. and I would push back greatly at increasing that. It just puts the advantage on the side of anyone proficient at macros or nerfed buttons.

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Re: Making auras active abilities

Post#8 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:25 pm

This goes against the ethos of playing chosen.

It is the no brain class for high school drop outs. Should not be made more complex.

Posts: 213

Re: Making auras active abilities

Post#9 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:45 pm

Or just leave it as is. Seems like a complicated and convoluted change for the sake of change. Kind of like the Logrin's Forge changes.

Posts: 17

Re: Making auras active abilities

Post#10 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 5:18 pm

wargrimnirs wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:12 am [...] but that's the general idea for making them more active and skillful in use.
Just to make sure this gets read.
The goal is not to balance anything.
The goal is not to make other tanks better.
The goal is not to nerf auras.
The goal is not for changes sake. (although Tzeentch would like that)

The goal is to change an unfun, passive always on buff-bot into an actively played class. And doing this by changing existing passive buffs into active ones.
It can be balanced, it can be given higher uptime/ CD if you want less skills, it can be whatever you propose. No need to criticize the worst possible way this could be implemented. Criticize the proposal.

The only actual point so far seems to be that Chosen/ KotbS is an easy braindead class for beginners to contribute something without much skill. And that feels like a very weak argument...

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