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R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

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R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#1 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:34 pm

I just wanted to let those know that might of known him, my brother Daemiuz, that he passed away unexpectedly on September 20, 2020 at 37 years old. Born on January 19, 1983.

We played Warhammer for 5+ years right from the start as part of the old school long time players. We had great times together playing Warhammer, and I'm grateful to have created so many great memories in such an amazing rvr game. It was our first RVR experience, and we enjoyed every second of it. His main character was a Chosen, and he was the best chosen I ever got to play with, or have every played with, period. He had every piece of gear he could possibly get, and played every spec very well, as one of the top, if not , thee top chosen on the server. He solo'd, he dualed, we dou'd, we ran premades, all the time, for both dungeon runs and especially for RVR. We did it all together. We learned ever aspect of the game pve and pvp, and we eventually made a name for ourselves on the servers that we played on. We started off in Bullies/Downfall guilds back in the day, and then to DROW, and eventually to Dethrone X when we decided to make own own guild. We didn't have too many players in Dethrone X, but we sure made a name for ourselves pretty quickly, and we both took great pride in that. He was always by my side guarding me and keeping me alive, and dedicated himself to doing whatever it took, and played whatever style/spec he needed to help bring us to victory. And let me tell you, we had way more victories than not, and we were both very proud of that.

I love my brother very much! we grew up together attached at the hip, we did everything together! And I'm very grateful that we remained close for 37 years. I wouldn't change it for nothing. Growing up we always played sports together, went fishing and hunting, camping, traveling, and yes, we always played video games together since the first Sega Genesis. Playing video games was always a part of our lives. And I'm very grateful to have stumbled upon Warhammer Online and got to share years of fun with him, and meet many great people. We played many online games together, including Counterstrike, Quake 2/3, Ultima Online, Guildwars 1/2, Call of duty 2, Modern Warfare 1/3, and many other games. Warhammer was definitely the most memorable though, because it was our first real Pvp/Rvr experience. And we met many good online friends, and created some great times together. I'm forever grateful for warhammer, and even though I no longer play, and we didn't play much of RoR, I'm very happy it is still going strong and still growing, and that others get to play and enjoy the game like we did.

I had a dream this morning that I was playing Warhammer. I was just standing around with some others, and then comes this Chosen on a horse, jumping around trying to get my attention, letting me know that he was there. I knew it was him right off! I immediately started trying to invite him into our group, but then woke up. I woke up with such a big smile in my heart for this. He loved warhammer, and he very much loved playing games with me, as I did with him too. So, I had to write this post, I had to let others know, especially the old schoolers that might of known him, that he cherishes the old warhammer times very much. Plus, I just wanted to do something in honor of him, for being such a beautiful spirit, and such a great player. A legendary chosen he was for sure!

Rest in Peace Brother, AKA Daemiuz. Love you, always! - Rezdogg (Marauder - Leader of Dethrone X - Last known server was Badlands )


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Re: R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#2 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:49 pm

So sorry for your loss. Being unexpected and so young makes it even harder.

That's an amazing post though, and a really wonderful tribute to your brother. You were obviously so close, and it sounds like you've got lots of lovely memories of him that will be with you forever.

My thoughts and best wishes to you and all his loved ones.

RIP Daemiuz.

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Re: R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#3 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:21 pm

Sorry or your loss man.

RIP Daemiuz

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Re: R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#4 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:59 pm

I recall seeing him off and on in IC.

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Re: R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#5 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:05 pm

Sorry for your loss. Rest in peace.

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Re: R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#6 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:33 pm

You honored him in the right place, right community. Sorry for your loss.

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Re: R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#7 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 9:50 pm

So sorry for your loss. I can clearly see you had lots of great memories.

Best wishes to you and all his loved ones.

RIP Daemiuz.

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Re: R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#8 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:01 pm

May he rest in peace. I am very sorry for your loss... <3

He maybe payed you a little visit in your dreams, who knows. I had similar dreams in loss of loved ones. It feels like a little nudge from the other side.

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Re: R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#9 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 4:42 am


Skit shared with me the news. I really cannot believe that Daemiuz is gone. He simply was too young. Although we've never met in person and are separated miles a part, I still regarded the both of you as my friends since we play warhammer for so long together. You both represented the spirit of the old Drow warhammer team, and some of its best players. I wish your family the best and can only say that I'm sure he is at peace leaving a very confused world behind. I will always hold the memory of Daemiuz in high regard. One day we'll all meet again and enjoy each others company. Take care, and my sincere condolences.

Home of Warhammer Drow "Old School"!

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Re: R.I.P to My Brother Daemiuz of Dethrone X. In Honor of a Legendary Chosen.

Post#10 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 4:51 am

My condolences to his family and friends.

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